Trust me is W'C wont work well on a GP Amiga EMU then then UFO will never run. It requires an A1200 i cant see the GP handleing A1200 emu ..... everWas it? Have to find them if it is.Wasnt EotB series out on ST too ? and good luck getting Wing Commander to run on the GP my A600 cant run it much faster than 5 fps
UFO is for A1200 cant see them getting it running on the GP either.
Wing Commander was awful on Amiga but that's not the point!
The rest all stand up though, the Amiga ruled!
It would rock to have an Amiga emulator on the GP but given that we have such a great ST emu doing quite a lot of the Amiga's games i cant see it happening fist because of all the hastle of emuing the custom chips in asm and secondly we have a lot of the games on castaway. Skeezix posted a long and indepth post about the sheer amount of work needed to do these custom chip emu's in assembler a couple of weeks back. I'd love it but cant see it happening any time soon because 1) The work load 2) Its role is already partialy filled.
I hope against hope that if we're ever blessed with a next generation of open source hand held that all of us here will be walking around playing SNES,Mega Drive, Amiga 500-> 1200 games at full speed with sound.
But, in the mean time, come on and get your fingers out
Wow tailed off a little there.
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