Killzone 2 Trailer Looks Craazzy

junker posted on May 18 2005 at 06:37 PM said:
lubidog posted on May 18 2005 at 01:08 PM said:
junker posted on May 18 2005 at 06:53 AM said:
this however has been proven to be pre-rendered :(
at least that's the general concensus(sp?) right now.

Okay Junker. No, more posts until you tell us WHO has proven it to be false, and why you are so desparate that it is a fake????????????? Every thread has you trying to tell us that 'insiders' have revealed it was a mock up! And like the man said, the unreal engine thingy was live for sure, and that was amazing!

Why? Do you sleep with Bill Gates or something?

All this fanboyism is ridiculous! Okay, so the Xbox had some great games. But the next PS3, Xbox and Rev are new machines.

After the MTV, the Xboxers weren't saying like 'ooh, it won't be as good as they say it will', so why say the same thing now after Sony's effort! I am neutral, but Sony has really impressed. I was very excited about the Xbox after their MTV show, but the Sony has impressed me more? Doesn't mean I won't be happy if the Xbox does really well!!!!!!!!!!

It's nuts, plain and crazy!!!!!!!!!!

Now, where's my gun!

PS. Does everyone know That Bast is off to E3 tomorrow! Great!

HEY! how dare you!
you don't think i would WANT for this to be for real?? damn man, i did start this thread afterall. excuse me for turning into an xbox fanboy for simply having doubts on this trailer that HASN'T been proved to be real. same reason as Rico..

i mean the ps3 press conference impressed the shit out of me, but sony's been known to mess with our emotions like that, and with the guy from Epic claiming everything to be pre-rendered besides the unreal and fight night demo, it's hard to believe.

blah, i guess i'm just a hater for being doubtfull then, huh

as much as i want it to be real, i'm going to say it's not, unless there is solid proof against it. >SOLID<

speaking of guys seen the mgs4 teaser vid? hilarious :lol:

for the record, i'm going to say this(w/o any bias)...there won't be much difference in graphical performance between the ps3 and x360..MUCH. it's going to come down to software once again, but we all know who has the advantage in that. if the 360 can get good momentum from the extra 6 months, then it should be a good rival to the ps3. if not, then the ps3 will probably just end up being on top by far.

I dare :P

But I can't disagree with you! Sony has promised more than it gave (the emotion engine....!)

Bast put it right, they are all looking tasty! We don't know what will happen. But it's flippin exciting for us neutrals!

I've just been impressed with Sony's approach to launching this thing! They just seem to have coming out fighting SO hard. The determination to make the best system is scary, and to have all bases covered!

But before I saw the PS3 vid, I was drooling over the Xbox 360! So bring them all on! I'm ready. Just wish my bank manager was.....
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lubidog posted on May 18 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
But before I saw the PS3 vid, I was drooling over the Xbox 360! So bring them all on! I'm ready. Just wish my bank manager was.....

ah, same here! plus i'll have to somehow get an hdtv..*falls dead*
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you know, I have to say, after seeing those same clips of the work in progress PS3 games on a very large screen... I'm starting to think the Killzone 2 demo ISN"T real time... It really does look quite a bit better than the other WIP's they displayed, and it does come off as waaaay too scripted for what should be a very early WIP.

On the other hand, there was footage of another game which was also shown on that video at Gamespot... I dont' recall seeing a title, it starts out looking very World War II-ish... but then suddenly halfway thru the clip you see the WWII soldiers fighting freaky monsters! Anyways the footage there looks very much like realtime gameplay footage and looks VERY good. There is a point where theres like 10-20+ very high detail soldiers walking in front of the player in a very detailed area and it just all looks so clean and good and the framerate is butter smooth. Oh and the monsters they show look sweet too... if there's one video I'm paying attention to that is the one and yeah it looks almost as good as the Killzone 2 vid but minus all the scripting.
So, now thay have this quality... Imagine what they have, when they can actually fully program the junk...

Saw a trailer for Tomb Raider... it royally pisses me of, that they have adopted the movie logo/font for the games... Like it wasn't a great game first, shitty movies later...

(The first game was great...)

Though, I'm betting the biggest new thing they have implemented... Is propably that Lara has to chance clips when guns are empty... :P :(
The idea that the PS3 will be 10000 times more powerful than the Xbox 360 is very deceptive.

Sure, it is 30 times more powerful than the PS2, and the 360 is only 15 times as powerful as the Xbox, but the Xbox was around 2 times as powerful as the PS2.
in raw specs the PS3 is more powerful the the 360, no if's and's or but's. Not sure how much powerful but I've heard that relatively, the PS3 is about as much more powerful over the 360, as the Xbox 1 was over the PS2... a not insignificant difference, but not enough of one to just put one to shame or make one seem totally obsolete, either.
hardware analyzers are starting to claim that it's the xbox 360 that will end up being more powerful :D i really think the ps3 will be more powerful(but a 9-12 month extra time isn't really that much), but the numbers don't lie. the 360 will supposedly have much higher bandwidth for its gpu thanks to the 10mb edram buffer(free AA as they say),
and its cpus are better for general processing tasks which are supposedly more important to game programming than floating point processing, which the ps3 kills the 360 in.
who knows, and i'm sure if there was a technical comparison done by a ps3 guy it'd make the ps3 out to be more powerful.
in any case, it's all hype until the final stuff comes in!
You know, after watching that Killzone trailor many many times, I have to say that the sound is almost as impressive as the visuals, and that can be done on any system! The voice acting, when the bloke shouts "Give us a chance you Goddamm.... Jesus, oh my God!" sends shivers down my back.

I am not really a fan of FPS games, but tloved the first Medal of Honour game cos of the Dunkirk landing bit-the noise was just so atmospheric. And that's what all this next gen hardware is trying to do, immerse us so far in the action as to make us forget that we are sitting in front of a TV?

If they can get close to what we've seen, and in the IGN interview they say that the game will be 'as the trailor', then it could be the greatest gaming experience ever! But if it doesn't come anywhere near, then Sony will have the most disappointed customers.....
what... Sony??? Have dissapointed customers???? PSSHAW!!! :blink: :rolleyes:
Okay, looks like Motorstorm and most probably this vid are indeed pre-rendered. These developers were given the specs for the PS3 and put together what they could. So those models and textures may well be used in the actual game, but the effects and lighting etc will be generated by 3DSMax or whatever software they used.
i hope the ps3 will be able to handle those models and high res textures! it would be aweesome.
Judging from the genuine in-game footage, no. Looks like both the Motorstorm and Killzone developers over-estimated the PS3's abilities a little. It might be able to produce something of a similar quality a few years down the line, but launch games looking that good is highly unlikely. Disappointing but...meh. Most PS3 videos still looked better than the 360's offerings IMHO.
Huxley posted on May 24 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Judging from the genuine in-game footage, no. Looks like both the Motorstorm and Killzone developers over-estimated the PS3's abilities a little. It might be able to produce something of a similar quality a few years down the line, but launch games looking that good is highly unlikely. Disappointing but...meh. Most PS3 videos still looked better than the 360's offerings IMHO.

I have to once again point out the Unreal Engine 3 footage which WAS done in real time... the textures and such on that demo were fantastic and IMO right up there with the quality of the graphics in the Killzone trailer. I think graphically Killzone will look much like that trailer, just not as scripted or well animated maybe, but on a frame-by-frame basis it should look just about as good IMO. That was the only thing that makes that killzone trailer look so unbelievable really is how scripted it was, graphically I think it will be well within the PS3's capabilities.

Lord if I could only remember the name of that other game... someone help me out here! It's in the same video trailer... the clip starts with a bunch of soldiers walking thru a field, its' very dark and looks WWII era... and then halfway thru the trailer they start getting attacked by monsters. Really crazy looking... anyways THAT game looked really good as well, graphically, and that one definately looked real time not prerendered, with an onscreen crosshairs and everything. With Killzone and Motorstorm being prerendered, this game I'm talking about was the one that impressed me the most.

Remember they are touting the PS3's GPU as being as powrerful as TWO Gforce 6800's or whatever the number was...the top'o'the'line Gforce right now... if it's really that powerful than I'd think that Killzone trailers graphics aren't that far down the road.
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Klown posted on May 25 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
Killzone 2 was Pre-Rendered if anybody hasn't addressed that point.

Woooow!? How did you ever come to that amazing conclusion? Try reading the posts above first.

Klown posted on May 25 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
EDIT: Oh dear christ the pathetic fanboys are starting to show.

Which pathetic fanboys? Quit trying to start a fight.

I have to once again point out the Unreal Engine 3 footage which WAS done in real time...

Yes, the Unreal 3 engine does look amazing (Xbox 360 version included/Gears of War) but it's lacking the spit and polish of the Killzone trailer. These are the effects a high-end 3D package provide. I don't doubt that Killzone 2 will look great, but I can garuntee it won't be half as stunning as that trailer.
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Huxley posted on May 25 2005 at 09:25 AM said:
Klown posted on May 25 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
EDIT: Oh dear christ the pathetic fanboys are starting to show.

Which pathetic fanboys? Quit trying to start a fight.

Yeah really I was about to say, what the hell is he talking about???

And what's this Gears of War game all about? I kept hearing about this one but haven't seen it yet. Sounds like it's gonna be a heck of a good game.
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bast525 posted on May 25 2005 at 08:00 AM said:
Huxley posted on May 24 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Judging from the genuine in-game footage, no. Looks like both the Motorstorm and Killzone developers over-estimated the PS3's abilities a little. It might be able to produce something of a similar quality a few years down the line, but launch games looking that good is highly unlikely. Disappointing but...meh. Most PS3 videos still looked better than the 360's offerings IMHO.

I have to once again point out the Unreal Engine 3 footage which WAS done in real time... the textures and such on that demo were fantastic and IMO right up there with the quality of the graphics in the Killzone trailer. I think graphically Killzone will look much like that trailer, just not as scripted or well animated maybe, but on a frame-by-frame basis it should look just about as good IMO. That was the only thing that makes that killzone trailer look so unbelievable really is how scripted it was, graphically I think it will be well within the PS3's capabilities.

Lord if I could only remember the name of that other game... someone help me out here! It's in the same video trailer... the clip starts with a bunch of soldiers walking thru a field, its' very dark and looks WWII era... and then halfway thru the trailer they start getting attacked by monsters. Really crazy looking... anyways THAT game looked really good as well, graphically, and that one definately looked real time not prerendered, with an onscreen crosshairs and everything. With Killzone and Motorstorm being prerendered, this game I'm talking about was the one that impressed me the most.

Remember they are touting the PS3's GPU as being as powrerful as TWO Gforce 6800's or whatever the number was...the top'o'the'line Gforce right now... if it's really that powerful than I'd think that Killzone trailers graphics aren't that far down the road.
gears of war
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Klown posted on May 25 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
EDIT: Oh dear christ the pathetic fanboys are starting to show.

you dont need to be a fanboy to know ps3 is blatently the best :P

I like em all really
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