The thread is far too long and most aspects are really mixed. (didn't read everything by now) I suggest that ED makes a new forum for the project.
I'm not able to say much about the components, but I want to mention that I don't think that some kind of "wireless" technics are needed, because there won't be many people who know somebody else who owns a similar console.

So I don't even expect any programs with multiplayer-support.
I think that we could deisgn our own case. I know that there are free and open programs for this jobs, just don't remember the names. It wouldn't be as expensive if we produce them in Asia, because big companys like Nintendo and Sony have contracts with much more than one country for one job (as example to build the case). They reduce the risk with that. The result is that these companys often produce under their limit. The problem is to find these companys.
The name is one of the most important things for such projects. We should make a new thread for this.
I worked for a webdesign-company a while ago and could make a website for the project. Others could help for sure.
The biggest problem is to get money. I don't believe that financial help from one man in this community could help you that much with that. We need some more ideas.
A question is if mr. mirko or someone else wants to open a (non-profit-?)company for that. Without there could be serious problems with contracts and such. I have some basic knowlege of BWL/RC ("Betriebswirtschaftslehre" with "Rechnungswesen" and "Controlling" in german - things you should know if you own a company) and could help you out a bit. :> You could easily open an Ltd. in UK and could sell things in every country that belongs to the EU. (even if you are german) With a Ltd. you don't have that much risk, because you don't have a "Haftung".

But, you need some money (like 500€) to buy a post-adress there. (einen Briefkasten ^^)
I would help you out as much as I can with this project.