Reeks of fish
First of all it's not my son and second he doesn't. He doesn't even speak German too well
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Magus, I'm not entirely sure what we all are talking aboutYou say someone who has never played video games will find it harder to learn to use the Gamecube controller than a PS2 controller. You go on and elaborate by saying that the diamond is a familiar shape. But this person has never played video games before! The shape is familiar to you because you play often.
As you said yourself, you never really tried it out. While you might think my arguments make no sense, I know they do. Put your thumb on the A button and you KNOW where everything is - also everything can be reached very quick and in an efficient manner, because the cashew shape actually conforms to your thumb. The layout itself also is no problem at all. You seem to think the only good layout is a syymetrical layout. Fact is, neither your hands are symmetrical nor are all buttons of the same importance. The A button is the button that gets mapped with an important action, and it just works. As a direct example: We are currently moving and our new neighbours' three year old son was getting on my nerves and asked me if he could play with my gamecube. I let him play Mario Kart. He could play it without me even explaining the buttons because he naturally assumed A = important = accelerate.
Magus, I'm not entirely sure what we all are talking aboutYou say someone who has never played video games will find it harder to learn to use the Gamecube controller than a PS2 controller. You go on and elaborate by saying that the diamond is a familiar shape. But this person has never played video games before! The shape is familiar to you because you play often.
As you said yourself, you never really tried it out. While you might think my arguments make no sense, I know they do. Put your thumb on the A button and you KNOW where everything is - also everything can be reached very quick and in an efficient manner, because the cashew shape actually conforms to your thumb. The layout itself also is no problem at all. You seem to think the only good layout is a syymetrical layout. Fact is, neither your hands are symmetrical nor are all buttons of the same importance. The A button is the button that gets mapped with an important action, and it just works. As a direct example: We are currently moving and our new neighbours' three year old son was getting on my nerves and asked me if he could play with my gamecube. I let him play Mario Kart. He could play it without me even explaining the buttons because he naturally assumed A = important = accelerate.
omg... so you mean to tell me that anybody who hasn't played videogames before DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A DAMN SQUARE IS? That's what I was referring to... the fact that it's a familiar shape to everybody, period... not a familiar shape for button layout, just a familiar shape at all... You look at it once and put your hand on one button... you know where the rest are.
Do you know for sure that he never played Mario Kart before? How do you know that maybe he just happened to touch A first, and rather than hitting all the buttons for no reason, he decided to try it before the rest cuz it's the first one he touched?
Look, I've already said this before... I'm not "ragging" on anything... I'm just saying that I don't like the gamecube controller, and I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did. I'm not saying "omg, gamecube sux!!" or anything like that at all. And I'm not trying to say that Sony's better either... I'm just saying that I like their controller better and that the button layout is in a shape that everybody knows(once again, not referring to familiarity with that shape being used as a button layout, just referring to familiarity of the shape at all), so it's easier to learn to use. I'm not saying that I could never learn to use a gamecube controller... If I had to learn to type with my feet, it would eventually happen... but that doesn't change the fact that it's awkward. Obviously nobody's going to get thru to each other here, so let's just stop this now before it gets any worse than it already is.
I'm not pissed off... I haven't been this entire time... but I get frustrated when people read or hear something I've said and then completely misinterperate it. I've had to re-explain myself several times here already.
And while I've never really liked Gamecube at all, Lubidog, I didn't go into the situation with a bad attitude... My brother told me he had Mortal Kombat(I can't remember which one, I think it was Deadly Alliance or something like that), and I was like "ooh, Mortal Kombat, must play..." Because I loved Mortal Kombat... But compared to the old ones, that game sucked. and that's no fault of the controller. But like I said before, I can't understand why Nintendo messed with their controller the way they did because while I was playing it, I think I beat my brother or something, and it said "press (insert button name because I can't remember what it wanted me to press)." And of course, I hit the wrong one.
Then another time, I went to the Weidman Twins' house(the twins I mentioned earlier who somehow broke like 5 gamecube controllers in a year... don't ask me how they did that, I have no idea), and they asked me if I wanted to play some shooting game that I think was based on the Gulf War. I forget what it was called... anyway, they told me its controls were like TimeSplitters, and it played kind of like SOCOM... So I was expecting it to be really good. It wasn't... For some reason, they let you pick 2 different "teams," American and British. Picking a different team does absolutely nothing though, as they both have the exact same weapons. The game was very sluggish and not much fun at all. Once again, not the controller's fault... but this is when it felt like the gamecube controller wasn't very durable for some reason.
Before you say that I should play Nintendo's first party games, I've been there and done that. I hated MarioKart ever since its debut on SNES. Super Mario 64 isn't interesting or exciting at all(by the way, wtf happened to luigi?), all sports games suck, especially those with Mario characters, I HATE Pokemon, and I never liked Donkey Kong country(and I suck at it anyway). Ocarina of Time was great though. I'm sure wind waker is at least okay, but I'm not about to go buy a gamecube just to try it. Even if it would end up being the best game I'd ever played(doubtful... very very doubtful), I still wouldn't buy one because no other gamecube games interest me at all.
Magus, quit being a fanboy.
Any idiot can tell that this is the true "shape" of the GameCube's button layout:
It's extremely intuitive. In almost every game there is a single button that will get the most use. This button will, naturally be assigned to the central A button because it is the resting place of one's thumb on the GC controller. Then, when the game requires more, they can be assigned to the button surrounding the A button. The idea, which is a good one, is that the buttons do NOT have to equally accessible because they are all used to varying degrees in gaming. It's a genius idea as far as I am concerned.
Look, I've already said this before... I'm not "ragging" on anything... I'm just saying that I don't like the gamecube controller, and I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did. I'm not saying "omg, gamecube sux!!" or anything like that at all. And I'm not trying to say that Sony's better either... I'm just saying that I like their controller better and that the button layout is in a shape that everybody knows(once again, not referring to familiarity with that shape being used as a button layout, just referring to familiarity of the shape at all), so it's easier to learn to use. I'm not saying that I could never learn to use a gamecube controller... If I had to learn to type with my feet, it would eventually happen... but that doesn't change the fact that it's awkward. Obviously nobody's going to get thru to each other here, so let's just stop this now before it gets any worse than it already is.
well Im just guessing that it's because your reasons aren't that great for why you love the ps2 controller and it doesn't really seem like you gave enough time to at least try the controllerLook, I've already said this before... I'm not "ragging" on anything... I'm just saying that I don't like the gamecube controller, and I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did. I'm not saying "omg, gamecube sux!!" or anything like that at all. And I'm not trying to say that Sony's better either... I'm just saying that I like their controller better and that the button layout is in a shape that everybody knows(once again, not referring to familiarity with that shape being used as a button layout, just referring to familiarity of the shape at all), so it's easier to learn to use. I'm not saying that I could never learn to use a gamecube controller... If I had to learn to type with my feet, it would eventually happen... but that doesn't change the fact that it's awkward. Obviously nobody's going to get thru to each other here, so let's just stop this now before it gets any worse than it already is.
"Hey! I have a great idea! Magus is defending his opinion against hypocritical Nintendo fanboys who try to label him one! OMG, THAT BASTARD!!! LET'S BAN HIM!!!!"
Vimacs, I already suggested that... Clearly they can't accept my opinion. I have no problem with their own, but some of them don't even offer reasons for the way they feel, and they label me a fanboy because I don't like the gamecube controller...
omg... so you mean to tell me that anybody who hasn't played videogames before DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A DAMN SQUARE IS? That's what I was referring to... the fact that it's a familiar shape to everybody, period... not a familiar shape for button layout, just a familiar shape at all... You look at it once and put your hand on one button... you know where the rest are.
Do you know for sure that he never played Mario Kart before? How do you know that maybe he just happened to touch A first, and rather than hitting all the buttons for no reason, he decided to try it before the rest cuz it's the first one he touched?
Look, I've already said this before... I'm not "ragging" on anything... I'm just saying that I don't like the gamecube controller, and I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did. I'm not saying "omg, gamecube sux!!" or anything like that at all. And I'm not trying to say that Sony's better either... I'm just saying that I like their controller better and that the button layout is in a shape that everybody knows(once again, not referring to familiarity with that shape being used as a button layout, just referring to familiarity of the shape at all), so it's easier to learn to use. I'm not saying that I could never learn to use a gamecube controller... If I had to learn to type with my feet, it would eventually happen... but that doesn't change the fact that it's awkward. Obviously nobody's going to get thru to each other here, so let's just stop this now before it gets any worse than it already is.
I'm not pissed off... I haven't been this entire time... but I get frustrated when people read or hear something I've said and then completely misinterperate it. I've had to re-explain myself several times here already.
And while I've never really liked Gamecube at all, Lubidog, I didn't go into the situation with a bad attitude... My brother told me he had Mortal Kombat(I can't remember which one, I think it was Deadly Alliance or something like that), and I was like "ooh, Mortal Kombat, must play..." Because I loved Mortal Kombat... But compared to the old ones, that game sucked. and that's no fault of the controller. But like I said before, I can't understand why Nintendo messed with their controller the way they did because while I was playing it, I think I beat my brother or something, and it said "press (insert button name because I can't remember what it wanted me to press)." And of course, I hit the wrong one.
Then another time, I went to the Weidman Twins' house(the twins I mentioned earlier who somehow broke like 5 gamecube controllers in a year... don't ask me how they did that, I have no idea), and they asked me if I wanted to play some shooting game that I think was based on the Gulf War. I forget what it was called... anyway, they told me its controls were like TimeSplitters, and it played kind of like SOCOM... So I was expecting it to be really good. It wasn't... For some reason, they let you pick 2 different "teams," American and British. Picking a different team does absolutely nothing though, as they both have the exact same weapons. The game was very sluggish and not much fun at all. Once again, not the controller's fault... but this is when it felt like the gamecube controller wasn't very durable for some reason.
Before you say that I should play Nintendo's first party games, I've been there and done that. I hated MarioKart ever since its debut on SNES. Super Mario 64 isn't interesting or exciting at all(by the way, wtf happened to luigi?), all sports games suck, especially those with Mario characters, I HATE Pokemon, and I never liked Donkey Kong country(and I suck at it anyway). Ocarina of Time was great though. I'm sure wind waker is at least okay, but I'm not about to go buy a gamecube just to try it. Even if it would end up being the best game I'd ever played(doubtful... very very doubtful), I still wouldn't buy one because no other gamecube games interest me at all.
guessing that's airsoft...Anyone that clicks on Magus profile and sees his new picture of himself will clearly see that this is one peaceloving, gentle guy!
The sooner this topic is locked, and Magus grows up the better! You don't win arguments by shouting or shooting!
Anyone that clicks on Magus profile and sees his new picture of himself will clearly see that this is one peaceloving, gentle guy!
The sooner this topic is locked, and Magus grows up the better! You don't win arguments by shouting or shooting!
omg... so you mean to tell me that anybody who hasn't played videogames before DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A DAMN SQUARE IS? That's what I was referring to... the fact that it's a familiar shape to everybody, period... not a familiar shape for button layout, just a familiar shape at all... You look at it once and put your hand on one button... you know where the rest are.
No, I just don't see why a square button layout is so much better than a Y (which most people also recognise). Once again, you look at it, put your thumb on it and know where the rest is. I might be a little thick, but I just do not understand why the square layout is so superior.
Do you know for sure that he never played Mario Kart before? How do you know that maybe he just happened to touch A first, and rather than hitting all the buttons for no reason, he decided to try it before the rest cuz it's the first one he touched?
You just proved my point. He touched A first. It's the biggest button in signal green. Incidently, it is also the most important button for this game.
Look, I've already said this before... I'm not "ragging" on anything... I'm just saying that I don't like the gamecube controller, and I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did. I'm not saying "omg, gamecube sux!!" or anything like that at all. And I'm not trying to say that Sony's better either... I'm just saying that I like their controller better and that the button layout is in a shape that everybody knows(once again, not referring to familiarity with that shape being used as a button layout, just referring to familiarity of the shape at all), so it's easier to learn to use. I'm not saying that I could never learn to use a gamecube controller... If I had to learn to type with my feet, it would eventually happen... but that doesn't change the fact that it's awkward. Obviously nobody's going to get thru to each other here, so let's just stop this now before it gets any worse than it already is.
And I'm not trying to sanctify the GC Controller. I just don't understand your arguments. By the way, that was a pretty bad analogy
I'm not pissed off... I haven't been this entire time... but I get frustrated when people read or hear something I've said and then completely misinterperate it. I've had to re-explain myself several times here already.
You sure sound pissed off though
And while I've never really liked Gamecube at all, Lubidog, I didn't go into the situation with a bad attitude... My brother told me he had Mortal Kombat(I can't remember which one, I think it was Deadly Alliance or something like that), and I was like "ooh, Mortal Kombat, must play..." Because I loved Mortal Kombat... But compared to the old ones, that game sucked. and that's no fault of the controller. But like I said before, I can't understand why Nintendo messed with their controller the way they did because while I was playing it, I think I beat my brother or something, and it said "press (insert button name because I can't remember what it wanted me to press)." And of course, I hit the wrong one.
True... Deadly Alliance did not have the MK feel at all. Though your inability to hit the right button might have made it even worse
Then another time, I went to the Weidman Twins' house(the twins I mentioned earlier who somehow broke like 5 gamecube controllers in a year... don't ask me how they did that, I have no idea), and they asked me if I wanted to play some shooting game that I think was based on the Gulf War. I forget what it was called... anyway, they told me its controls were like TimeSplitters, and it played kind of like SOCOM... So I was expecting it to be really good. It wasn't... For some reason, they let you pick 2 different "teams," American and British. Picking a different team does absolutely nothing though, as they both have the exact same weapons. The game was very sluggish and not much fun at all. Once again, not the controller's fault... but this is when it felt like the gamecube controller wasn't very durable for some reason.
So you fell like the controller is not durable because you don't like that game? I'd really like to understand the connection
Before you say that I should play Nintendo's first party games, I've been there and done that. I hated MarioKart ever since its debut on SNES. Super Mario 64 isn't interesting or exciting at all(by the way, wtf happened to luigi?), all sports games suck, especially those with Mario characters, I HATE Pokemon, and I never liked Donkey Kong country(and I suck at it anyway). Ocarina of Time was great though. I'm sure wind waker is at least okay, but I'm not about to go buy a gamecube just to try it. Even if it would end up being the best game I'd ever played(doubtful... very very doubtful), I still wouldn't buy one because no other gamecube games interest me at all.
And a nice dose of "Everything sucks" to round off the post