I Forgot My Gp2x

Spank posted on Dec 9 2005 at 03:18 AM said:
Does anyone else have a similar situation that they were stuck in when they were wondering why the heck they didn't just bring it along?
The second day that I had my GP2X it snowed the hardest for twenty years in Cornwall and I was stuck at work for 24hours without my GP2X! at least I had the internet and I got to sleep on the floor in a freezing cold office with three fit women!!

And they went to buy beer!! in the snow!

All the time I was there I kept thinking, 'I wish I had picked up my GP2X'
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i take the train to duesseldorf every now and then to see my girl, and last week the gp2x was with me every time .. no way i'm leaving it at home when there's trains to be ridden! plus, we spent the weekend in bed (me and my girl) and watched futurama's and played mario all weekend .. the gp2x is so bed-friendly and easy to just turn on, play .. get under the covers! we love it!
Spank posted on Dec 8 2005 at 11:22 PM said:
Schaumburg? So did you get hit by the traffic caused by the plane that went off the runway or was that at midway airport? Oh well Its nice to know there is another Gp2x user in chicago. I was going from Hodgkins to Tinley Park what a pain.

Here's a user from Downers Grove. I had to drive from Coldwater, MI all the way back home through that. :o I was going to get off in IN, but I got past the worst of it and kept skidding onwards. Best part were people getting off the Ogden West exit from 294 and.. not.. getting quite all the way up the ramp :) Had to get police and snow trucks in past the cars to clear a way so we wouldnt all just sink into the ditch.

Nice to know there's a few users close-ish by too! Oh, and the plane was at Midway I believe.
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And another one from Illinois I am surprised. I got caught again but this time it wasn't leaving the gp2x home. This time I pulled the wonderful "oops I grabbed uncharged batteries"

Note to self: Move uncharged battery pile away from charged battery pile....
and pick up toliet paper on the way home