- Old Yeti Pro Demo Out -


Certified Guru
Feb 14, 2003
Hi every one.

Just for tell you that i've release an old devellopement demo of the Yeti engine Pro version.

This version was a technical demo for showing all the avaible feature of the engine at this time (MD2 model, interpolation animation, curve, slope, 3D water, transparence wall, matrix filter texture, ....).

The demo are slow some time du to very huge 3D model use (pur quake2 model) that a not optimised for portable 3D platform and the player move with physic.
Maybe it will be a good think to speed it (no realistic move but more fun).
Average FPS for all the lvl in the demo was 15-20 fps depending a lot from the lvl complexity and the number of ennemy on screen.

What to say more, it's only a 133 Mhz demo for 2 reasons :
-> Official Gamepark devsheet at start
-> i've only an old gp32 (first model) so she doesn't go up :P

If somebody modifie the fxe file (overcloack hack) i'll be clad to host it on my site with name of this contributer.

Well this was an old demo of an current work.
This is not perfect, not finish but well it's for fun after all. ;)

Have fun too. :)


You could download the file at the bottow of this page under "Téléchargement : "

ps : soory for my poor english and the mistake i've for sure make on this little post :P
Wow, this is impressive. Really.

GP32 has came back to life in the last week!

I'm just editing this so people know what this game is, its a Quake2 style game running at 133mhz! With monsters and highly complex 3d levels. Check out thunderZ's link for screens.
Finaly :-)
looks nice, but way to dark on my flu :-/

Will you try to market the engine for gp2x?
And what happend to the yeti project, official site is down for some time now?

that looks so good

uim so dissapointed no-1 made nething with it :(

Port it to gp2x, where hopefully it will have better luck :D
Yeti was( and is) so promising... it makes me sad that no one made anything with it AND that its webpage is down.
Waiting for the gp2x and having sold my gp32 to fund the purchase is really killing me here all these new releases just look amazing. This one in particular its really pulling off some nice 3d!
unlucky posted on Oct 2 2005 at 10:15 PM said:
Waiting for the gp2x and having sold my gp32 to fund the purchase is really killing me here all these new releases just look amazing. This one in particular its really pulling off some nice 3d!
I know how you feel. :(
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It looks really impressive I've love to see this get out into the open for more people to play around with and make more games, for either the GP32 or GP2X!
It is very sad that only demos were released using this great engine, but it dousn't really surprise me. I remember starting this thread some time ago, and it recieving only one reply.

nice work ThunderZ, a great example of what the gp32_console is capable of
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english please!

But other than that, great work! It needs some speed optimization still, but the seeds have been sown for something that looks pretty damn good.
okay this is really sweet, i'm glad the gp32scene isn't dead yet :)
this together with the SNES being worked on, great! :)

if they would only make a full game on this engine.. :(
it's even very playable with the IMO crappy joystick the gp has :)

thanks and keep up the good work ;) (also to you Reesy!)
rabbits with hats posted on Oct 2 2005 at 10:49 PM said:
My Blu+ gets a white screen :( then resets.

Works fine on my BLU+.

Nice demo, btw :D
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Fantastic! I knew the Yeti engine could be used for a game like this! But how did you got the source? I though the Pro version needed license?