The GP64 Website

if i remember rightly this website has come up before, and there was much discussion as to wether or not it was real, i cant remember what decision was reached, but the site doesnt look to have been updated since that time so im not getting my hopes up for a N64 emu on gp.
Come on guys, this is obviously fake. The GP32 is farrrrrr less powerful then the N64, therefor the GP32 cannot emulate the N64. atleast not at anywhere near an acceptable speed

Screw te n64 take a look at this screen shot of my xbox emulator for the gp32. It runs at 156mhz and I only get one frame per second with no sound but after some optimization it should run full speed with sound.
There was actually a DISCUSSION about this? Of course it's a fake. There's a dozen reasons why it could never work.
I thought this site was going to talk about the gamepark 64, but its that fake again.

I think gamepark 64 design site would be cool.
jlebrech posted on Jul 28 2003 said:
I think gamepark 64 design site would be cool.
Cool, but pointless. I love bleeding edge tech as much as anybody else here, and I'd be a big supporter of a "next gen" GP32, but nobody here is going to make it happen. You could come up with a design concept, but to actually build one is a whole different thing.

I'm as guilty of typing up my wishful thinking as anybody else on this board, but I know it's just that. Wishful thinking. It will be some time before anybody develops a handheld gaming console that will top the GP32 as it is right now.
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it is real actually, I'm one of the beta testers. I sked the authors and they said I could release a single screenshot.


Sorry about the low quality screenshot. Ill try to get a better looking one a bit later.

It has no sound, and runs at a very low FPS. Those screenshots are old. Most of the 3d engine is now optimised, it doesnt have any kind of bilinear filtering or anything. So graphics are pretty shitty. But whatever.
No way are you going to emulate a 93.75mhz MIPS chip with a 133 ARM, oh, and not forgetting the 62mhz co-pro and z buffer (without which the emu is useless). One or two frames at best,if that. If it gets more than that i'll eat my N64.

Oh, and I reckon the GP could handle a diablo game no problem. I mean, Diablo2 wasn't much of an advance over the first one. (not that it mattered, the first one was sweet).
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Jul 29 2003 said:

Oh well =P
Sooooooooo nearly there with convincing - But then again, way out! Nice try though - Actually made me smile for the first time today. :D
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I'm just about to releas my Cray 6 emulator with parallel quantum computing emulation.. Should ride along at a nice 0.0000000000000000001123 FPS with no sound and no overclocking. Am planning to use it to predict the future and tell you all when the GP64 and GP128 are due out....


It also calculates the precise amount of shite Swiss_Cheeseman was talking in this thread.....

Tells me the answer is 'Lots'


First public beta released tonight - and dont ask for the source cos you're not getting it :P

We guessed that pretty quick :) Pity the poor fools in DCEmulation forums though, they believed there was one for the DC (I was conned as well...)