
Quo Vadis

Still Fresh
Feb 27, 2005
Does anyone else have problems running games on Frodo for the gp32? I can run some games which is very cool but others like I'd really like to play, e.g. Bruce Lee, Impossible Mission, Raid over Moscow etc. I just can't get to work. I am being crap or do these games just not run on Frodo (gp32 version)..
also you have to try the two different frodo versions (frodo and frodoPC) like it's said in the readme.
i remember Bruce Lee is only working in the frodoPC version for the GP32 and not in the other frodo.
Don't forget to try 1541 EMULATION ON ... many custom disc loaders will crash or no longer work if you don't do it the 'slow' way.
Don't forget to try 1541 EMULATION ON ... many custom disc loaders will crash or no longer work if you don't do it the 'slow' way.
Cheers, I tried that but to no avail. The number of different versions of these games is a bit confusing...

I got two of those working in VICE so I guess the issue is with Frodo (GP32). Shame but it's still great - Bounty Bob Strikes back on the move!
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As O-bake mentioned try FrodoPC

I believe PC stands for Precise Cycle which basically means it's a more accurate but slower emulation of the 64.

Don't forget that a lot of the really old classics are available on the atari 800 too which is nicely emulated on the GP and are often almost exactly the same as the c64 versions.
I got two of those working in VICE so I guess the issue is with Frodo (GP32). Shame but it's still great - Bounty Bob Strikes back on the move!

The point is Frodo is has more compatibility issues than VICE... and the crackers intros often pushed C64 hardware in "uncharted" territories, if you know what I mean.
That's why you should try versions from different crackers.
Unfortunately some games won't work anyway.
check this cool site for a list of running games:

Cheers. Yes a lot of the games I've tried to run fail on the crack intro screen (if they've got one). I'm being greedy I suppose but Bruce Lee on the move? That would be quality.
My copy of Bruce Lee works :) Using FrodoPC :)

Keep searching until you find a copy that has a REFLEXIVE SOFTWARE MENU boot screen. That one works.
I was trying to run boulder dash 3, but at the title screen it won't take any button input. Do I have to do something different for this game like using the virtual keyboard or something?
As O-bake mentioned try FrodoPC

I believe PC stands for Precise Cycle which basically means it's a more accurate but slower emulation of the 64.

Don't forget that a lot of the really old classics are available on the atari 800 too which is nicely emulated on the GP and are often almost exactly the same as the c64 versions.
Hmm, I thought FrodoPC referred to the PC version...

Anyway, thanks. I've downloaded the Atari 800 emulator and Bruce Lee works fine on there! Superb. Can't believe I'd missed downloading that one.
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