GPcinema - 19fps in 133Mhz mode!!


Still Fresh
Jun 4, 2003
128 kilobit a sec and entirely in sync

It's better than reported! Wonder if it'll go to 20fps....
bit of a newbie over here, so just wondering if anyone can give me a little help with playing movies on my GP32.

Ive got my original movie in either mpeg or avi format, where do i go from there to compress and play it on my GP32?

Would be V. Pleased if anyone could help me out here :( ?
Hmm, hows the sound ? I hope we can finally have decent mono support this time ?
Sounds good. Is that at 320x240? Have managed get Gpcinema running smoothly at 15fps with video encoded at 192 Kbps CBR (1-pass Divx 4.12) and 11Khz sound at 150Mhz. With a bit of optimisation, can probably get it running a bit better.
It's a testiment to how much of huge improvement this is over moviepark. Even though the brightness/gamma correction is slow to change and really sucks...
Yep, at 320x240. I dropped the sound quality very slightly not sure how much of a gain this gives. There was one bit of the AVI that the sound went choppy on for a couple of secs however lowering the kilobits to 120 sorted this.
YOU SHOULD NOT OVERCLOCK YOUR GP32 :(!!!!i wish that they had not put the overclock feature into gpcinema <_< there will be a WHOLE crapload of newbies that overclock their gp32(s) and fry it :(
nerd of nerds posted on Jul 24 2003 said:
YOU SHOULD NOT OVERCLOCK YOUR GP32 :(!!!!i wish that they had not put the overclock feature into gpcinema <_< there will be a WHOLE crapload of newbies that overclock their gp32(s) and fry it :(
Saying you shouldnt overclock your GP may be a bit worrying to newbies as the GP only normaly runs at about 40Mhz doesnt it ? so 133 is OC'ing it pretty heavily already. But it does seem stupid that comercial software allows OC'ing over the recormended speed.
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YOU SHOULD NOT OVERCLOCK YOUR GP32 !!!!i wish that they had not put the overclock feature into gpcinema there will be a WHOLE crapload of newbies that overclock their gp32(s) and fry it

Don't scaremonger!

You can safely overclock your GP32 to 133Mhz. Some had a problem and became unstable at 133, so some apps were produced as a 132mhz version (e.g. GPscumm). If you overclock your gp32 to 133Mhz, you will only get problems if the unit is faulty. You'd be suprised at the number of programshat overclock your GP without you even knowing.

Some units can even be overclocked to 166mhz with no ill effects, though that is something I wouldn' t try myself.

Dont worry about overclocking to 132/33 though. It's OK!
What. The. Hell.

Running it at 133Mhz is NOT overclocking it. It's the maximum normal speed of the CPU. Just because it runs at 40Mhz most of the time doesn't mean that going any higher is overclocking it! It's like if I slowed my 2Ghz cpu down to 500Mhz.....does that mean running it at the full 2Ghz is overclocking? NO!

Running it at 166Mhz, though....that's just insane.
yeah, i know that 133 isn't overclocking but someone said that they got it to 160 :rolleyes: . my gp works fine it 133mhz mode :p
nerd of nerds posted on Jul 24 2003 said:
YOU SHOULD NOT OVERCLOCK YOUR GP32 :(!!!!i wish that they had not put the overclock feature into gpcinema <_< there will be a WHOLE crapload of newbies that overclock their gp32(s) and fry it :(
Hmm. . . Since there is no instructions saying "If you overclock your GP32, then your invalidating your warrenty." then there is no problem.

They will have to replace the burnt out units with new ones wont they?

Also, who here actually overclocks their PC? Its pretty hard to kill a chip by short periods of overclocking (like less then 30 mins). Also does this overclocker utility increase the vcore of the cpu? And what kinds of temps does it run at anyway?

Maybe there is a modding potential there (water cooling a GP32 might be a bit of fun :D )

To me there seems little harm in overclocking the cpu of the GP32, the most it would probably do is crash. Frying a chip does take quite a bit of heat and a fair increase of the vcore (10% + i would think)
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The main problem with overclocking (it's all software controlled BTW), is that damages the lcd - I think the voltage ends up being upped. It makes your lcd screen get darker and darker, apparently.
Its not the chip that frys its the LCD. upping the chip speed, up's the voltage to the LCD (or somthing like that im not a tech-head) and burns it out over time so those 30 min' sesh's you spend with you GP at 166 slowly burn away at your LCD till its dull then eventualy junk.

EDIT/ beat to the punch by Mojo :(
Also does this overclocker utility increase the vcore of the cpu?

There is no actual utility to overclock the CPU. Each individual program tells the CPU what speed to run it at. Some programs (GPEngine) allow you to set it in an options menu.

Also, who here actually overclocks their PC? Its pretty hard to kill a chip by short periods of overclocking (like less then 30 mins).

From what I understand, the danger is to the LCD screen, not the CPU. It has been said that at higher speeds, the CPU outputs higher voltages to the LCD, which can kill it. I don't know if this is true, but I do know that the CPU is directly under the LCD, and if it were to get too hot, that could also cause damage.

I suppose if you wanted to be hardcore about it you could work around both problems (if they are indeed the problems) with heat shielding and some sort of voltage limiter.

As to watercooling the GP32, that would be... interesting :unsure:
Thanks for the replys, it shows that its the LCD that suffers rather than the CPU (seems strange its that, that will go first).

Anyways, Im getting pretty good results with this new GP cinema @ 133 :D

I wonder if they can squeeze anymore performance out of it? (and hit the magical 30fps @ 320x240 with it running at 133Mhz)

/wonders off dreaming . . .