Emulated Or Not, What Games Do You Want?


Still Fresh
Sep 13, 2005
Manchester, UK
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Didnt see another topic like this (although there probably is one)...what do you want on this little beut: -

Alien Breed
Syndicate (amiga / pc version)
Sim City2000
Castlevania SOTN

I dont mind if there emulated or ported, as long as they have sound and speed
dont care about sound...

UFO (x-com)
Heroes of might and magic. (why not... lol =P )

Theres so many games off the amiga and pc that id love to many to list anyway.
Venkman90 posted on Sep 13 2005 at 02:37 PM said:
Didnt see another topic like this (although there probably is one)...what do you want on this little beut: -

Alien Breed
Syndicate (amiga / pc version)
Sim City2000
Castlevania SOTN

I dont mind if there emulated or ported, as long as they have sound and speed

Doom2 is available allready for GP32...
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Ive said it quite a few times.... little big adventure.

and if possible little big adventure 2 aswell :P
Most of the games I'd love to see are PSX games. We already have all the NES and SNES(we will), and I don't like a lot of Genesis games, so all that leaves for me is a bunch of PSX games like Twisted Metal 2, Tobal 2, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Final Fantasy 7 & 9... I doubt I'll see those on it though... oh, wait, a Red Alert or Worms Armageddon port would be nice too.
Somebody shoot me in the head :o.

;), oh and as I have said many times don't expect a decent version of LBA on the GP32 or 2x (I spent a lot of time working on a GP32 port of LBA).

The basic problem is that it runs in 640*480 res. most of the time an looks dire cropped or running in the scale up (320*240) mode all of the time. Basically its crap and unplayable/not very nice on a handheld with a 320*240 screen I am afraid.
My picks for ports:

Wolf 3D
Duke Nukem 3D
LBA? Are we talking about "Little Big Adventure"? If so, I didn't know there was even source code available for it. Or is LBA something else?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see we ARE talking about Little Big Adventure. I used to love that game, still have it someplace around here I think... So the source code was released to the public? Cool, I didn't know that. Too bad it looks so bad at QVGA, but can't win em all.
Duke Nukem 3D is probably the game I'd most like to see ported. One of personal favorite FPS's, and it should run nicely on the GPX2 even at just 200Mhz. I used to play it on a 486DX2-66 at 320x240 on a 15" monitor. :) So it should look just fine on a 3.5" screen.
rabbits with hats posted on Sep 13 2005 at 12:41 PM said:

The button layout is just right.

Yes indeed it is. :)

I hope to see lots of good Robotron type games for GPX2. In fact pdroms.de once ran some Robotron remake contests, so it would be great to have a new one for GPX2.
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OrR posted on Sep 13 2005 at 07:51 AM said:
Chrono Trigger
Bike or Die

PAYBACK!!! Thats what I REALLY REALLY want. You do mean the gta style game right?

I can't think of many computer games that don't require the mouse, someone should do halo just for the heck of it :P 2fps with horrible graphics. We do need some good fps though.

How about carmagedon, dang not open source, at least I don't think it is. This is really hard.....
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DJWillis posted on Sep 13 2005 at 07:01 PM said:
Somebody shoot me in the head :o.

;), oh and as I have said many times don't expect a decent version of LBA on the GP32 or 2x (I spent a lot of time working on a GP32 port of LBA).

The basic problem is that it runs in 640*480 res. most of the time an looks dire cropped or running in the scale up (320*240) mode all of the time. Basically its crap and unplayable/not very nice on a handheld with a 320*240 screen I am afraid.
The GP2X has hardware to resize though, doesn't it?
Could that not be used?
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Hanz™ posted on Sep 13 2005 at 10:34 PM said:
The GP2X has hardware to resize though, doesn't it?
Could that not be used?

I suspect it would still look UGLY and that hardware is for video streams really not sprite based stuff. Something may be possable, I guess time will tell ;).
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