First Ps3 Pictures


Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK


This was released literally a few minutes ago. Not enough views to judge it yet, but it certainly has a unique design.
wow! just now!
looks almost like a pc tower..
link's not working?
and i think the silver one is best!
whoah! the ps3 specs are BEASTLY!
2.18 terraflops of computing power? 256mb XDR memory, and 256mb Vram(what does this mean exactly? it is physical ram, right?).
that XDram is running at 3.2ghz??? unheard of. the graphics chipset doesn't seem to be much more powerful than the 360's however, but time will tell.

all with a blue ray drive, i wonder how much they'll charge!
yeah it does, and i don't like that

also, does it have a dvd tray, or is it one of them car cd player insert thingies? cuz if it is, it sucks.
also, the design could be better
hell no, it looks f'n SHITTY. ugliest piece of shit controller i've seen EVER.
i hope they redesign...
The only nice things about that design is the slot drive and the logo looks nice.
Other than that both the console and controller look utter shit.
Back to the drawning board boys.
There is no hope for the future :angry:

So far I'm not liking ANYTHING I'm seeing of the next generation. At least the Xbox 360 system and controller look alright... I wasn't impressed by them but damn it looked way better than THIS junk. WTF is Sony thinking here???? As big a Sony fan as I am these pics have seriously pissed me off. The system has somehow even eclipsed the PS2 for being ugly and plain, the in-car style DVD loading sucks ass, and that controller looks to be the ugliest most uncomfortable and useless piece of junk ever. Considering they HAVE to stick with a PS1/2 compatible layout to support backwards compatibility I see why they have to keep the arrangement similiar but damn whoever mutated this abomination from the regular dual shock seriously needs to get off the drugs.

Think I need to go kick something furiously now.

I'm going to E3 in a couple more days.... not looking forward to it at ALL anymore. I only HOPE Nintendo will not dissapoint.
bast! take some good pictures of this beast for us :P

but yeah, this console and controller design is VERY garbage.
junker posted on May 17 2005 at 02:39 AM said:
bast! take some good pictures of this beast for us :P

but yeah, this console and controller design is VERY garbage.

Yeah but it is like ten times more powerful than 360. Nice try Microsoft, Sony kicked your ass, again. Better luck next time...
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I love the slot-loading disc drives--Nintendo's console is supposed to have one, too. :)

That about the extent of my praise for this design. It's not atrocious. The console itself I think is slightly better than the X360, but not by much. That controller could be the biggest abomination to hit the gaming world since ET for the Atari 2600.

Man, is this thing powerful, though. It'll be weird if Xbox--the console that survived (initially) on the fact that it was most powerful--will now be the weakest of all the consoles. And for what? A 6 month head start that won't even come close to preventing Sony domination of this generation. Oh well, Microsoft's mistake.
holy crap! i'm watching the conference vid now, and maaan, is the ps3's gpu powerful or what! i'm still not sure whether it's considerably more powerful than th 360's gpu, but the demos were awesome!

overall, the system is more powerful, but i hear it's harder to develop for compared to the 360. who knows, so far i've seen great demos from both sides, but the numbers are on sony's side this time around.

the ps3 will be a beast, no doubt, but it has to be more than just a beast. i hope their online service will be great and rivals xblive, and i reallly hope they redesign their system and controller.

damn ....that controller *shakes head*
Dave C and Shinneri - guys... I keep saying this. Look all along the history of video game consoles (well at least as far back as NES as that's as far as I can clearly remember), generation by generation.

In EVERY case, the last of the systems in that particular generation always ends up being far more powerful than the first ones.

SMS was more powerful than NES
SNES was more powerful than Genesis/MD and TG16/PC Engine
N64 was more powerful than Saturn, PSX, 3DO and Jaguar (though limited by the cartridge format, graphically it was more powerful)
Xbox was more powerful than GC (though the two released almost at the same time in the US, they are also very close in terms of graphical abilities), PS2 and the ill fated Dreamcast.

This is how it ALWAYS plays out. Now, Xbox 360 will be the first of the next generation to hit the streets... almost guaranteeing that PS3 and Revolution will most likely be more powerful given they will have had that much more time in development and access to technology that is that much newer. So it's no surprise to me that PS3 should be as much more advanced over Xbox 360, as Xbox 1 was over the PS2.

As far as E3 I'll have my digital cam with me I'll try to take some good pics but I"m usually kinda caught up trying to play as many of the games as I can :) I took some good PSP pics last year to drool over... someone will have to host whatever pics I get though if you guys want them to be posted here. But why you guys would want more pics of these ugly ass systems is beyond me.....

EDIT: Other problems with the PS3... gone is the convenience of having the USB ports right in the front of the system, and of having the PS2 use the same power cord as the PS1 (old version) and Xbox... from the looks of it the PS3 will use one of those big bulky three prong PC style power cords, another convenience lost as I'm desperately low on three prong cords in my house :( Looks like the PS3 WILL keep using the same audio/video cable as the PS1 and 2... I hope it supports the PS2 Component (5 wire) cable.

Nintendo PLEASE don't let us down.....