Final Fantasy Games...


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Right then.... I've got to ask once and for all....

What's the big deal with the FF games? I'm asking from the standpoint of never having played any of them. Which is best (if any) and what emulated versions are better on the GP32? I want to have a go at some of them, but dont know where to start.

Your FF novice

Theyre just adictive and the story really draws u in. The kinda game that you hav a quick go on b4 u go 2 bed and end up falling asleep slumped on your controller :P
No idea what's so appealing about the things - they really shouldn't be.

Perhaps they've got a lot of the Jungian archetypes in them or something. Whatever it is, it WORKS. Best one on the SNES in my opinion is V, but go for VI if you want something (slightly) less cliche. IV I haven't played for an age, so can't remember it :(, but I think I enjoyed the thing when I was into it.

Of course, FF7 was really their climax - best one overall imo - but not likely to arrive GP32-wards anytime soon.

Basically, they're typical console RPGs, with usually a stereotypical storyline to boot. But somehow they're more engrossing than many; possibly because there are a couple of twists - even if you're often expecting them...
I played FF VII most of the way through. The cutscenes/plot were pretty good, but the actually gameplay wasn't great.

I followed the advice of the bloke who does 8-bit theatre, and played Final Fantasy III, which from many slightly snobby final fantasy officianados is supposed to be the best. It has a great classes system (even though magic is generally underpowered and a bit worthless), and was quite good to play through. I sorta of half recommend following a guide- getting a good combination of characters and knowing when to change is essential to do well, but it takes a long time to work out. I got tired of trying to work it all and started following a guide.

Since we're talking about the Gp32, I'd definately recommend FFIII, as it's a NES game. Although I ve got a feeling someone said it doesn't work with one of the emulators, so you might have trouble getting it working.

PS - the numbering of the series is all screwed up, as discussed in another thread, but FFIII ON THE NES is what I'm talking about. The FFIII was on the SNES. Probably.
Okay, here's my favourite FF-order:

FF10 (PS2)

So, if you wanna play on your gamepark, go for FF3 (there exists an English patch for the original rom), best of the NES FFs! :)
Ah well, it's not really screwed up. I always refer to the original Jap numbers.

Here's a "correct" list (where you can see why it's numbered so odd)

Jap US
FF2 ---
FF3 ---
FF4 FF2 (well, they made the game easier for the US)
FF5 ---
FF10 FF10

See, the only thing screwed up really is number 7.
The numbers before aren't really screwed up, as some versions never
came out in the US.
In my humble opinion, 7 is the only FF game worth playin all the way through if you're not used to the older style. Once you've cracked 7 start on 6 and work your way backwards, and the continuity of themes enriches the experience.

Never ever play 9 or 10 if you can help god what where they thinking?
The music in FF6j is great, but its a HUGE cartridge (almost over Snes9xGP's limit of 4MB), so it will run relatively slow even without sound. Random battles will give you headaches, as there can be a lot of animation going on. Don't even ask about Ultima...even ZSNES hiccups a tiny bit on my behemoth machine!. You're better off starting with FF3j on the NES, which will run fine, with sound, on either NesterGP or Little John. Anyway, you don't want to run FF6j without the sound, as you're really missing out on a great piece of the Final Fantasy equation.

Actually, if you want more of a story, you may want to go back a number and play FF2j on the Wonderswan Colour remake. I think the translation is...well, readable, and you can get the gist of the story from it. But FF3j definately has the better gameplay.
Odd, you must have an older version of ZSNES, my humble P3 and 256 MB SD ram and geforce run it perfectly with no hiccups.... you run XP?
I am at the moment (using XP), but I've played it when I also had Windows 98 as well. The slowdown isn't really that noticable, and its only when doing lots of graphically intensive stuff like Ultima (this could also be a timing issue for the emulator, as I do have a 2 GHz processor). Although, spells like Ultima do some freaky stuff, as even my old SNES had a little trouble with multiple Ultima's.

But Ultima's aside, you really shouldn't play FF6j without the sound.
Make that a *much* older version of zSNES; FFVI ran perfectly for me on a P2 200MHz including Ultima. And on zSnes.

If the windows version is slow for you, try the older DOS version; from memory, it has fewer needs. It doesn't do quite as much, but it is faster.
I like ffiv (although many disagree with me) because of the lack of class systems and such. The characters develop abilities that fit them and their personalities and I think this makes the game better.

As for why ff games are so popular, it is the story and the characters. Although sometimes cliched they can be epic because of the amount of play time people put in (the company often claims 60-100 hours gameplay). Really they are just interactive stories posing as games but who cares? They're great.

Check out for more info and an emulation page. :D
I havn't play all the FF but i play FF3j on NesterGP (translated in french) and i love it !!!
The 6 is really nice but without sound it might be difficult to appreciate it (like Chrono Trigger) :wacko:
But i haven't tried the FF1j nd 2j on WSC (translated in english) :blink:
But my favortie FF is Chrono Trigger :D (no comment, my joke was really too bad....)
Prolly not at first - try some actioney ones like SoM2 or Terranigma if you want to not be bored as such. Final Fantasies are good, but slow - and slowness is often what people mean when they say RPGs are boring. Zelda's also good for action :)
Grim Fandango ain't an RPG as such... its an Adventure Game (not really point and click but in that neck of the woods). No stats, level building, or things to fight as such. That's what characterises RPGs... Along with quests and a decent story of course...