my gp2x does not show ANY files on the 1GB Skydisk SD-Card.
I am able to write files to the card using Windows (140KB/s). And I can also copy files from the card. But the files do not show in gp2x explorer.
I have the exact same problem. I have tried multiple SD cards, all formatted in FA32, none larger than one gig. None of the cards are seen by my GP2X. Batteries are full, GP2X says the batteries are full. I will try a different set of brand new batteries for what that's worth. My 200 dollar paper weight looks nice but is useless. I can't get XP to recognise when connected through USB either.
my gp2x does not show ANY files on the 1GB Skydisk SD-Card.
I am able to write files to the card using Windows (140KB/s). And I can also copy files from the card. But the files do not show in gp2x explorer.
I'm experiencing the same difficulty as you. I've read many posts and information on the topic, and I can conclude:
With a fresh, new SD memory card, the only way to get it to work with a GP2X is through the use of a card reader, NOT the GP2X USB Connection.
Once you are able to properly format the card using a proper Card Reader, you will be able to upgrade the firmware and hopefully the GP2X USB connection will truly work.
If anyone has actually been able to use the GP2X USB connection to format a NEW memory card & successfully upgrade their firmware (from the earliest firmware), I'll edit this post.