How Many Gadgets Do You Take With You?

How many gadgets do you take with you?

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gba-cube posted on Apr 6 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
for school:
Digi cam
for trips :
Gamecube with Portable Screen
Digi cam
No Gp32?
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Most of you take gp32 and mp3 player? Dont you use gp32 mp3 feature? I suppose is because you have your music in cd?

my gp can't hold my constantley growing 4.8 gig music collection.. my 20 gig MP3 player can.. plus I can easily hook it up to any computer (Windows,Mac,Linux) and use it as an external hard drive :D .. no need to install drivers
On a normal day, just one. I carry my cellphone with me everywhere I go or else I just feel lost (as it tells me what time it is ;) ). Oh, and it has Freecell! :D

Actually, there are very few times I ever carry anything other than my cellphone with me.
i take my zodiac2 and cellphone to school since i got the zod (sounds gooood :) ).
Zod to listen to music, cellphone to call people, obviously. I could use the phone for both :ph34r: but amazon is delaying my headset for 2 months now...will get one off ebay...then i could play nes games on my phone and listen to music. but that will only happen if I'm running low on space, else my zod is much more comfortable and has snes emulation :D . Plus, you look like doing something very important from disctance if you play solitaire w/ touchscreen. sadly, i dont take my gp around too often. But when i have completed my fenix game i will, showing it off to everyone daring to approach me :P

BTW: wrote all this while i copy some music to my zod's sd...vie usb 1.1, because my card reader is fuc*ed ]= most likely only 1 loose wire, but i cant be arsed to pull off all the wires (monitor, lan, headset, surround.....) and open the case, so I'll have to stick with usb1.1 for now
the btw part was written while copying the files, too...only about 50 MB :blink:

EDIT: my cellphone is a Motorola MPx200, just in case you're interested...
and guess in which period of time I'm still in......
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My Phone (Now Sony Ericsson V800, with mp3 player, will soon upgrade to a gig)
GP32 (make use or the mp3 player some times)
MP3 player 512 (when I get a 1 gig card this will be gone)
DS, some times (Getting a play yan so it could basically become an mp3 player)
Camera for Trips

I'll take 2 or 3 tops most of the time, as long as I have music and maybe games I'm fine, camera for trips. Once I get a one gig card my V800 game do the 3 things I want it to mostly and Call people on top of that (yes I have my prorioties sorted)
rabbits with hats posted on Apr 7 2005 at 08:38 PM said:
gp32, gba, mp3 and gun.
GUN ?!
i thought we were a peaceful community :blink:
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mattmagoo posted on Apr 7 2005 at 03:58 PM said:
I take

- GP32
- Ipaq 2210
- USB Pen Drive
- Phone
Why do you take a harddrive?

I take my cell phone and my pda for gaming.
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<Updated List>

3 SMCs

ps i think a smart necklace is one of those things with a leetle screen which you can display photos and pictures on that you sent from your digi cam/ mobli

EDIT: Forgot my SE T630
I`m pretty sure that a smart neckless is some kind of identity tag that contains personal data/information about the wearer, Which can/could be used as proof of id, age and other such crap. Lose it or get it nicked and your fucked, ie you don`t exist anymore :P.

But i could be wrong. :rolleyes:

trooper posted on Apr 12 2005 at 02:33 PM said:
BB is short for Ball bearing, The type of ammunition that a bb gun fires, As well as pellets, plastic bullets etc.

Basically a kids toy.


You wouldn't be saying that if you ever got shot by one ;)
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