Aps Out Of Date Films...


i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
Okay, ive googled this EXTENSIVELY with no joy. Ive been offered a huge lot of 100 25 shot APS films that expired in 2004 for a massive reduction. Obviously i wouldnt use 100, but if the saving is significant enough I might buy anyway, and I coulld always sell a few on. Anyhoo, I know its a long shot But i was wondering if anyone on the board could help me out, as I dont knnow if theyll be useable at all, and if they are what sort of drop in quality (if any) can i expect? I mean it just a cannister of film so I cant really see an issue but I thought id ask ehre before I buy cos I know you guys are fountains of knowledge.

ED might know, I think he was doing something in the film/video industry.

I'd like to know that too
Well, they should still be fine - if they weren't lying around in the sun or in some other warm place.

I used a lot of films which expired 2 to 3 years before, without any problems.

Only thing that can happen is that they are tinted to some color, though, as said, I didn't have that problem.
Prints can turn out with a green hue/tint with expired film, But it depends how it`s been stored.

could you not buy one lot of the film and test it? Anyways, you could get some cool effects with expired film