

Oct 15, 2005
Im going crazy here if any1 else talks about the ngp stick ill have to buy one. I remeber when i had my ngp it was so great. Click. Click. Click.

My thumbs twitching just thinking about it.
Well, the GP32 has a clicky-stick ... I hate it, in retrospect. I like the silent stick on the GP2X MUCH better.
TelcoLou posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:42 AM said:
Well, the GP32 has a clicky-stick ... I hate it, in retrospect. I like the silent stick on the GP2X MUCH better.
I do too. I didn't really like my gp32 stick that much... it clicked and it had trouble hitting the diagnols. I like the gp2x stick much better.
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Probably depends on the click haha :P, i like the click on old arcades, and the nes microswitch joystick, and have never played the gp32.
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:56 AM said:
allright, so it's decided: everyone but whiskthecat hates the *click* :)
well, people complained about the gp32's clicky stick (i actually didn't, although i didn't exacltly like it.....). Then GPH made a silent stick, and now people want the clicky stick back.....
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fireball87 posted on Dec 23 2005 at 04:57 AM said:
Probably depends on the click haha :P, i like the click on old arcades, and the nes microswitch joystick, and have never played the gp32.

The nes D-Pad clicked? Can't remember that... might try it right now... *oh well it's no real *click* but it does make a noise true*
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I wasn't meaning the joypad, i was meaning a flightstick i got from somewhere or other. And ive seen no real signs that people want the gp32 joystick back, I was thinking people wanted a different, always highly aclaimed joystic. And yes, the nes joypad does make a noise :P, i have one 3 feet away from me, but never noticed it.
fireball87 posted on Dec 23 2005 at 05:04 AM said:
I wasn't meaning the joypad, i was meaning a flightstick i got from somewhere or other.

Was it black(with a red "A" button and a B trigger? and Auto Fire setting?)? I remember playing at a friend now using a black flightstick while playing F15-Strike Eagle and I guess it clicked yeah - however I didn't think about *clicks* back then :lol:
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 22 2005 at 09:56 PM said:
allright, so it's decided: everyone but whiskthecat hates the *click* :)

Well its not just the click. I also love how it sinks into the ngp. This makes for easier transport. I have tried sticking the 2x in my pocket and the stick is kinda annoying.
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I liked the click in GP32. :)

I got me one of these:

the rule of thumb(no pun intended) when designing buttons is to make sure when the user presses them they are satisfying!
Clicky sticks rule! and they feel nicer to use too, ngpc's stick was awesome, aaaaaah Bio Motor Unitron, you served me 80 hours of play time to make the ultimate robot!