How Long Should The Firmware Update Take


Oct 8, 2005
North Cornwall, UK
So I finaly gave in and bought a 64MB Sandisk card in Asda for £7.99, formatted as FAT32 in OS X, copied all the firmware jobbies onto the card, inserted the card and lo and behold... Firmware Upgrading!!!

Only problem is its been saying that for the last twelve minutes, what should I do now?

I'm using fresh batteries but I don't realy trust them and I don't have a power adapter.

I'm scared. :ph34r:
um mine took about 10secs :s

i wudn't think much more is going to happen...i'd reboot with my fingers crossed..

good luck!
oh and one more thing i would reboot WITHOUT the sd card, just so it doesn't try again (if the img files haven't been deleted)

or check to see if they are there with a card reader first
IanJ posted on Dec 3 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
S'what happened to me. :o I fully reformatted the SD, tried again, and all was well.
Yup, tried about half a dozen times, still no joy. Just realised that the latest firmware upgrade writes to the uboot so thats probably whats fried. :(
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I think your update failed because you used a 64 meg card. Apparently the new firmware makes it so nothing lower than 128 meg can be used.
lucoxade posted on Dec 3 2005 at 02:35 PM said:
So I finaly gave in and bought a 64MB Sandisk card in Asda for £7.99, formatted as FAT32 in OS X, copied all the firmware jobbies onto the card, inserted the card and lo and behold... Firmware Upgrading!!!

Only problem is its been saying that for the last twelve minutes, what should I do now?

I'm using fresh batteries but I don't realy trust them and I don't have a power adapter.

I'm scared. :ph34r:

Wow the exact same thing happened to me, I wonder if it has to do with the hidden files os x makes? I feel you pain man, it sucks to have a nice brick lying around.
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Upgrading the firmware on the gp2x seems pretty dodgey..

it seems no one can come up with a reliable method of getting it to work in the first place - some people are reporting that it only works with certain card formatters...

I hope gph are taking note here, and are going to give a proper 'reliable' guide for getting the firmware flashed, or are going to take units back for official fimware upgrade... as I for one am not propared to take the risk of bricking a new gp2x because of problems like this... and with the so many bugs in the v1 firmware, there doesn't seem much possibility of staying on the current firmware.
unlucky posted on Dec 4 2005 at 01:27 AM said:
yeah this thread is giving me the fear can i just update the gp2xkernel with gp2xkernel.img and leave gp2xboot.img alone ...?
Yes, i did it that way (i put all the files from the zip on the SD card, EXCEPT gp2xboot.img). The firmware upgrade went fine, and then i run the .gpe file to update the software. Works perfectly.
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Yeah, I think I'm going to be *very* careful about updating u-boot in the future... there have already been about as many GP2xes bricked through bad firmware upgrades than GP32s, and that's using an official update mechanism. And of course in about a 200th of the time the GP32's been around!

Perhaps GPH should change the method used such that the files are first copied to the Nand in a directory for that firmware, *then* a switch gets flicked as it were inside a text document somewhere to sell it to use the new path instead of the old one.

And *finally* the old files are deleted.

That way if a firmware flash failed at any point other than flicking the switch, it could always be recovered from (i.e. you're turn it on back into the old firmware).

Oh well... roll on the Jtag data!
Your would think though the gp2x would have some sort of factory reset or some way of booting up the original firmware, so u can't brick the gp2x.