How Much Would Emulators Cost?


Still Fresh
Nov 8, 2005
So, now that everyone is getting their gp2x shipped, people will probably start selling emulators. The question is how much will it cost? I mean if it's ~$49.99, than it's fine with me.

The problem is that I have to get all the hardware to actually get the roms from their cartiges which is what I am worried about :/ I have a few games lying around but I don't think it's worth to buy another $100 worth of equipment to get the roms from the cartiges.

So how much would it cost us for both the hardware to get roms and the emulators?
Wow, first post to explain this, I guess I have a soft spot for noobs.

I don't think it will be legal to sell emulators, and it's a mystery how to get the data (roms) off of carts, there are few people that do that. You'll have to get them somewhere else. Have you never used an emulator?

Wow, first post to explain this, I guess I have a soft spot for noobs.

I don't think it will be legal to sell emulators, and it's a mystery how to get the data (roms) off of carts, there are few people that do that.  You'll have to get them somewhere else.  Have you never used an emulator?

Care to explain how they already played neogeo and snes roms already then?
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Poor lad/ladette, surely there is a link for those who are new to the emulation/homebrew movie scene.
| Please don't feed the troll |
Romz, What are they ?. :rolleyes:

No links please, "Hint"

So they downloaded roms then? But that's illegal, won't Nintendo, Sony and Sega be all over GPH because they promote downloading roms?

Emulation is not always illegal, many from the ST and Amiga scene actively try to get old games into public domain, and there are many links on the net. Have a look around :) Also if you look at whats available for the GP2X currently you can see ports as opposed to emulation, or games that you can still buy and most have. People generaly gravitate to games they have bought, because emulation is about reliving an experiance, I suspect there is less piracy than you think here. The original GP32 games were strongly defended here, and piracy was frowned upon, although your suptifuge was not really nice, you should edit your post esp when people have been so good, have fun here.
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Romz, What are they ?. :rolleyes:

No links please, "Hint"

So they downloaded roms then? But that's illegal, won't Nintendo, Sony and Sega be all over GPH because they promote downloading roms?
Thats why we all use proxys because Ninty/Sega etc.. collect IP data on sites like this, much in the way that Lars and co collected user data from Napster users. Our proxys are the only reason we havent been taken for all we're worth
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You CAN'T be that stupid. You just can't. I really cannot fathom anyone as stupid as that actually existing.

Simple.. You own the cart, you download the romfile from whatever site you find. So simple a concept, I thought.

Want old game cartridges? Look through old garage sales, thrift stores, buy&sell flyers...

Found Fester's Quest for the NES for 50 cents.
Romz, What are they ?. :rolleyes:

No links please, "Hint"

So they downloaded roms then? But that's illegal, won't Nintendo, Sony and Sega be all over GPH because they promote downloading roms?

Emulation is not always illegal, many from the ST and Amiga scence actively try to get old games into public domain, and there are many links on the net. Have a look around :)

You might want to read this article from my website:
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Troll or noob...I guess I'll answer it if he's choice
Emulators are completely "free"
Yes...have you ever heard of such a thing :o
If you check the front page of this site I believe there is a link to a SNES emulator in process. Also downloading roms is perfectly fine, it's just a backup copy of your games. There is a legal rom and an illegal rom. IF you have the game it's legal, if you don't and download every SNES game ever that's illegal, since the copy protection is still valid, and will technically always.
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