I Don't Understand How Psp Is Exagerated As The Far Best Emulation


May 8, 2005
I am not saying that it might not be, But since then a lot more powerful devices are out, Pandora, GCW0, Ouya and more. But there is still a Playstation fan coming and say "Why do you need all that? PSP is the best for emulation and has commercial games and everything, it's the best!".
I mean, there is a generic myth around it, that PSP is best for emulation still, in the same way there are myths that e.g. Java=slow, etc. I am not saying these can't be truth, but it's a myth perpetuating that doesn't change, even if things changed (Faster machines with good emualtors anymore, Java has improved over the years, etc). But you now and then find a geek who says the cliche "PSP is the best device for emulation" even today.
I want to research this myth and find for myself. But first of all, stupid PSP is locked. And there was some way to unlock, unless you updated the BIOS which I did with a commercial game. And I had to find someone with his own PSP or a Pandora Baterry, not sure,. so it's very hard to now to even play homebrew with this (and imagine this device is now in the drawer collecting dust). So, it's totally closed and this is a minus for me, because I haven't even be able to check it myself (videos doesn't count, not enough, and some even so very slow N64/PS1 emulation, while there was the myth it can even run PS1/N64 fast). And fanboys come to me and say "This is bullshit, you can unlock your PSP in five minutes" and I am like, come on, new BIOS, not easy to unlock with running a simple file anymore, I have to find someone with unlocked PSP and do it via hardware or something. Unless something is changed and they found new trick. It's not, last time I checked, not possible without hassle.
Ok, maybe it's a good device for emulation, but CPU wise is near GP2X I think. Ok, it has the GPU too, and some of the videos on youtube show a smoother PS1, N64 even. Actually I am curious here, maybe PS1 has backward emulation, but N64? What special thing does the PSP hardware that makes it possible, yet we think it's not very probable on GCW0 even? (And even the Pandora version, I just realized is not very fast). Is it just that someone made a special optimized version for PSP? It has the GPU too, but also Caanoo had a GPU (albeit don't know how strong). How can the PSP (if these videos are true) have those emulator and not much later machines? I guess optimized programming. So, why haven't we gotten this optimized port for the much later devices, if it's possible in much more primitive hardware with a CPU frequency similar to GP2X and just some good GPU? Also, I have seen videos of GCW0 SNES emu outperforming the PSP. And Dosbox is much better of course on GCW0 and Pandora (reaching 386/486 speeds) than PSP (I thought I could play a 286 game well). Even if one has PS1/N64 somehow (because of good GPU?) one need the CPU horsepower for other emulators.
And when I ask someone but how can it be that PSP is better for emulator, you have the GCW0 now. His response is "But it's cheaper. The GCW0 is expensive". Oh well, the expensiveness argument, which I want to analyze later :P