Gp2x - Basic Info Faq

Can someone fix the FAQ? It states "USB Peripherals: Since the GP2X's USB host is not powered, to use any peripherals they need to supply their own power. Some examples of peripherals that might work with the GP2X someday are the Apacer Steno Hard Drives and the Cyberpower USB Hubs. Such peripherals operate on their own battery power, so all we need is software to allow the GP2X to interface properly with them. These are NOT guaranteed to work with the GP2X, so don't run out an buy them just yet. But they represent good examples of what might work well with the GP2X in the near future."

Yet, probably 3+ times per week, I see someone asking about if it is a host, and there is always a wave of people saying 'idiot, why didnt you do research first, of course it doesnt have host mode'

So, if it is universally known among people in the know that the system doesnt have host mode, why does the FAQ devote quite a bit of time (as well as pictures) to the host mode of the unit?

Please update the faq.

And note - this is recent information - originally there supposedly USB host mode according to the info available when the FAQ was written.

Anyone upset because the FAQ previously claimed USB mod support is foolish - it's a FAQ about a system that just recently reached its final design stages, after the FAQ was even composed. The FAQ is always a work in progress, just as the GP2X has been a work in progress these past few months.

Just wanted to say that because I saw some people griping about the USB info in another thread. Unless you're 10 years old, you should understand what's been going on here. And if you buy any system before it's even out, and it turns out to be slightly different than what you read - you are taking a chance. It's called being an early adopter. If you don't have the personality to deal with that, don't buy one until AFTER it's released and the facts are clear.

Change it to: "unless you're 8 years old."

Or whatever. Point is - I just don't appreciate being blamed for writing a FAQ in my free time about a system that wasn't even completed until after the FAQ existed, and people claiming it's my fault if they bought something that doesn't do what they wanted. I read that USB thread and it seemed like people were doing that, so yes it makes me a little angry.

I don't come here everyday anymore, so it's hard for me to maintain the FAQ as I used to. But if there's an update needed people should just be nice about it and tell me without making me feel guilty if the FAQ wasn't totally accurate.

Plus my mom's in the hospital and could die and/or lose her leg, so I'm a bit pissy right now...
Well, I'm in the USB thread so I feel bound to make things clear - anyone holding someone responsible for information on a system pre-release is not being the least bit kind. Misinformation happens, and blaming someone for it is the height of idiocy. By making the FAQ you have only rendered everyone a service - please don't think otherwise.
You should be able to do it through the usb connection, and since it's usb2 now it might be fast enough too (cos it was horribly slow with the GP32 to do that).
Well, it'd save you batteries to use a cardreader at least... On the other hand, I've had some bad experiences with card readers not being too compatible with cards from some devices...
The SMC from my GP32 was extremely slow to write things to in my cardreader (not as slow as using the GP32 link but still). If I formatted the card in the cardreader then it was a lot faster, but then the GP32 didn't read it anymore... No idea how the GP2X is going to handle it though, but nowadays I have a cardreader built into my monitor, as well as the seperate one, so I'll just be trying which option works best myself.
I think I have the same problem with the SD card from my phone right now, but havent really tested a lot with it yet.
Back to the issue of the emulators, do I need one that is ported directly for the

GP2X? or can I drag and drop some like zsnes on to the SD card and take it from

there? I'm really confused about this emulator thing in that, is there a difference

from the one I download and the one that someone ports?
You need a emulator that specifically supports the processor and platform. Here's a thread covering some of the basics in making programs GP2X-compliant.

(No, not even the Linux version of ZSNES will run.)
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What's all this about patching the firmware and stuff? Stereo speakers working only in mono? NAND breaking stuff?

I just ordered one off GBAX with blind faith. Will it work when it arrives, or do I have to patch all this stuff myself? What's the extent of the problem?

(Thanks to donskeeto for making me ultra worried about this!)