Tv-out Not So Good ;(

im not liking this tvout business,

didnt toyz4boyz get one working? maybe they will make their own and sell them that fit properly. i was about to order a tv-out in the nextfew days too, glad i read this

also, tv-out is a major thing that made me want the 2X also, i know its handheld, but i dont get out much unless its college, and tv-out would be much better for sitting in my room all day looking at the TV instead of a screen on the handheld ;-;
craigix posted on Dec 27 2005 at 10:37 PM said:
The cables we will be selling won't have that problem.


Another teaser post ....

Why, per se ... are yours somehow a completely different product??

I just got my official TV out cable from GP32z, but haven't gotten to try it out yet ...
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i have just ordered my gp2x from gp32z as well. does anyone who represents them read these forums? i really hope to be able to send my cable back if it's gonna be junk...
Weird. I got my gp2x last week from GP32z but was told by David that the tv-out cables were sold out and that I should recieve mine soon. Did you also get the same response and then just get it?
Paradox posted on Dec 28 2005 at 01:49 PM said:
what the hell's a breakout board?

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Eolair posted on Dec 28 2005 at 01:59 PM said:
Paradox posted on Dec 28 2005 at 01:49 PM said:
what the hell's a breakout board?



But I agree woth Paradox, what the hell is a breakout board?
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Good to hear about craig stocking a better solution, But I have to ask...

What is with GPH? Was gamepark itself the "problem solver" and not GPH? I know the GP32 had some bugs and quirks but it seems like there is a general laundry list of issues with the GP2X. Some which can be fixed by us, some which scare me away a bit. Cases in point.

*Screen lines and flicker, Any way to completely remove this without replacing the LCD with another unit's? (IE GP32's) Lines and flicker are unaceptable, sorry =( My black and white GB didn't have them, color didn't (unless I played with the voltage POT) so there's not alot of an excuse barrier.

(possible opinion)Joystick complaints/issues. (Could this somehow be altered? Custom joystick/mod?)

*EXTREME battery and SD card fickleness, weird battery life, even moreso than the original GP (which I ran fine for 3-4 hours on dollarstore batteries)

?(Rumor)Possible voltage glitch makeing everyone's units run at a different speed?(Was discussed earlier, but was never answered.)

?(From this thread) TV out cables, the "OFFICIAL" Cables, being rubbish?

:( Can anyone give me the truth on these things here? No easeing my nerves or shocking me more, just hard truth, Good or bad.
I ordered my cable from Play-Asia, I'll post a review here when I get mine.

Edit: To robojoe:

None of the issues you described I have experienced. I have a small headphone jack issue (I have to wiggle the connector a bit to get the speakers to shut off, headphones always work) but I don't seem to mind it too much. Thats something some people might complain about though. After it works, I don't have to babysit it.

Battery life is about 4 hours with 1800 mAh NiMHs, (screen on), with my better 2500's its about 6 hours with the screen on. Screen off, 7 hours and 11 hours. With alkaline, the story is a bit different. 1 hour Screen off, 20-35 minute screen on.

TV cables seem to have several origins and therefore have different designs. Of course some defective cables will be manufactured in the process.
my question is when this breakout board becomes available how much is it going to cost? i hope not a whole lot