My Brother Stole My Ds And Broke My Psp


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Dec 24, 2003
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:angry: This is true and im very pissed off :angry:. My ds is now in GAME as he sold it to them. My psp is back here as i think he was unable to sell i tto them coz he had no plug :angry: . But the on off switch is broken off :angry: .

I dont want to get the police involved as it would only upset my mum even more. Do you think there is anyway i coudl get my ds back without the police ? as Game have bought stolen goods ?
shit! how old is your brother? you'd better take his theiving ass down there and make him take it back! and does your psp work w/o the power switch? i mean, can you turn it on still, or is it over?
maan, if my brother took my shit i'd break his neck or just give him a good beating.
anyway, have you tried going to game and telling them what's up with that ds? who knows, they just might give it back if you could somehow prove it was yours and stolen. they should give it back.

good luck!
Get a big stick, and keep on repeatedly beating him until he buys the DS back and buys another PSP. Problem solved, as long as you can find an ideal stick. If a stick is not available, use a taser and keep on shocking him or just keep on poking him.
You need to go into Game with as many forms of identifcation as you can, with your name and address on. I don't know what will happen from there, but you will need to get the Police involved if you want it back. Else, get your money from your brother.

My brother used to steal my stuff and sell it too. Can I ask, is your brother an alcholic or a druggie? Mine was the former. He hasn't been in touch for over a year, and he hasn't seen his daughter in two or three years.

hes a smackhead. Hes my older brother 25. The psp works if i use a key to turn it on. I was down at game with the box and stuff and they have the same serial number thing. And its the only one they have and its jap. And he was in today tryin to sell my psp but with no plug. Oh and the ds will have my name on the pictochat thingy CABBAGES. At least it was my ds he sold rather than my psp. But still its broken :(.
CABBAGES posted on Apr 9 2005 at 07:08 PM said:
:angry: This is true and im very pissed off :angry:. My ds is now in GAME as he sold it to them. My psp is back here as i think he was unable to sell i tto them coz he had no plug :angry: . But the on off switch is broken off :angry: .

I dont want to get the police involved as it would only upset my mum even more. Do you think there is anyway i coudl get my ds back without the police ? as Game have bought stolen goods ?
damn at least he did not bat you round the head like mine. Yes get police in
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Like any smackhead he has nothing. Its so stupid how game will not give me hte ds back even if i give them the £47 they paid my brother for it. I mean no one would lose out on anytin there,Well except me losing £47.
Huh? He was "in" today selling your PSP? After he sold your DS you should grab the fucking PSP and keep it away from him at all times. Why is this not happening? I can only guess he's threatening you or you're too passive about it. If so you really need to talk to your mum or the police to have this sorted out.
CABBAGES posted on Apr 9 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
Like any smackhead he has nothing. Its so stupid how game will not give me hte ds back even if i give them the £47 they paid my brother for it. I mean no one would lose out on anytin there,Well except me losing £47.
They bought stolen goods, even if it is within the family. I'm sure after you bring this up with either you mum or the police they will be only to happy to give it back to you. Make a PR situation out of this.
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Rico posted on Apr 9 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
CABBAGES posted on Apr 9 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
Like any smackhead he has nothing. Its so stupid how game will not give me hte ds back even if i give them the £47 they paid my brother for it. I mean no one would lose out on anytin there,Well except me losing £47.
They bought stolen goods, even if it is within the family. I'm sure after you bring this up with either you mum or the police they will be only to happy to give it back to you. Make a PR situation out of this.
Yeah, a sad story will make them give it you back.
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Not likely. The people that work in game has no self asteme. They won't give u ur DS back even if u make it a sad story. Ur gonna have to get the Police involved. Its the only way to insure that u get it back. But ud have to do it quick or Game will sell it.
yes call the police now. youll never get it back other wise.

EDIT: your brother should be out. My little brother is going that way all ready. He pummels me round the ehad and he is only 12.
Games Policy is to return you sold goods, if you have the money and the reciept. I think it only last for a week but you should say to them its thier policy and threaten to get the small claims court to them.
After then kick some sense into you brother and hopefully £47 too.
Get the Police involved if they wont give it back...

Jesus man its about £100 worth of DS that you paid for and now a damaged PSP thats probably worth only £80 - £120 now (Maybe not even that ) as its damaged!!...

Maybe time in a Cell will help him :P
Its stolen goods, so you could get them in major trouble very easily. I'd notify the police .
I can see why but your brother is going to get off free, he won't learn anything.
Maybe as steve said some time in a cell will help him clean up and if that happens then your mother will be over the moon...