Worst Joke Of A System Ever

What is the absolute worst

  • Atari Jaguar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tiger Game.com

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other(please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Those shitty 100-in-1 games you plug straight into the TV are goddamn awful. But if you're talking 'actual consoles', then it's probably the Virtual Boy. : "OW, MY RETINAS, THEY'RE BURNING! YAAAAAARGH!"
It's still coming 2005 ohmy.gif

Christ...is anyone actually making games for it anymore? I think these fly-by-night companies would do well to learn by Gamepark's example and embrace homebrew. It's the only way to survive longer than a year without the backing of major publishers.

Nah, sorry, you can't have a go at the Virtual Boy - it was trying something different. At least it wasn't just copying something already out there...

Originality (again negligible where Nintendo are concerned) doesn't count for anything if your product is shit. I could invent a totally original combination hair/loo brush, but nobody would want it. Ever heard of Shindogu? The Virtual Boy belongs in there.
KickinWing posted on Jul 18 2005 at 03:48 PM said:
how could Game.com not be mentioned, and I don't agree with the 3do, Saturn, or N-gage. :P
the Game.Com isn't horrible, it's actually pretty fun,well now all I have are 2 fighting games because I lost my other ones some how :(

and the fighting games aren't too great
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Angel posted on Jul 18 2005 at 10:21 PM said:
i have almost the entire game collection for the game.com, so far only Resident Evil 2 and Tiger Casino are really enjoyable.
Frogger and Monopoly? Monopoly is nice with the touch screen, and playing frogger with the touch screen certainly makes things more interesting.
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I don't know, I kind of liked the Virtual boy. It was 3D and it had a few cool games. Red Alarm was a cool vector 3D shooter with some very different levels and lots of shit going on. The game.com was WAY worse. It was like a GB with choppy games and not very many games. What was the point? It was a "me too" system, just buy a GB with more and better games.
declaration posted on Jul 18 2005 at 06:42 PM said:
I cant believe peope are even considering thinking about the Saturn as the biggest joke system.

Go play Radiant Silvergun, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Albert Odyssey, Nights, Guardian Heroes, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Metal Slug (I could go on and on) and come back and say that.

You won't.

Yeah and Layer section, soukyugurentai, dodonpachi, marvel superherovssf...

I can't believe anyone would consider the Saturn a joke system >_< You guys that do must never had one. And no, your friend doesn't count :P
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I agree on the Game.com, the games I had were horrible, the "internet" capability was a joke, and mine broke in about 2 weeks of not being really used. And I didn't even think about replacing it or having it serviced :lol:
Well I never owned one, but I'd imagine that the Amstrad GX4000 "console" would be quite high up the list.

Did anyone here ever own one?!

It was probably only sold in Europe. Indeed it was probably only ever sold in 1 shop in Croydon. On the 17th July 1990.

Or something.
Gren posted on Jul 21 2005 at 09:23 PM said:
Well I never owned one, but I'd imagine that the Amstrad GX4000 "console" would be quite high up the list.

Did anyone here ever own one?!

It was probably only sold in Europe.  Indeed it was probably only ever sold in 1 shop in Croydon.    On the 17th July 1990.

Or something.

I remember this console, looked kinda like a beige N64 but a lot cheaper looking!


Never actually owned one but I saw one running it's supposed "killer app" a driving game called "Burnin Rubber" it was shockingly bad.

This system gets my vote too.
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Worst system ever is Sega Mega CD - it was way overrated. Make my Video, Nighttrap, Sewer Shark etc.. Pish :P

In Saturn's defence, it had one of the all time greatest beat - em ups that was Fighters Megamix. That game owned.
lizard808uk posted on Jul 25 2005 at 07:39 AM said:
Worst system ever is Sega Mega CD - it was way overrated. Make my Video, Nighttrap, Sewer Shark etc.. Pish :P

In Saturn's defence, it had one of the all time greatest beat - em ups that was Fighters Megamix. That game owned.

In my opinion the Mega CD was fantastic, Silpheed, Time Gal, Snatcher...and of course the incredible Sonic CD.

There were plenty of other classic Sega games revamped with CD soundtracks, perhaps not a good enough reason to go out and buy one for £300 at the time but the Mega CD wasn't one of the worst consoles ever it just was supported by some really shit developers obsessed with 'video' games.
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