My Work So Far


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003

Yes its bad, but for a first attempt its ok I think :P

Oh yea, You cant do anything on it... Im just showing off my Scrolling Text intro :D, Quite good for a n00b at this kind of stuff I think :) hehe -

if you dont know how to use Rapid Share, Go down to the bottom of the page and click "FREE".... now goto the bottom of the page and wait for the timer (if their is one) to get to Zero then press download :)

I have to fix the music still, I think its the bitrate that the GP32 doesnt like :(
The scrolling text indeed looks good :D

Strange is, I did this at the beginning of the week: Nameless

If you could make use of the code, I`ll document it and send it to you...
I don`t think I`m gonna make a minigame out of that in the near future ;)
Thanks, I need to make a button to skip the intro bit as once you have seen it once, it gets annoying having to watch it again and again when testing :P etc hehe

Cool, that would be excellent, is it possible to PM the Code or do you want my Email address?

Thanks again Quiest, I think your Status needs changed to GP32 Guru :D
I have to document it first, or it will be at no much use :) I will do so today and upload this evening.
Quiest you are a GOD :D... I could kiss you right now :P hehe

This is Excellent for my GTA Style Remake :D

Thanks again
I hope you can understand what`s going on in the code, just taking others codes and no understanding is bad - you won`t learn anything for future projects... :)

And there is no collision system, so it isn`t all that excellent :D
yea, I need to work out how to do collisions with trees and buildings and then when I get computer controlled cars on collisions with them... I will also need to put a Damage meter on :D