Emu Interest Poll


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
I just thought,

Would this be of interest to anyone?

If I was to log entries to the compatibility site of what Emus have posts etc?

I just find it amazing that noone has touched the Fgen section, while the DrMD is getting a huge ammount of attention! Do ypu thing that any statistics on this would be of help, or just a useless page?

If enough of you think this will be a good thing, then I will write it in to the site.....

WarmFluffyUK posted on May 14 2005 at 04:06 PM said:
I just thought,

Would this be of interest to anyone?

If I was to log entries to the compatibility site of what Emus have posts etc?

I just find it amazing that noone has touched the Fgen section, while the DrMD is getting a huge ammount of attention! Do ypu thing that any statistics on this would be of help, or just a useless page?

If enough of you think this will be a good thing, then I will write it in to the site.....


Honestly though, how many people actually use fgen when Drmd is available?

And no, I don't think that the statistics would be all that useful, but maybe a search function would.

Cheers! :P
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reaper79 posted on May 14 2005 at 01:42 PM said:
WarmFluffyUK posted on May 14 2005 at 04:06 PM said:
I just thought,

Would this be of interest to anyone?

If I was to log entries to the compatibility site of what Emus have posts etc?

I just find it amazing that noone has touched the Fgen section, while the DrMD is getting a huge ammount of attention! Do ypu thing that any statistics on this would be of help, or just a useless page?

If enough of you think this will be a good thing, then I will write it in to the site.....


Honestly though, how many people actually use fgen when Drmd is available?

And no, I don't think that the statistics would be all that useful, but maybe a search function would.

Cheers! :P

I thought that Drmd and Fgen were ports ofthe same emu. So they would get the same results wouldnt they ?
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Gigadrive and Fgen were ports from Genesis Plus (correct me if I'm wrong). DrMD isn't a port of any particular emulator. And some games work with Gigadrive or Fgen that don't with DrMD.
I think it'd be intersting but not neccesarilly useful. If you want to do it then I'd say go for it!
WarmFluffyUK posted on May 14 2005 at 09:06 PM said:
I just thought,

Would this be of interest to anyone?

If I was to log entries to the compatibility site of what Emus have posts etc?

I just find it amazing that noone has touched the Fgen section, while the DrMD is getting a huge ammount of attention! Do ypu thing that any statistics on this would be of help, or just a useless page?

If enough of you think this will be a good thing, then I will write it in to the site.....


DrMD is a highly optimised Emu written largely in ASM and is very complete. It took many hours for many days to get it that way. I seriously don't think as much time will be able to be put into fGen to make it as good as DrMD, as the author has his hands full right now. I don't think statistics of which emu is popular etc would be that useful. I think that what is important is the emulators and their compatibility.
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The 3rd stage of Gunstar Heroes (the vertical scrolling level where you're 'chasing' the airship) works perfectly in Fgen (Gunstar being one of the few games in Fgen that works with sound)... for some reason it doesn't scroll right in DrMD :( For this reason alone fGen and DrMD share space on the same SMC. I'm hoping Reesy get's around to fixing this one particular bug someday though as it's my favorite Genesis game and isn't quite as fun in Fgen minus the DAC and such. Or maybe the new fGen will have DAC?
yeah I noticed that too bast. Although I never thought to give fGen a try.. I just tryed to remember where to jump :lol:
As good as DrMD is, there is always room for improvement. For example, if you play Ceasar's Palace and go straight to your favorite Roulette table, the sequence of numbers will always be the same. While it was kinda fun to bet $50,000.00 on a sure bet, it has made my favorite game the one I play the least. Obviuosly, random numbers are not handled correctly.
jcabrer posted on May 16 2005 at 06:37 AM said:
As good as DrMD is, there is always room for improvement. For example, if you play Ceasar's Palace and go straight to your favorite Roulette table, the sequence of numbers will always be the same. While it was kinda fun to bet $50,000.00 on a sure bet, it has made my favorite game the one I play the least. Obviuosly, random numbers are not handled correctly.

On all computer systems there's actually no such thing as pure random. They all handle it slightly differently. It's based on a sort of psudo random system, following the same pattern based on whatever algorythm the programers have devised. One of the easiest ways is to take the random seed form your computers clock, therefor it will theoretically always be different. Other systems that do not have a clock had a system that you could issue some sort of RANDOMIZE command that scrambled the random number generator before grabbing the first number.

I remember writing a basic program on the ZX Spectrum that you had to guess letters and if you ran it just after the Spectrum was powered up, then the letters would always be the same.

If the game runs differently on the console to on an emulator, I'm guessing that the random number generation code on the Emu requires some tweaking!

Ho Hum,
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