Fday Ordeal


Mar 29, 2005
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Im pretty bored so I wanna talk about the fday ordeals <_<

First of all we got the Drmd already out there, so I wonder if the Fgens will be able to compete with it. I think the only way it could be better was to have it drain less of your battery with less clock speed. There is also the fact that ANY emulator would be better if it had RF link support :lol:

But to get to my main point I am hoping that Fsnes will come out, I couldnt imagine any other emu being released as it is comming very clear that PSP will be dominating the Gp32 within a few months. Due to their high processer power, plus the fact it already has a homebrew movie player/converter for the psp.

There is also the rumor i heard that Gp64 is in the second stage of production and the article said that they would DOMINATE all handhelds. I was thinking hello 1gig processer GIGANtic RAM.

I can Always Dream.

Knowing Rlyeh, I don't think he'd try to compete with DrMD (then again, he's competing with Franix's Mame B))...Nobody really cares much about RF support (I would, if it RF links were a bit easier to find, and GP32s a bit cheaper). If Rlyeh attempted to make a "perfect" FSNES, I'd question his sanity...The PSP won't dominate the GP32 if Sony has their way. And Gamepark saying the GP32 2 (official codename) is in the 2nd stage of development could mean anything (maybe they mean 2nd thoughts :lol:, also where'd you hear that, I'd like to know.). But who knows. Answer: Not even Rlyeh, Sony or Gamepark. ;)
Blah posted on May 13 2005 at 08:58 PM said:
Knowing Rlyeh, I don't think he'd try to compete with DrMD (then again, he's competing with Franix's Mame B))...Nobody really cares much about RF support (I would, if it RF links were a bit easier to find, and GP32s a bit cheaper). If Rlyeh attempted to make a "perfect" FSNES, I'd question his sanity...The PSP won't dominate the GP32 if Sony has their way. And Gamepark saying the GP32 2 (official codename) is in the 2nd stage of development could mean anything (maybe they mean 2nd thoughts :lol:, also where'd you hear that, I'd like to know.). But who knows. Answer: Not even Rlyeh, Sony or Gamepark. ;)
Heres one of the things I Saw B) along with many others.

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PSP has its own gfx core, that is another reason why it is bound to kill gp32.. well.. not literally.

RF link is useless, not many people know other people near them with a GP32 to start with.

and i doubt GP64 will have 1Ghz clock for its core speed, more like 800mhz..Providing it is going to be faster than any other handheld which is quite alot, if its more than that it will prolly cost a fortune.
Battery life?
edit: And mhz isn't everything...The Athlon 3200+ for example runs at 2200mhz and peforms like a 3200mhz pentuim 4!
Myself - I don't really care if GP32-2 is a PSP killer or not
I just want a genuine GP32 with more native RAM and support for larger cards
maybe 1Gb xD card support and also SD card support

also while I'm talking about wish lists how about some sort of dedicated 3d grafix chip and dual stick (analog and gp32 D pad)

If gamepark aim to compete with Sony it'll just get stamped on big style - let Gamepark keep GP32-2 as an open homebrew console please (with cherries on top)

Tarka :rolleyes:
Well, the original gp32 is a gba-killer that isn't popular 'cus its only for homebrew and such, maybe the gp32 2 will be the same deal but for todays generation of handhelds?
Even PSP rise, we don't have to bother...
Are we interested on GP32 ? Or on competition under handled ?
Myth posted on May 14 2005 at 10:12 AM said:
Even PSP rise, we don't have to bother...
Are we interested on GP32 ? Or on competition under handled ?

Hell yeah, i'd have the current gp32 over psp anytime, but if there is going to be a sucessor, that will have a faster processor and more ram, (say 800mhz, and 128 ram) it would be worth getting for the emulation power it would have, think PSX hardware running about as good as snes is emulated now. plus you have the bonus of providing support to the underdog.

and not giving into sony who is cutting costs on shitty hardware anyway, all you're getting is the brand name for your money.
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If gamepark makes another gp32, then it would really be to their advantage to make it backward compatible with the current unit. Many devvers are working on DS, PSP, and Zodiac(palm) systems now. It would be extremely shitty if devs had to create all new emulators to run on a system that doesn't stand a chance of becoming as popular as the PSP or DS. The current GP32 had the advantage of being a powerhouse that was way before its time, and a 4 year grace period with only the wimpy GBA to compete with. If we see anything, I doubt that it will be 800mhz or 1ghz, that is just too power consuming and too much heat. I could see 400-500mhz rang though. What I can't see is a fan and heatpipe on a handheld gaming unit. And it must have SD support, or if dreaming, a mini-DVD optical drive! :D

Edit: More to the main topic, what we really need is a full speed snes emulator. It's sad that Osnes9x is open source and nobody has picked it up and revamped it a bit. It is such a good emulator, but the sound needs optimized badly. I'm hoping fday brings fsnes, a snes emulator that is on par with Drmd... that would make me never buy Psp.

Cheers! :P
pea posted on May 14 2005 at 09:25 AM said:
Apart from GP32, its the gizmondo that excites me. mmm

Forgot about that. It gonna be expensive though, and proprietary. Another advantage gp32 has always had is that it is opensource.
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Having been through GB Homebrew and then GBA Homebrew and then come to the GP32, I am confident that for the emulation scene if nothing else, GP32 will be king for a long while - as reaper says, it's open source (and has a (usually) friendly community behind it.)

If you just take it for what it is, it's already a great piece of kit and I know I'll be using mine for years to come, or untill it gets superceded by a better gp32.

What would be cool would be a soundtracker =)
pea posted on May 14 2005 at 02:25 PM said:
Apart from GP32, its the gizmondo that excites me. mmm

Giz? Meh, a 2.8" screen? No thanks, way too small.
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GP32 2 rumor is just that a rumor. if you think about the "business" that is gamepark, they make their money from the GP32 units themselves, obviously not from software, and it's just not feesable that they are making enough money to run a business and develope a new system at the same time. They have to be getting money from somewhere else.
KickinWing posted on May 14 2005 at 04:26 PM said:
GP32 2 rumor is just that a rumor. if you think about the "business" that is gamepark, they make their money from the GP32 units themselves, obviously not from software, and it's just not feesable that they are making enough money to run a business and develope a new system at the same time. They have to be getting money from somewhere else.
I don't know... Korea is a relatiely poor country, so they could be making quite a lot.
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i hope gp32-2 would be 300-450mhz range becuz batterie life, but most importantly have a dedicated vid card. I'm hopin for an awesome GP Engine emulator and SNES.