A Level Results O_o

markusdragon posted on Aug 17 2005 at 08:56 PM said:
Egads! In 12 Hours I'll be off to collect my A2 results and finding out if I got into uni.

This calls for 12 hours of nerves, paranoia, diffidence, fear, self-loathing, etc...
time for you to get rat arsed to pass the time then, GL
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I'm getting my A2 results tomorrow also. At the moment I'm just indifferent. The grades I need to get into my first choice university are pretty low but the grades I want to get are pretty high. I'm really getting sick of the news shows proclaiming the A levels too easy.
moz posted on Aug 17 2005 at 08:58 PM said:
markusdragon posted on Aug 17 2005 at 08:56 PM said:
Egads! In 12 Hours I'll be off to collect my A2 results and finding out if I got into uni.

This calls for 12 hours of nerves, paranoia, diffidence, fear, self-loathing, etc...
time for you to get rat arsed to pass the time then, GL

I'd love too, but i'm still reeling from last night. 1/2 a bottle of vodka, 2/3 of a bottle of wine, a few shots of whiskey, a couple of shots of rum, some concoction made by a sober and manipulative friend which involved rum, vinegar, pickles, ketchup, marmalade, coffee, sugar etc, and my first and last puff of weed, on the basis that my lungs still taste barbequed.
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That just means you got a good hit :P Nah...usually when I've smoked its been really smooth, maybe your smoking shit weed, what'd you smoke from?
Considering I can't handle moron (bit of classic gpx32 there XD), trying a spliff was one of the most pointless and annoying exercises I've ever been involved in.

Not quite as pointless and annoying as buying 'Galleon' though.
Yay! I got into to do Computer Science in moron (haha whoever changed that to moron)...

Edit: Bah its the damn filter.
I meant k e n t.
Good luck to you all! (Although you needed that a couple of months ago ;) )

davey g posted on Aug 17 2005 at 09:01 PM said:
I'm really getting sick of the news shows proclaiming the A levels too easy.
I get sick of that too. It shows a complete misunderstanding of the system, isn't helpful in fixing it and insults the work the students put in.

The real problem is that the grading method has changed...
It used to be that the top 5%(or so) got grade A, the next 10% get B and so on
Now it's everyone who gets above a certain mark get's an A.
This means that for easy papers there may be more students getting grade A's than there are places to accept them, and then the uni's need to look at 'other methods' to choose which students they'll take.

Of course when there's a hard paper and few student's get graded A there's an different uproar and all the papers need to be re-graded <_<

It creates the misconception that papers are getting easier, when it's the new 'equal' system at fault.
Business and Uni's don't like it because it doesn't accurately rate a student's ability against the 'norm'.
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I have to decide between nottingham trent and loughborough, think ill pick nottingham trent. Im on b b c d, 8 marks from raisng the D to a C and the B to an A. grrrrr
gp32rich posted on Aug 18 2005 at 09:02 AM said:
The real problem is that the grading method has changed...
It used to be that the top 5%(or so) got grade A, the next 10% get B and so on
Now it's everyone who gets above a certain mark get's an A.
This means that for easy papers there may be more students getting grade A's than there are places to accept them, and then the uni's need to look at 'other methods' to choose which students they'll take.

Of course when there's a hard paper and few student's get graded A there's an different uproar and all the papers need to be re-graded
I thought they looked at the average mark and then added/substracted from your mark to make sure only a certain % got an A, which makes it less of a problem if a paper is too hard or too easy. This has changed?
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Rico posted on Aug 18 2005 at 10:08 AM said:
I thought they looked at the average mark and then added/substracted from your mark to make sure only a certain % got an A, which makes it less of a problem if a paper is too hard or too easy. This has changed?
That sounds about right.
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markusdragon posted on Aug 18 2005 at 03:15 AM said:
moz posted on Aug 17 2005 at 08:58 PM said:
markusdragon posted on Aug 17 2005 at 08:56 PM said:
Egads! In 12 Hours I'll be off to collect my A2 results and finding out if I got into uni.

This calls for 12 hours of nerves, paranoia, diffidence, fear, self-loathing, etc...
time for you to get rat arsed to pass the time then, GL

I'd love too, but i'm still reeling from last night. 1/2 a bottle of vodka, 2/3 of a bottle of wine, a few shots of whiskey, a couple of shots of rum, some concoction made by a sober and manipulative friend which involved rum, vinegar, pickles, ketchup, marmalade, coffee, sugar etc, and my first and last puff of weed, on the basis that my lungs still taste barbequed.
i remember when you were asking how to get drunk! and i stil lsay drugs are bad they make you sad. indeed and why smoke weed?
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markusdragon posted on Aug 17 2005 at 09:56 PM said:
Egads! In 12 Hours I'll be off to collect my A2 results and finding out if I got into uni.

This calls for 12 hours of nerves, paranoia, diffidence, fear, self-loathing, etc...

Good luck,

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Just got my AS results,

Maths (Double) A,
Physics A,
Biology A,
General Studies C

I'm very pleased, although I wish I'd put a little effort into my general studies, I was five marks off a B.
congrats all.

the whole marks mayhem that always seems to erupt with these things got me thinking earlier. when it comes to a levels, the powers that be need to decided whether the marks awarded show a personal ability or are a method to judge people.

it would seem to me that as more and more people go to uni it would be best for a levels to be used as a method of common judgement. the marks should be awarded based on your position within the results as opposed to clearing a certain percentage.