Turned Off In Middle Of Flash


Jun 22, 2004
Houston, Texas
Well my friend was over, and he was playing with my GP, well he thought he'd start fw.fxe ( :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: ) Well when it started flashing, he TURNED IT OFF!!! Now ATM I am on the verge of tears and about to kill my friend. I was just wondering if there was any possible way I could reflash it. I had it flashed to GPBios if that helps any, though none of the shortcut keys work. Anyone willing to take my GP and gimme a new BIOS chip or something?

In desperate need of help, Protoss
V3X posted on Aug 15 2004 at 06:28 AM said:
u could send it to gp32eu.com (the place, not the site) or get a j-tag cable.
Well thing about sending it to GP32eu, is I live in Texas, and shipping cost are really high to send to Europe!
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I KNOW! Im such an idiot! I did know what I was doing...It was my first day to be able to check out the GP and I was just have to much fun on it, and then the worst happened. I got to get this thing fixed! :o
This is not the first GP32 going this way. Why do people keep fxe's like these on their GP32's when they hand it to people that don't know what they are doing?

Maybe sounds a bit sour now that your GP32 is ****ed up but people should learn from this: Delete flash tools from your GP32 once you are done with them.
making a jtag cable isn't hard...

connecting it IS hard tho, but i think that there are some solder points on the board that you can solder the cable to in order to reflash it...more later...i g2g
Anyone willing to do the reflashing for me? I'd be willing to pay :D As long as I can get my GP fully functional. Is there a chip I could just get from a broken GP and swap out with my 'chip'?? And I don't even know where to begin in building a JTAG cable.

Thnx, Protoss
nerd of nerds posted on Aug 15 2004 at 04:59 PM said:
making a jtag cable isn't hard...

connecting it IS hard tho, but i think that there are some solder points on the board that you can solder the cable to in order to reflash it...more later...i g2g
You need to solder it to the mainboard?
I thought it just connects to the EXT-Port?
Geez... harder than I thought...
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DogDemon should pay all costs imo, as he's the one responsible for.

now you have the change to try to build a jtag cable or to send it to gp32eu so you should be sure it ill get fixed (you might build jtag wrong and something strange happens :ph34r: )
Well people, I am only 15 so I cannot build the JTAG cable. I am looking for someone in the US that would be willing to reflash it for me. I don't want to mess with a JTAG cable, as it seems a bit dangerous. Anyone in the US had to reflash their GP? Would you be willing to reflash mine? I am willing to pay. And Wolfsclaw, I agree, but he is thinking it will only cost like $15 :angry: :angry: :angry:

Can anyone in the US gimme a solution for my broken gp32_console :unsure: :(
See if you can find a company that does freelance bits of electronics and get them to do you a jtag cable. I know they exist (there was a brief mention of a company that made any schematic you sent to them for a price on Slashdot a while back).

It *might* be cheaper than sending it all to Europe.
By the way, people never seem to mention that you need Linux to use your JTAG cable, the windows program does not yet work correctly.