New Release For Nk Emus

PSyMastR posted on Dec 1 2005 at 08:27 PM said:
What do you mean no sound? I just read in another thread that you put all the background mp3's into a neocd.mp3 folder and it will work.

No sound as in no sound effect but the background music mp3 works.
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Whats supposed to be in the rom files?
i have metal slug and have tried the zip version, nothing happens.
When I unzip it to a /metalslug folder I get a load of.bin and sound files, none of which I can open with the emu ?

**edit: and thanks falcom, loading screen/skin works great :)
garengarch posted on Dec 2 2005 at 06:43 PM said:
Whats supposed to be in the rom files?
i have metal slug and have tried the zip version, nothing happens.
When I unzip it to a /metalslug folder I get a load of.bin and sound files, none of which I can open with the emu ?

**edit: and thanks falcom, loading screen/skin works great :)

1. get all files from bin or iso cd image and make zip file with them.
2. put the zip file to roms folder.
3. put mp3 files to neocd.mp3 folder in roms folder.
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"i have metal slug and have tried the zip version, nothing happens."

The rom I have comes zipped but doesn't work, when I unzip it, it contains *.bin and sound files - is this correct? Tried copying unzipped files to mslug folder but they don't work either.

I KNOW I'm stupid, I just don't know where :)
garengarch posted on Dec 2 2005 at 07:28 AM said:
"i have metal slug and have tried the zip version, nothing happens."

The rom I have comes zipped but doesn't work, when I unzip it, it contains *.bin and sound files - is this correct? Tried copying unzipped files to mslug folder but they don't work either.

I KNOW I'm stupid, I just don't know where :)
1. Ensure that you aren't using a MVS or NeoGeo cart ROM.
2. I've just been using straight folders of files off of the ISO, whether the ZIP file support works or not, I can't say. I don't think there is that much need for ZIP in this case, because the files on the CD are generally pretty well compressed already.

My setup is (with /sd as the root below)
/ng-lo.rom (not sure this is required)
/memcard.bin (automatically created)
/save/neocdgp2x.cfg (automatically created)
/roms/2020_Super_Baseball/(files off of CD filesystem here)

The roms folder isn't required, but I use it so that I don't have to scroll down 50 pages to get to the executable file. You can put the game roms anywhere you want, I think, as long as it is on the /sd filesystem.

Then, if you want to try the music support, you need /roms/2020_Super_Baseball/neocd.mp3/MP3fileshere

I just verified that the music support does seem to work at least in Metal Slug 2. Very nice, but it does slow down the game. Probably most of the games that were already playable in the prior version will run, I would guess.
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My skin is done and uploaded to the file archive if anyone wants it.,0,0,0,50,944


Tried to make it fit in style with my Famicom and Super Famicom skins. I hope you like it. B)
Chagelog as listed on

EmuGP2X (NesGP2X & SnesGP2X & NeoCDGP2X)

Last Update : 2005.12.02(KST, GMT +09:00)

1. Change Log

- 2005.12.02
fixed exit bug in NeoCDGP2X.
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.12.01
added new renderer in NeoCDGP2X.(new is Type 1, old is Type 2 in File explorer select)
added mp3 bgm play in NeoCDGP2X(experimental).
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.30
compatibility incressed in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.27
added NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.23
modifed button mapping in NesGP2X.

2. Control

- File explorer
←, X : Previous Folder
→, B, Push : Run(Type 1), Open Folder
A : Run(Type 2), Open Folder(for NeoCDGP2X)
Start : Exit
L, R : Change skin

- Common
Push + R : Exit(Return to file explorer)
Vol +/- : Sound Volume

- NesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
A, X : A
B, Y : B
R + Start : Reset
R + Vol +/- : Adjust Frame Skip

- SnesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select, A, B, X, Y, L, R : Game Control
Push + Start : Reset
Push + Select : Show/Hide FPS(Toggle)

Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
A : A
Y : B
X : C
B : D
L : A+B+C
R : B+C+D

3. Reference

- 정상적으로 실행되지 않고 검은 화면에서 다운되는 현상이 발생할 경우 동봉된 install_libs.gpu 파일을 유틸리티 메뉴에서 실행하시기 바랍니다.
- 롬파일의 경우 실행파일(*.gpe)이 있는 폴더 밑에 있는 roms 폴더를 우선 검색합니다.
- 스킨의 경우 skin0 ~ skin9 까지 확장이 가능합니다.
- 기본 스킨의 경우 snes 기준으로 제작되어 있습니다. nes 에뮬레이터 실행시에도 스킨은 snes 화면이 뜨게 됩니다.
- 같은 스킨을 두 기종에서 쓰실 경우 filer.png 파일을 filer_nes.png, filer_snes.png 두개의 파일을 기종별로 수정하여 넣으시면 됩니다.
- SnesGP2X, NeoCDGP2X 에서는 zip 으로 압축한 롬파일을 지원하나 NesGP2X 에서는 아직 압축 롬파일을 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 에서는 아직 사운드를 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 의 파일 선택기 실행 버튼에 따라 렌더링 방식이 선택됩니다. 기존 방식은 옵션 2 입니다.

4. To Do
- zip file support.(NesGP2X)
- apply OpenSnes9x asm core.(SnesGP2X)
- sound support.(NeoCDGP2X)
- stretch fill screen support.(All)
- save state support.(All)

5. Source

- NesGP2X from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS, Nofrendo
InfoNES :
Little John PalmOS :
Nofrendo :

- SnesGP2X from snes9x, OpenSnes9x, Little John PalmOS
snes9x :
OpenSnes9x :
Little John PalmOS :

- NeoCDGP2X from NeoCD/SDL, NeoCD/PSP

6. Made by

- Emulator

- Skin #0

- Skin #1
새 버전이 나왔네요... 부지런한 NK님.... 힘내세요~
EddCase posted on Dec 2 2005 at 06:59 PM said:
Excellent news thanks for the update neostuey, anybody got the mp3 ingame music working yet where do we put the mp3's and what naming convention do they use?

A sample of how I am set up:

SD card root:\NeoCD2\Games\zipped game files.

So I tried doing the following to Metal Slug 1 & 2 to see if I could keep the games MP3's seperate from one another, keeping things neat & tidy.

SD Root:\NeoCD2\Games\MetalSlug\Metal and a file folder called NeoCD.mp3 with Metal Slug mp3's in it. Run the game and the music starts when starting the opening level.

SD Root:\NeoCD2\Games\Metal Slug 2\Metal Slug and a file folder called NeoCD.mp3 with Metal Slug 2 music in it. Run the game and the music starts at the character select screen.

This keeps all the associated game files together rather than have a heap of mp3's sitting on top of one another.

Games working with BGM so far:

Metal Slug.........Metal Slug mp3's named from Metal Slug 02.mp3 through to Metal Slug 20.mp3 inclusive.

Metal Slug 2......Metal Slug 2 mp3's named from Metal Slug 02 02 through to Metal Slug 02 20.mp3 inclusive.

Aero Fighters 2..Aero Fighters 2 mp3's named from Aero Fighters 2 02.mp3 through to Aero fighters 2 34.mp3 inclusive.

Aero Fighters 3..Aero Fighters 3 mp3's named from Aero Fighters 3 02.mp3 through to Aero Fighters 3 25.mp3 inclusive.

Pulstar..............Pulstar mp3's named from Pulstar 02.mp3 through to Pulstar 21.mp3 inclusive.
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DynaMight posted on Dec 2 2005 at 07:58 PM said:
Just tried the SNES emu, the speed has increased. Getting a solid 20-25fps in Streetfighter 2 (compared to 5-8fps of earlier releases) and Mario World BUT!! theres no sound....

Re snes emu:

Sound & slow = load game rom with A button

No Sound & fast = load game rom with B button

Sound is there if you want it, or you can have smooth gameplay with no sound. :D
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NeoStuey posted on Dec 2 2005 at 01:59 PM said:
NeoGeo button config changes:


That button configuration seems retarded.

I hope in the future the buttons are reconfigurable on it.
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Thanks to Handos news article, I've copied a copy of the changelog from as the readme in the file is not in English.

EmuGP2X (NesGP2X & SnesGP2X & NeoCDGP2X)

Last Update : 2005.12.03(KST, GMT +09:00)

1. Change Log

- 2005.12.03
modified button mapping from console pad style in All.
added OpenSnes9x asm core in SnesGP2X(experimental, no sound). (asm core is Type 1, snes9x core is Type 2)

- 2005.12.02
fixed exit bug in NeoCDGP2X.
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.12.01
added new renderer in NeoCDGP2X.(new is Type 1, old is Type 2 in File explorer select)
added mp3 bgm play in NeoCDGP2X(experimental).
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.30
compatibility incressed in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.27
added NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.23
modifed button mapping in NesGP2X.

2. Control

- File explorer
←, X : Previous Folder
→, B, Push : Run(Type 1), Open Folder
A : Run(Type 2), Open Folder(for NeoCDGP2X)
Start : Exit
L, R : Change skin

- Common
Push + R : Exit(Return to file explorer)
Vol +/- : Sound Volume

- NesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
B, Y : A
A, X : B
R + Start : Reset
R + Vol +/- : Adjust Frame Skip

- SnesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
B : A
X : B
Y : X
A : Y
L : L
R : R
Push + Start : Reset
Push + Select : Show/Hide FPS(Toggle)

Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
X : A
B : B
A : C
Y : D
L : A+B+C
R : B+C+D

3. Reference

- 정상적으로 실행되지 않고 검은 화면에서 다운되는 현상이 발생할 경우 동봉된 install_libs.gpu 파일을 유틸리티 메뉴에서 실행하시기 바랍니다.
- 롬파일의 경우 실행파일(*.gpe)이 있는 폴더 밑에 있는 roms 폴더를 우선 검색합니다.
- 스킨의 경우 skin0 ~ skin9 까지 확장이 가능합니다.
- 기본 스킨의 경우 snes 기준으로 제작되어 있습니다. nes 에뮬레이터 실행시에도 스킨은 snes 화면이 뜨게 됩니다.
- 같은 스킨을 두 기종에서 쓰실 경우 filer.png 파일을 filer_nes.png, filer_snes.png 두개의 파일을 기종별로 수정하여 넣으시면 됩니다.
- SnesGP2X, NeoCDGP2X 에서는 zip 으로 압축한 롬파일을 지원하나 NesGP2X 에서는 아직 압축 롬파일을 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 에서는 아직 사운드를 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 의 파일 선택기 실행 버튼에 따라 렌더링 방식이 선택됩니다. 기존 방식은 Type 2 입니다.
- SnesGP2X 에 어셈 코어를 추가했습니다. 단, 현재 호환성이 떨어지며 사운드가 지원되지 않습니다. 어셈 코어는 Type 1, 기존 코어는 Type 2 입니다.

4. To Do
- zip file support.(NesGP2X)
- apply OpenSnes9x asm core.(SnesGP2X)
- sound support.(NeoCDGP2X)
- stretch fill screen support.(All)
- save state support.(All)

5. Source

- NesGP2X from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS, Nofrendo
InfoNES :
Little John PalmOS :
Nofrendo :

- SnesGP2X from snes9x, OpenSnes9x, Little John PalmOS
snes9x :
OpenSnes9x :
Little John PalmOS :

- NeoCDGP2X from NeoCD/SDL, NeoCD/PSP

6. Made by

- Emulator

- Skin #0

- Skin #1
Ravnos posted on Dec 2 2005 at 09:14 PM said:
NeoStuey posted on Dec 2 2005 at 01:59 PM said:
NeoGeo button config changes:


That button configuration seems retarded.

I hope in the future the buttons are reconfigurable on it.

Maybe because I typed it in wrong, now edited, anyway it matches the NeoGeo pads configuration now and most games are user configurable anyway.
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