First Ps3 Pictures

DaveC posted on May 17 2005 at 11:29 PM said:
runescape=crap posted on May 17 2005 at 06:33 PM said:
xbox team will not let sony win by a whole teraflop. Seems most power for xbox is the cpu's and most power for ps3 is the gpu. Is that correct? also remember the xbox 360 is not out yet......................

They have no choice. Both systems are done hardware wise, and the specs frozen. The Xbox 360 is in production and being boxed right now as they will be released in only 6 months. It takes a very long time to build millions of complex units like that. Sony just made MS look stupid. They tried, and the 360 was a very worthy attempt, but Sony is better and smarter and they win. The PS3 is more than DOUBLE as powerful. It is like Sony is a whole generation ahead. Plus they will have HD DVD and Xbox is stuck in the past with old time regular DVDs. It was a dumb move for them going first. Had they waited 1 year and came out 6 months after PS3 they would have been comparible in specs and have Blu-ray too. I predict that the 360 will bomb. MS will lose so much on it that they may bow out after this. That will leave Sony and Nintendo. Nintendo will try to fight Sony with gimmicks but will never catch up.
gotta admit kill zone looks sweet. Definetly goign to getthat. I am having a ps3 for all non 360 games. besides tis not frozen because they are trying to add backwards compatibility. I do not think there wil lbe any difference in gpahics until we get to the flag ships games. i want a zone of the enders on that thing. And a halo on the other thing. also ms will stop production if they must. i predict games will look identical on both for like 3-5 years. then some big really advaced game will come along and boob. xbox 360 will be beaten. But i think a lot can be done with the 360.
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a lot will be done, for both.
unfortunately, the killzone trailer wasn't realtime! and many insiders and hardware folk keep saying the ps3 won't be much more powerful than the 360, at least with the graphics. the ps3 does have the better cpu, though, although its seperated memory architecture isn't as good as the unified memory approach the 360's going for.
we'll see soon enough, though!
i hope there'll be plenty of live action demos in the next couple of days!
The Killzone trailor wasn't real time???? Do you work for Sony, cos they say it was, and it wasn't particularly more impressive than the Unreal one....(which def was live!And did you not see the ducks? the DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It seems odd to me that many posters here are so partisan, "not worried by blu-ray" etc. Why? Unless you have a financial stake, why be so worried? We shouldn't try to denegrate what the PS3 has demonstrated, just cos it might make our beloved Xbox look weak? The Xbox isn't a football team to support.

But by really hoping that all three companies push the envolope, that's how games are gonna get bigger and better! I really think that the combined might of Sony, Nvidea and IBM has (this time) truly smashed the oposition. I've seen the videos with a totally open mind (tho my heart is with Ninty!), and it's impossible not to conclude that Sony is way ahead in terms of everything. The 'key issues' for Xbox (besides power), Sony just says "Yeah, we've got those. Whatever!".

And SOny are saying and doing everything right! (even the controller-we can't judge till we've got one in our hands-and sony seems to know what we want!). They've courted the devvers, got the franchises, making more, the ps3 is apparently easy to program, the devvers have the hardware already (with a year to go!). They just seem to know the market!

This can only bring the opposition with them, cos their's will be great machines, no doubt, and people will buy them! Markets forces, one dominant player, couple of others trying their darndest. Quality will hopefully prevail and we'll all win!!!!!

Even me, maybe :blink:
Does someone have a link to Sony's press conference video? I can't find the damn thing anywhere other than gamespot, and whenever I try to watch it on gamespot, I get some stupid jeep advertisement with nothing else after it.
Try if you want to d/l.

unfortunately, the killzone trailer wasn't realtime! and many insiders and hardware folk keep saying the ps3 won't be much more powerful than the 360, at least with the graphics.

Which insiders? Where? Please back up these claims :P
The xbox fanboys are funny, first they ware bashing sony and stuff to hell than came the mtv show -> "but but butits more powerfull omfg xbox terraflop omfg, who cares about design" <- now after e3 they are more or less totaly silent or the hardcore ones with just "its not all about power" "it will look as good" "you wont notice it until ...." "but xbox will be cracked first and sell more" "its about games not power". They are realy loughable, exactly the opposite as they said before lol :-)

/me go's and buys ps3 for gfx and stuff and nrev for "different" games and nes/snes/n64
lol Bast, YOUR GOING TO E3.

As for wireless controllers, i don't have an opinion really. The last time I used a wireless controller was with the original NES and back then they sucked ass. They lagged and would just stop working at the wrong angles. I'm sure the technology has been greatly improved since then so I don't care either way.
DaveC posted on May 17 2005 at 11:29 PM said:
I'm on my hands and knees sucking sonys cock

you need to be put in the circus, that talking out your arse thing you got going is positively freakish

@KickinWing have you used a wavebird? They're sweet, the technology is definately there.
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Vimacs posted on May 18 2005 at 12:52 PM said:
The xbox fanboys are funny, first they ware bashing sony and stuff to hell than came the mtv show -> "but but butits more powerfull omfg xbox terraflop omfg, who cares about design" <- now after e3 they are more or less totaly silent or the hardcore ones with just "its not all about power" "it will look as good" "you wont notice it until ...." "but xbox will be cracked first and sell more" "its about games not power". They are realy loughable, exactly the opposite as they said before lol :-)

/me go's and buys ps3 for gfx and stuff and nrev for "different" games and nes/snes/n64

ROFLMAO this is SO funny because it's SO true!! Most of my gamer friends are hardcore Xbox fiends... it will be very funny to hear their reactions when they hear just how much more powerful the PS3 is going to be. Well you know fanboy's... the grass is always greener on their side... I'm sure they'll have lots of vehement arguements to spew in defense of their beloved 360. Whatever... don't matter to me, if it has some great games, I'll get one anyways, and if I end up loving my PS3 more... oh well *shrug* God it's so retarded how badly people want to pick one system and then defend it to the death like they do... don't think I'll EVER understand that.
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bast525 posted on May 18 2005 at 02:14 PM said:
Vimacs posted on May 18 2005 at 12:52 PM said:
The xbox fanboys are funny, first they ware bashing sony and stuff to hell than came the mtv show -> "but but butits more powerfull omfg xbox terraflop omfg, who cares about design" <- now after e3 they are more or less totaly silent or the hardcore ones  with just "its not all about power" "it will look as good" "you wont notice it until ...." "but xbox will be cracked first and sell more" "its about games not power". They are realy loughable, exactly the opposite as they said before lol :-)

/me go's and buys ps3 for gfx and stuff and nrev for "different" games and nes/snes/n64

ROFLMAO this is SO funny because it's SO true!! Most of my gamer friends are hardcore Xbox fiends... it will be very funny to hear their reactions when they hear just how much more powerful the PS3 is going to be. Well you know fanboy's... the grass is always greener on their side... I'm sure they'll have lots of vehement arguements to spew in defense of their beloved 360. Whatever... don't matter to me, if it has some great games, I'll get one anyways, and if I end up loving my PS3 more... oh well *shrug* God it's so retarded how badly people want to pick one system and then defend it to the death like they do... don't think I'll EVER understand that.

So true, so true!

Let the fan boys nash their teeth, whilst the rest of us enjoy great games on all 3 systems!!!

I'm so bored of these "PS3 specs are made up-Xbox specs are real", and "Insiders say the killzone shots are mock ups" that I really can't be arsed to read them anymore. Even tho I might poke fun at Bast (sorry :( ), at least he plays all systems on his merits. Not just "Xbox has gotta be best".

Dog eat Dog out there....
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What the hell's going on here? Why can't I watch the Sony press conference? Grr... The gamespot link doesn't work for me, and the one at isn't the whole thing, it's a short 2 minute summary done by GTTV.
lubidog posted on May 18 2005 at 07:14 AM said:
The Killzone trailor wasn't real time???? Do you work for Sony, cos they say it was, and it wasn't particularly more impressive than the Unreal one....(which def was live!And did you not see the ducks? the DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I've seen those DUCKS! i know, very impressive, but they're just tech demos, eh?
and as much as i want the killzone trailer to be for real, i just can't accept it. if it was, i'm sure the devs or sony guys would proudly proclaim it to be running in real time.
i also read yesterday in IGN that it wasn't. word's changed?

i'm not one sided at all, just skeptical. i'm not one to stick to one system, and i will get em all. just so much bloody hype now and not enough REAL shit, y'know?
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sam fisher posted on May 18 2005 at 08:21 PM said:
btw the 163rd best super computer in the world with 1153 cores has less power than the ps3 ;)

It`s not what you`ve got that counts, Its how you use it. :P

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According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

hmmmmm, bit pricey non?
mattmagoo posted on May 22 2005 at 05:55 PM said:
According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

hmmmmm, bit pricey non?
If that is true, it will probably launch at £300 here in the UK, which is steep.

But both the PS1 and PS2 were expensive at launch.
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declaration posted on May 22 2005 at 07:22 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on May 22 2005 at 05:55 PM said:
According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

hmmmmm, bit pricey non?
If that is true, it will probably launch at £300 here in the UK, which is steep.

But both the PS1 and PS2 were expensive at launch.
Doubt it, we usually get US number minus 30 or something, we get ripped off.

Although you have to remember they dont have VAT on the US price.
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