Amiga Roms


Oct 24, 2005
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I really hope that we can get an Amiga EMU, i think in the many thousands of posts it does say this is likely. I had / Have somewhere an A1200 and loved playing Shadow Fighter and Extreme Racing. I still have the games for these would it be easy to put them on the GP2x if an EMU was created or would they need working on.

Not a programmer myself although I really wish i was this is just a hope / pipedream that I will be able to play these 2 old favs again!!!

I really hope that we can get an Amiga EMU, i think in the many thousands of posts it does say this is likely. I had / Have somewhere an A1200 and loved playing Shadow Fighter and Extreme Racing. I still have the games for these would it be easy to put them on the GP2x if an EMU was created or would they need working on.

Not a programmer myself although I really wish i was this is just a hope / pipedream that I will be able to play these 2 old favs again!!!

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it used disks

writable disks

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here but what has that got to do with anything? :?

I'm looking forward to the UAE port... there was a version of lemmings for amiga (er... I think) amongst other great games :) mind, I'm guessing somehow that later stuff like lemmings may be a bit beyond the GP2X (and praying that isn't the case) I have to admit to being somewhat ignorant on the subject of the different amiga models and the games for each and emulatability etc...
well im SO happy that this will have UAE! and im going to give converting my own files, i have probably close to 100 discs for my amiga, alot of great games that i havent found anywhere else online
I really hope that we can get an Amiga EMU, i think in the many thousands of posts it does say this is likely. I had / Have somewhere an A1200 and loved playing Shadow Fighter and Extreme Racing. I still have the games for these would it be easy to put them on the GP2x if an EMU was created or would they need working on.

Not a programmer myself although I really wish i was this is just a hope / pipedream that I will be able to play these 2 old favs again!!!


AGA (A1200) games will probably never be playable. not even the xbox can emulate them at a decent framerate. extreme racing is AGA and also mode 7 (3D) I belive. I had to upgrade my A1200 from the original 14Mhz to 50MHz (030 processor) to be able to play that game properly... so forget about that game on the gp2x.
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..there was a version of lemmings for amiga (er... I think) amongst other great games :)

Yes your right, there were loads of great games for the Amiga :D As for Lemmings, the Amiga had the original and best version imho ;)

Yeeees! But is it likely Lemmings will be playable at decent speeds...? Well, I can but hope.

And GB has possibly the worst version on account of it can only draw about 5 lemmings at a time... I bought it at gamestation for 99p. Not really worth even that, but I keep it around anyway.

Um... bit OT, but I think I saw that there would probably be a ScummVM port...? If not I guess there are amiga versions of many (monkey island at least :D (and that's my excuse for going OT(and I use a lot of brackets sometimes:p(and if on days I lack self control lots of emoticons too ;))))
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UAE is still pretty slow (depending on what its running, slowest I've seen is about 12 fps, fastest has been 25fps). Rather than playing with it much more to try and get further speed, I guess I should really stick a small gui on it, and then make it so it's usable on normal gp2x's.

It will get faster when HH-mode becomes more mature, and should then have CPU speed selection too.
Also, the Amiga's ROMS and Amiga Disk Images are two different things. Get your damn terminology right ;)

In the Amiga's case, the ROMS were inside the machine and contained a goodly portion of AmigaOS. (In this sense, they are analogous to what most other emulators would call a BIOS) They would not be very much fun to play.

As for Lemmings, you'd be better with one of the consoleised incarnations of the game: It should suit the GP2X's joystick better than the original mouse-controlled version.
Would LOVE to be able to play Mega-Lo-Mania, Speedball II, Xenon and Road Raider again on a handheld. :)

Squidge, does this mean you've gone back to porting UAE to the GP2X instead of Fellow? I may have missed somthing there;)
I dont think he was ever porting Fellow, just UAE. I'm looking forward to Paradroid 90, Stunt Car Racer, maybe Zak Mckraken (Brother of Phil? *laugh*) or Syndicate.
I would love to see the Amiga emulated as i had one as a kid but i know the Atari ST isnt meant to be as good but i'm very happy with that emulator at the moment and being able to play Chaos Engine, Speedball and Stunt Car Racer to name but a few
Check the Wiki WIP (, UAE development was paused to look at Fellow. Although the later is progressing (slowly), I think it's best to just get something released, so have moved back to UAE.
Glad to hear it actually, I have found that UAE has progressed to be the more robust emulator over the years although Fellow was the better emulator back in the day. :)

Thank you again Squidge, really looking forward to this.