Atack Of The Clones

Yeah of course I was kidding... and the name is speedmike so one can assume that I am a male :p anyways welcome to the Gp32 community SONY
I love those ones that are shaped like little penguins. They are so cute.....and packed with like 5 pirate NES games.
aQwaBlaz3 posted on Oct 12 2005 at 09:04 PM said:
I love those ones that are shaped like little penguins. They are so cute.....and packed with like 5 pirate NES games.
:eek: I want to see the penguin consoles. Do you have a link?
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I friend of mine almost bought that one. The only problem is the wireless controller's Dpad kinda sucks.
You know, I never knew about that GameKing until just now. That thing is super interesting! :D It makes me want to make my own handheld (maybe a project in college?).

The Popstation I can kinda understand, but what is the deal with the NeoDouble? There's probably some way to actually swap the game instead of just the screen. Otherwise the company was just stupid or something.

What would it be like if they sold PCs like that? You find a PC that's like $29.99 and has its own 'flat-panel screen', and when you hook it up... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOP SUPER GRAPHICS! :p
o' cricky those vids are funny, i WANT BOTH OF THEM! seriously, just show my friends them... and it would just be fnny in itself...
That penquin console is the coolest. When I was in Thailand I got a famicom clone that looked like a ps1 and had pikachu on it. I can't play it here though because I don't have a pal tv :(