GP32 central processor overheat imminent


Still Fresh
Apr 19, 2003
anyone had this message- my friend had it while he was playing on my machine, and didnt really know what he was playing- but hadnt been playing for long.. everyhtings fine now..
just a bit concerned
You'll never see a message like that, and even if so itll be in korean.
Well... you might get it if you were playing something that had some kind of routine to try to test if the CPU was overheating or something. But I don't think the GP32's got a thermostat or whatever that you could use to test with anyway, so it'd be quite hard to do...
yeah, notice it says "on my machine"? It could mean anything, a computer, a phone, maybe even a washing MACHINE!!
NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 29 2003 said:

Wouldn't be the first time :p
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Sorry, I'm putting in a serious reply here. I'm wondering if he gets this message while he's trying to upload stuff to his GP32 and also trying to play a game on his comp or what. I've noticed that the data transfer takes up 100% cpu processing. My comp is a 1.7 ghz, that's not exactly slow. If my higher end comp has that kind of trouble, then anybody with something slower probably will also. This is the only thing I can think of.
If he regards "playing on his machine" as uploading files, god only knows how much excitement he gets from playing an actual game. :p Anyhoo you may be right, but I think its most probable that he just wanted to scaremonger (not that I like calling people liars or anything.) if so he picked the wrong place to do it, no one would fall for this crap.
hi. wow what a lot of interest.. yeah, i thought the overheat message would be in korean aswell. it wasnt my washing machine as a matter of fact either(that machine dont work at all)
i wasnt trying to scare anyone either. sorry to reply so late, just got bak from holliday. gp has been ok -played 3 hours straight on the plain both ways.
as for the message, could it have been an emulator that displayed that message? my friend was just playing around and when he told me i just said "turn it off quick" -never saw the message myself. just rekon an emulator thought it was a real computer (as they do) and that under those playing conditions that computer might have had an overheat!?!?!?!? crazy stuff.
