Possible To Boot Psp Iso's


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Dont know if this has been posted (Cant find it after looking throught 2 pages)

But its possible to play PSP ISO's now for the past few weeks

If you have already herd this news, PLEASE Delete this thread, just I cant see it anywhere in here....

Check out your Favourite PSP site for the loaders :P

I dont own a PSP yet so cant try them :(
You can't play the ISO's quite yet; you have to bust them open and change a few files.

Ape Escape is too big for my 512MB at the momment, so I'm in the process of trying to cut down some files.
does this mean u can play commercial psp games on your psp? like you put them on a memo card and such, but obviously have to own the game and only have it the memo card for back up?
Yes. Though this is BAD news, as this now REALLY is a reason for Sony to secure all the holes in the firmware folks use to play homebrew stuff.
Nothing beats actually saving up and buying a game. its the best feeling in the world walking out of a game shop clutching a square product and your wallet £40 lighter.
EvilDragon posted on Jul 11 2005 at 12:01 AM said:
Yes. Though this is BAD news, as this now REALLY is a reason for Sony to secure all the holes in the firmware folks use to play homebrew stuff.

Any news on the PSP community site ED? Am I right in thinking you're making one?
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A nice advantage of this is that some games take AGES to load (and continuously load between levels) via UMD. MS is obviously much quicker.

Must say though, it does mean piracy will be high, and is exactly the reason sony want to lock down the console.

The bad thing for pirates at the moment is that 512mb card are still quite expensive, and some games will either use a whole one, or not even fit on one, so you can't just fill up a ms with games - it'll be easier and cheaper to just buy the games!

Of course, this is until they figure out how to compress them, remove fmv, or whatever, but with sony's constant firmware updating, and no known hack for 1.52, the market will be getting smaller and smaller, and the pirates may give up (fat chance, but hey, it could be a first!)
Squidge posted on Jul 11 2005 at 12:24 AM said:
A nice advantage of this is that some games take AGES to load (and continuously load between levels) via UMD. MS is obviously much quicker.

Must say though, it does mean piracy will be high, and is exactly the reason sony want to lock down the console.

The bad thing for pirates at the moment is that 512mb card are still quite expensive, and some games will either use a whole one, or not even fit on one, so you can't just fill up a ms with games - it'll be easier and cheaper to just buy the games!

Of course, this is until they figure out how to compress them, remove fmv, or whatever, but with sony's constant firmware updating, and no known hack for 1.52, the market will be getting smaller and smaller, and the pirates may give up (fat chance, but hey, it could be a first!)

Plus, there's more chance of a workaround meaning that I won't have to upgrade firmware.

EDIT: With the MS games, I mean.
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a couple of games are really small though.

Coded Arms has had some FMV's removed and takes up like 120mb.

Bleach seems to be fully intact and takes up like 200mb.

I'm REALLY surprised that Ape Escape is so big... it must be the music?? It's not even that big as a PS1 game.

why the hell even buy a 512?? there's no point buying anything other than a 1gb anymore....
I just sold my 512mb syick for a 1gb one.

About the small games - there's already rips of the larger games out. Such as like TH and TW.

What I really want to see from booting games from the memory stick and what I believe is the most important - is the ability to bypass firmware checks. At the moment, any game that requires a firmware upgrade needs that upgrade (i.e Coded Arms only works on 1.5 PSP). So, when like GTA comes out that needs 1.51 or whatever, what are we going to do then? The end of homebrew? Hopefully all firmware will get cracked or the checks can be bypassed or something, because Snes and NeoGeo is just too good on the PSP.
Mark posted on Jul 10 2005 at 10:18 PM said:
You can't play the ISO's quite yet; you have to bust them open and change a few files.

dont know, the site with the loaders just say you need an origianl version of Wipeout in and then start the loader up and select the game on your memory stick

But it doesnt have to be used purely for Piracy.... Its a good way to backup your originals (and if you own the game already its legal to download it)... would you like to carry say 4 games with you worth £120 - £150 or just have them saved onto one Memory stick which stays in your PSP???
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Mark posted on Jul 11 2005 at 01:11 AM said:
EvilDragon posted on Jul 11 2005 at 12:01 AM said:
Yes. Though this is BAD news, as this now REALLY is a reason for Sony to secure all the holes in the firmware folks use to play homebrew stuff.

Any news on the PSP community site ED? Am I right in thinking you're making one?

hando is doing it... he wanted to have it finished pretty soon (that was about 1 1/2 months ago...)

It's progressing and AFAIK he has more time soon, I do hope it will open up in a while...
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Kop_007 posted on Jul 11 2005 at 10:00 AM said:
What I really want to see from booting games from the memory stick and what I believe is the most important - is the ability to bypass firmware checks. At the moment, any

Isn't it already possible to do this? ISTR that the required firmware version number was in the SFO, so you just needed to rewrite that file when copying it to the memory stick and it would work with your current version.

I also remember some kind of loader for booting UMD's and ignoring the firmware version check, so it shouldn't be a problem.
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Steve-O posted on Jul 11 2005 at 10:06 AM said:
Mark posted on Jul 10 2005 at 10:18 PM said:
You can't play the ISO's quite yet; you have to bust them open and change a few files.

dont know, the site with the loaders just say you need an origianl version of Wipeout in and then start the loader up and select the game on your memory stick

But it doesnt have to be used purely for Piracy.... Its a good way to backup your originals (and if you own the game already its legal to download it)... would you like to carry say 4 games with you worth £120 - £150 or just have them saved onto one Memory stick which stays in your PSP???

Yeah that's what we're talking about; but at the momment you have to use ISObuster or something simular to open the ISO file on the PC and swap a few files around, then place these files on the PSP.

There will, however, be a loader by WAB that just loads .ISO files.
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Squidge posted on Jul 11 2005 at 11:29 AM said:
Kop_007 posted on Jul 11 2005 at 10:00 AM said:
What I really want to see from booting games from the memory stick and what I believe is the most important - is the ability to bypass firmware checks. At the moment, any

Isn't it already possible to do this? ISTR that the required firmware version number was in the SFO, so you just needed to rewrite that file when copying it to the memory stick and it would work with your current version.

I also remember some kind of loader for booting UMD's and ignoring the firmware version check, so it shouldn't be a problem.

That's what some people say but I dont think it works. Enough people are saying it though to make me think it has some validity.

But, at the moment, no-one has been able to get a 1.5 game to boot on a 1.0 machine...yet,

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1.50 is a lot different than 1.00 though - for example, there's a shedload more api calls available. Should have more success between 1.50 and 1.51 or 1.52 however, as there's mostly security related crap in those apparently.

I didn't think the WAB tool takes ISO files yet, but it let you just unpack the ISO to the mem card and run without modification. I'll have to download it and see.

As for ISOBuster, screw that :) Download WinRAR, then just right click the ISO and "Extract here" :)
EvilDragon posted on Jul 10 2005 at 11:01 PM said:
Yes. Though this is BAD news, as this now REALLY is a reason for Sony to secure all the holes in the firmware folks use to play homebrew stuff.

Not only that it could effect companies that make software for the system. If they perceive the system as unsecure they may forgo developement as it is too easy for their game to be pirated. If many are DL games and spreading them around to their friends this will start to hurt game sales and then developement. This could tip the scales in favor of the DS or new GB etc and kill the PSP. Emus and HB are one thing but the ability to run w4r3z is another.
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DaveC posted on Jul 11 2005 at 12:32 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Jul 10 2005 at 11:01 PM said:
Yes. Though this is BAD news, as this now REALLY is a reason for Sony to secure all the holes in the firmware folks use to play homebrew stuff.

Not only that it could effect companies that make software for the system. If they perceive the system as unsecure they may forgo developement as it is too easy for their game to be pirated. If many are DL games and spreading them around to their friends this will start to hurt game sales and then developement. This could tip the scales in favor of the DS or new GB etc and kill the PSP. Emus and HB are one thing but the ability to run w4r3z is another.

not at all. in the grand scheme of things, maybe 1 or 2% of all PSP users will run pirated software, and thats not enough to hurt anything. There are way to many people that don't know about piracy, how to do it, etc. etc. compared to the people that do know how to do it.
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