Fday Ordeal

Goity posted on May 14 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
I don't know... Korea is a relatiely poor country, so they could be making quite a lot.
Korea is a trillon dollar economy, and it's just Gamepark that is shitty.
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I'm just HOPING that fPCE will be at least as good as GP Engine with more bells and whistles like save states or better yet quick saving to RAM... I'm looking forward to this more than anything else. A little better speed and compatibility would be awesome as well.

Has ANYONE here beta tested the new fPCE and can comment on how it's coming along???

I'm also looking forward to what sounds like a much improved MAME port, what few times I've seen Ryleh comment on it it sounds like it's MUCH faster than Franxis' MAME... regardless of how old or new of games it will play I'd love to play some of the sweet classics I've recently discovered (thanks to Franxis) at full speed, good sound and little or no frameskip.
reaper79 posted on May 14 2005 at 05:08 AM said:
If gamepark makes another gp32, then it would really be to their advantage to make it backward compatible with the current unit. Many devvers are working on DS, PSP, and Zodiac(palm) systems now. It would be extremely shitty if devs had to create all new emulators to run on a system that doesn't stand a chance of becoming as popular as the PSP or DS. The current GP32 had the advantage of being a powerhouse that was way before its time, and a 4 year grace period with only the wimpy GBA to compete with. If we see anything, I doubt that it will be 800mhz or 1ghz, that is just too power consuming and too much heat. I could see 400-500mhz rang though. What I can't see is a fan and heatpipe on a handheld gaming unit. And it must have SD support, or if dreaming, a mini-DVD optical drive! :D

Edit: More to the main topic, what we really need is a full speed snes emulator. It's sad that Osnes9x is open source and nobody has picked it up and revamped it a bit. It is such a good emulator, but the sound needs optimized badly. I'm hoping fday brings fsnes, a snes emulator that is on par with Drmd... that would make me never buy Psp.

Cheers! :P

Samsung makes a processor which is a successor to ours that has SD support and runs at 200mhz! And they make another one which is a successor to that that runs at 400mhz!!! B) If Gamepark got a hold of those, just think what they'd make!
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LHC posted on May 14 2005 at 04:26 PM said:
Goity posted on May 14 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
I don't know... Korea is a relatiely poor country, so they could be making quite a lot.
Korea is a trillon dollar economy, and it's just Gamepark that is shitty.

Yep, south Koreans are so RICH!!! All of them!

I work with a lot of guys from south Korean! As a dog, i am always on edge.....

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Soon the board will be overrun with the aliases of Sam Fisher and charga_man <_<
edit: Can't forget Nova (who was he originally again?)
Blah posted on May 14 2005 at 12:21 PM said:
Samsung makes a processor which is a successor to ours that has SD support and runs at 200mhz!

I believe that is what is in the Zodiac, 200mhz ARM9 with SD support.
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Blah posted on May 14 2005 at 01:43 PM said:
Yeah, but what about 400mhz!

Gizmondo? It's 400mhz. Maybe it uses that, I don't know. I think the real issues is dedicated graphics. The gp32 would have been much more powerful if the cpu did have to do EVERYTHING.
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Gamepark is strange company, but in a way i love them... They seem very carefree and have a large ego... They make most of their money developing hardware for the korean military... Then they try to do things like the gp32... for what seems like just for fun....
I hope they come out with another open handheld... Especially if it's more powreful than psp... (Like the gp32 is more powerful than gba...)
KickinWing posted on May 14 2005 at 11:26 AM said:
GP32 2 rumor is just that a rumor. if you think about the "business" that is gamepark, they make their money from the GP32 units themselves, obviously not from software, and it's just not feesable that they are making enough money to run a business and develope a new system at the same time. They have to be getting money from somewhere else.
They just released a new version along with a European launch last year, so obviously they aren't under THAT much financial strain as you always suggest. Also, they keep churning out those Gameparks like clockwork. And maybe they do have other business; I often wonder what this WES: Ntertainer is that they speak about on their site (not to mention the one below it that's in korean..).
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reaper79 posted on May 14 2005 at 02:54 PM said:
Blah posted on May 14 2005 at 01:43 PM said:
Yeah, but what about 400mhz!

Gizmondo? It's 400mhz. Maybe it uses that, I don't know. I think the real issues is dedicated graphics. The gp32 would have been much more powerful if the cpu did have to do EVERYTHING.
Yeah, if it had an awesome dedicated vid card i wouldn't care if it was 300mhz. lol
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IMO:Maybe the Giz would be a consideration if it had a bigger screen, was open, less expensive and not ugly... :)

But Yeah, Fday is going to Rock my Socks.... :D
13 emulators on one day, it will be legendary!
i always thought that the programmers liked the gamepark because it is just a processor and screen -- i.e. it doesn't have a seperate graphics or sound chip.

I think that this 400MHz chip with SD card support would make a nice machine, but would it be enough of an improvement?
shinneri posted on May 14 2005 at 02:03 PM said:
KickinWing posted on May 14 2005 at 11:26 AM said:
GP32 2 rumor is just that a rumor.  if you think about the "business" that is gamepark, they make their money from the GP32 units themselves, obviously not from software, and it's just not feesable that they are making enough money to run a business and develope a new system at the same time.  They have to be getting money from somewhere else.
They just released a new version along with a European launch last year, so obviously they aren't under THAT much financial strain as you always suggest. Also, they keep churning out those Gameparks like clockwork. And maybe they do have other business; I often wonder what this WES: Ntertainer is that they speak about on their site (not to mention the one below it that's in korean..).

I always speak about it being in the type of business i am in, i can understand costs involved, the only thing is i'm comparing it to US business and i don't truely understand how Korean businesses work, but I'd imagine that they still have to pay for utilities, rent of the building and or property, employee wages, manufacturing costs, supplying costs, and other misc costs. If you take into account all these costs and compare them to the cost of the Gamepark and how many they are actually selling over the years it doesn't make sense to me that the Gamepark itself has kept the company alive so maybe the Korean military is a big part of their moneys but if not, then i can't see how its feesable Gamepark would have enough money to pay their monthly expenses as well as pay for developement/research costs of an entirely new system.
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