Worried About Buying From Gbax

  • Thread starter Thread starter royston79
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has anybody brought from gbax, im thinking of buying a psp, but when I click to go and buy the psp from gbax.com it bounces me off to another site, not even sure if its remotely to do with them. PLS Help, I desperately want to buy this

Oh Im writing this on your forum because I own a GP32 and some of you are helpful, others are just annoying !!
Don't worry, it's safe.
It's just an external redirection because Sony is currently sueing all companies in UK importing the PSP.
Gbax are great, they are fast, reliable and friendly. They are in the UK so there's no messing with international shipping etc and you can speak to them on the phone if you are worried. Honestly, I can't recommend them highly enough!

Well I trust your word guys but I have just tried 2 different credit cards on gbax.com and both didnt work. Something to do with this new securcode system.
I got so naffed off in tha end I ended up login into my old account at liksang and buying it from them. I've brought from them in the past ( gp32_console ). It all went through with out a hitch. What happened ??

You know what this means though, import costs and a longer wait. To be honest Ive even tried local independent traders but since this sony attack, nobody has stocked one

Oh well at least I will be able to have some portable commercial gameing soon, dont get me wrong im keeping the gp32 (love my retro) but the possibilties the psp offers now are to great to ignore. Thx for your help you guys are best

Im not a traitor honest GP32 forever !!!
I've been thinking of buying a psp from them too, has anyone had any stuck or dead pixels on thier psps bought from gbax?
fade posted on Jul 5 2005 at 08:39 PM said:
I've been thinking of buying a psp from them too, has anyone had any stuck or dead pixels on thier psps bought from gbax?

Although I've yet to get a PSP from anywhere I think it's rather unfair to expect dead pixel free psp's from anywhere, about 50 percent of all PSP have at least one,there's nothing than can be done.

You could always ask them to check for you before shipping, but it's likley that a dead pixel might reveal itself a few hours after play anyway.

Just take a risk, a dead pixel is hardly noticable.
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My PSP has 3 dead pixels but they are hardly noticeable and from what I've heard it's preety standard to have a few. I got my PSP from Japan, but Gbax would be fine to buy from in the UK, they have good customer service so if you're worried about the pixels, give them a call and ask them about it.

My PSP doesn't seem to have any dead pixels, but I've not looked that hard. I'm not that bothered about them to start getting a magnifying glass out and checking each one :) Besides, they can appear after varying amounts of use anyway, so even getting a guaranteed one doesn't mean a lot.
Just a quick note:

I've just received an invoice from DHL for import duty and VAT on my PSP I ordered using the link on GBAX's webpage, despite the fact that GBAX said there would be no import duty :(

So, since Sony is still sueing importers, it would probably be best to buy directly from Japan or the USA, as using GBAX doesn't mean you'll be excluded from the import duty (and since the product is shipped from Hong Kong, returns will most likely need to be sent back there, unless GBAX are willing to send them back on our behalf? - they've not replied to my email about that yet - even though I asked over a week ago.)
my psp only has 3 screwed up pixels.

one that turns white when on a black screen
one that turns black on a white screen
and one that randomly cycles through colors when its supposed to be either black or white

none of them are noticable during gameplay though. only loading screens
Why exactly is Sony suing importers of PSP's? They make a product that they want people to buy, but then they sue those who import them? WTF? How are people expected to buy the damn things then?
mattmagoo posted on Jul 13 2005 at 05:05 PM said:
yes, but because he is shipping from HK he doesn't make you pay VAT as before

Surely you still have to pay VAT?
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Well in this instance I can confirm along with Squidge that you do have to pay Duty/VAT despite GBAX proudly proclaiming ( still to this day "Our prices are ALL INCLUSIVE - the price you see is the price you pay. ) Hmm but according to DHL this makes GBAX or whoever they actually "resell" liable for the costs.

( The person receiving the shipment is legally obliged to pay Duty and VAT except where the person sending the shipment has agreed to accept these charges in the contract of sale. )


SO not only is it more expensive to buy from GBAX full stop, they also expect you to pay this extra cost and don't acknowledge this on their web site.. Also it must be said they are not the most responsive of organisations... during the order process I emailed at least 3 times, rang 3 times enquiring about the order; received no information until after it had arrived... and the really useful information being "Yes we have posted it" Well thanks I can see that now I have it in my hand ;) When I rang up I was basically told "Go away we're too busy"

I would review the other UK importers before using GBAX if you're looking for good value/customer service.
why dont you just order a psp from www.videogamesplus.ca i ordered mine on friday morning and it came on the monday afternoon. they marked it as a $20 game and sent it in a normal package hence no handling fee's or import tax + for the psp value pack, wipeout pure & postage it came to a total of £188 which is considerably cheaper than gbax.

the psp you get from VG+ is the american version. i've had no problems with it and cant see any dead pixels.
