Nortan Anti-virus, A Virus Itself?


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Feb 11, 2005
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so, dont you think nortan is a virus itself, i mean i know loads of poeple who've bought it and said it was crap!

so i had tested it, WoW, it lagged the shite out of my pc! it took 30 minutes to boot my pc properly and when i played cs i got 300+ ping :o ... also when i went on my site to check something, notan bloody blocks it, sooooo thats even worse!

the minute i un-installed the mofo, guess what, it took a measly 1 minute to boot up properly like before, ping on cs was also fixed!

i mean i only put it on my pc for 1 day and i hated it!

also wtf is up when your nortan needs to update, and you dont want it any more, you cant even un-install it, you have to buy the next update then un-install for all i know!

sorry, but im really angry at it, i mean i really needed to speak to someone and sort something out, but by the time it booted up the person left msn, i dont have his number so no other way of communication...

whats your opinion on this s**t product?
Um... don't use a shitty OS that is prone to viruses and malware?

Or maybe just be smart about your computing and you won't need antivirus.

It's that simple.
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:40 PM said:
zone alarm used to be alright(as i used to be a user of it) but i hear its quite stush now...
ZoneAlarm is not an AntiVirus.
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iignotus posted on Aug 19 2005 at 02:49 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:40 PM said:
zone alarm used to be alright(as i used to be a user of it) but i hear its quite stush now...
ZoneAlarm is not an AntiVirus.

haha, silly me again, its simular i think, it takes off pop ups and crap so its the same to me...
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saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:57 PM said:
iignotus posted on Aug 19 2005 at 02:49 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:40 PM said:
zone alarm used to be alright(as i used to be a user of it) but i hear its quite stush now...
ZoneAlarm is not an AntiVirus.

haha, silly me again, its simular i think, it takes off pop ups and crap so its the same to me...
Seriously... it really bothers me when people bog down their computers with all this garbage. Smart usage habits will eliminate the need for extra junk. All you really need on a Windows PC is a firewall and Firefox (the web browser, MUCH better than IE (faster, safer, everything -- )) and your wits about you. That's it.

Popups? Firefox blocks them.

Malicious ActiveX Scripts? Firefox doesn't support ActiveX (a good thing).

Browser insecurities? Firefox doesn't have nearly as many as IE.

Viruses? Don't open attatchments you're not expecting, don't download programs over P2P apps -- i.e, don't do stupid shit.

Worms? Firewall blocks them.

Trojans? Firewall/Don't open stuff randomly.

If you're already infected (highly likely), use an updated version of AVG ( ), get Spybot Search and Destroy (google it), and install Sygate Personal Firewall (google it), and MAKE SURE TO GET AND INSTALL AND USE FIREFOX! After you've removed everything wrong with your computer, just leave the browser (firefox -- DONT USE IE EVER AGAIN) and the firewall (Sygate is better than ZoneAlarm).

Those two small, better products (did I mention they're free...) are all you need. Stop letting things shit in your system.
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yes, im very wise about the internet, iv got firefox, and already have Spybot Search and Destroy...

and i still get block ups! maybe because i havnt updated since before christmas ;) will update now...
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 09:24 PM said:
yes, im very wise about the internet, iv got firefox, and already have Spybot Search and Destroy...

and i still get block ups! maybe because i havnt updated since before christmas ;) will update now...
The popups may be caused by a virus that's already on your computer. Get FreeAV and check. All versions of firefox block popups. There are some websites that have gotten around firefox's popup blocker with new code -- this can't really be prevented per se, but you can configure the options in ffx to stop all unrequested windows iirc.

Those two are the only 'security products' that I have on my computer and I surf regularly. I get no popups, no viruses, no worms, no malware, nothing -- unless I want it.

And update often! Jesus man.... there's no excuse unless you're on dailup. Update your antivirus, firefox, windows patches, etc.

You could just use a different OS but... uh... heh I don't think that'd work to well :P
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theres window pathes!? lol, i cant be assed to look on windows website for pathes lol, or should i check?

what good firewalls are there?

also i cant find this iirc thing :( dam...
There is some evil adware out there. I got one from a trojan that was in a program that was supposed to be something else. After you run it it installs all kinds of annoying adds and browser toolbars and you can't get rid of them. You delete the files and remove the registry entries and the next time you turn on the computer they all come back and eat like 50% of CPU cycles, and the computer crashes all of the time. Evil. Those fuckers don't care if they wreck you system all they care about is making you see their stupid adds. The only to get rid of them is to reformat the HDD and start over. Who ever makes those programs should be hung by the balls.
theres window pathes!? lol, i cant be assed to look on windows website for pathes lol, or should i check?
Windows XP has an automatic update feature.
what good firewalls are there?
Sygate Personal Firewall. Go to and type in Sygate Personal Firewall download. You'll be all set with that.
also i cant find this iirc thing :( dam...
iirc stands for "If I Recall Correctly". I wasn't absolutely positive about that statement, so I used that.
DaveC posted on Aug 19 2005 at 12:54 AM said:
There is some evil adware out there. I got one from a trojan that was in a program that was supposed to be something else. After you run it it installs all kinds of annoying adds and browser toolbars and you can't get rid of them.
What program did you download and from where. 99% of the time that give you your answer as to what went wrong.
The only to get rid of them is to reformat the HDD and start over.
I strongly beg to differ.

Anyone having problems like this should stop downloading things from unscrupulous places (or potentially damaging things in general), or switch to a different Operating System. I haven't had a problem like this on my own computer in years, Windows or otherwise.
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My parents use Mcafee on their PC and seeing as I'm home for the summer and its the only thing around capable of gaming I'm forced to put up with it.

Mcafee fucks up everything. Even when all 9 of it's processes are shut down in the task manager (a ritual I go through on every boot) it still manages to bring up error and update messages which pull you out of any full screen app, and in the case of Counterstrike, cause the ping to rocket from 20-21 to 800+

It makes an AMD 64 3200 run like a Pentium 133.

My folks are too naive to realise that these things are built to prove their worth, i.e they find stuff that wouldn't hurt a byte just to scare the shit out of you and make sure you buy.

A bit of common sensewill keep your PC safe - ignoring shit emails, avoiding mass P2P. The intellegence to use opera, firefox or an equivalent is also all you need to keep your computer relatively safe.
In my experience, Norton security suite is one of the worst products I have come across. It's Antivirus is slow, unreliable and is way too intrusive. Worse still is Nortons firewall, especially when it comes to uninstalling it. Soo many times have I unistalled the firewall to have it leave bits of itself in the system.

Firewalls work by literally breaking the network layer on your pc and inserting itself in the break, and norton sometimes leaves itself there but it in a non functional state completely killing the machines network.

Peter Norton should have stuck to disk utils as they are superb. If you want a virus checker, stick with AVG or if you run a business, get Sophos Sweep, it's expensive, but well worth it.
iignotus posted on Aug 19 2005 at 03:08 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:57 PM said:
iignotus posted on Aug 19 2005 at 02:49 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:40 PM said:
zone alarm used to be alright(as i used to be a user of it) but i hear its quite stush now...
ZoneAlarm is not an AntiVirus.

haha, silly me again, its simular i think, it takes off pop ups and crap so its the same to me...
Seriously... it really bothers me when people bog down their computers with all this garbage. Smart usage habits will eliminate the need for extra junk. All you really need on a Windows PC is a firewall and Firefox (the web browser, MUCH better than IE (faster, safer, everything -- )) and your wits about you. That's it.

Popups? Firefox blocks them.

Malicious ActiveX Scripts? Firefox doesn't support ActiveX (a good thing).

Browser insecurities? Firefox doesn't have nearly as many as IE.

Viruses? Don't open attatchments you're not expecting, don't download programs over P2P apps -- i.e, don't do stupid shit.

Worms? Firewall blocks them.

Trojans? Firewall/Don't open stuff randomly.

If you're already infected (highly likely), use an updated version of AVG ( ), get Spybot Search and Destroy (google it), and install Sygate Personal Firewall (google it), and MAKE SURE TO GET AND INSTALL AND USE FIREFOX! After you've removed everything wrong with your computer, just leave the browser (firefox -- DONT USE IE EVER AGAIN) and the firewall (Sygate is better than ZoneAlarm).

Those two small, better products (did I mention they're free...) are all you need. Stop letting things shit in your system.

Actually firefox does have one huge security risk, it's possible to spoof URL's to firefox using unicode. Internet explorer as yet doesn't support this feature, so for once, it's a minute thumbs up for IE :blink:
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