Amiga emulation

Wasnt EotB series out on ST too ? and good luck getting Wing Commander to run on the GP my A600 cant run it much faster than 5 fps :(
UFO is for A1200 cant see them getting it running on the GP either.
Was it? Have to find them if it is.

Wing Commander was awful on Amiga but that's not the point!

The rest all stand up though, the Amiga ruled!
Trust me is W'C wont work well on a GP Amiga EMU then then UFO will never run. It requires an A1200 i cant see the GP handleing A1200 emu ..... ever ;)

It would rock to have an Amiga emulator on the GP but given that we have such a great ST emu doing quite a lot of the Amiga's games i cant see it happening fist because of all the hastle of emuing the custom chips in asm and secondly we have a lot of the games on castaway. Skeezix posted a long and indepth post about the sheer amount of work needed to do these custom chip emu's in assembler a couple of weeks back. I'd love it but cant see it happening any time soon because 1) The work load 2) Its role is already partialy filled.

I hope against hope that if we're ever blessed with a next generation of open source hand held that all of us here will be walking around playing SNES,Mega Drive, Amiga 500-> 1200 games at full speed with sound.

But, in the mean time, come on and get your fingers out :) . The GP's full potential goes largley unseen when using emulators (emulaiton is just such a burden on the system) so lets get some really shit hot home brew games out there. I sooooo want the GP the have a HUGE established games selection of its own rather than living in the shadow of emulating other systems.

Wow tailed off a little there.
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An amiga emu would be worth it for the version of SWOS alone (it doesn't work on Castaway).

If the cut down version of UAE can be made to compile + run on the GP32 (even at slow speeds) at least coders would have a working template of an emu that works (the work to improve the emu would be optimising the code for the GP32).
I'm pretty sure the old DOS UAE ran perfectly well on lower class computers with little RAM. I definitely did run it on was either my old 486 DX 33, or my old P150. The only real question of 'is it possible' in my mind, is how much of a pain would it be to set up?

Oh, and obviously you couldn't really emulate much more than the basics...cut out the more advanced features, like more recent Amiga support, and you should get a speedup from that alone. Maybe simpler sound emulation or basic sound emulation with no actual sound (so anything that waits for some sound to be made before it progresses can do so), only single floppy drive support, no fancy pants things like fast RAM and so forth...and just keep it to something like: a500 emulation, maybe a1200 emulation at most (as an option?), with one drive, sound, input switched by a trigger (mouse/joystick), and I don't see why it wouldn't work. I distinctly remember swearing at trying to get Robocop and Strider to run back in the good old days...heck, I swear at trying to get Robocop running still. Same thing happens...which is odd because I definitely remember actually getting into the game!
Well castaway is a pretty great achievement. As you know it emulates the Atari ST that as you may also know from previous posts on this board about the Amiga/ST difference is the ST was made from mostly off the shelf parts, pretty easy to emulate, standard kit. But Castaway still requires frameskip as it doesn't run at full speed in almost all games.

Now..... An Amiga uses custom made hardware with multiple custom made chips that are hard to emulate & require more ram to be able to do this not something the GP has in abundance. So this requires a LOT of work to get it all crammed in. Also form what ive read on some Amiga programming boards amiga 500/500A/600 programming is pretty sloppy (no sure sloppy is the right word) most used unstructured programs that tapped hardware directly making compatibility across amiga models iffy and compatibility with emulation pretty damn iffy. So probably not impossible but pretty damn hard. And I would confidently bet large suitcases of cash you'll never, ever, ever get any thing like a decent A1200 emulation on the GP.

Simple way to look at it is even the very polished ST emulator isnt 100% speed and the ST is much easier to emulate than an Amiga.

Now im not an EMU coder but most of this info has been on these boards before, im just regurgetating it to shatter your hopes ;)
But, in the mean time, come on and get your fingers out . The GP's full potential goes largley unseen when using emulators (emulaiton is just such a burden on the system) so lets get some really shit hot home brew games out there. I sooooo want the GP the have a HUGE established games selection of its own rather than living in the shadow of emulating other systems.

Yes, and pro games are almost mandatory if gamepark wants to have a chance when launching the console in Europe. Without an established (or quickly coming) games base, I doubt it could be a success. Nobody's going to rely solely on the emulators and there are lots of peoples who want to buy a console for their games and who don't even know what an emu is. I'd wish lots of games companies find an interest in this thing and show us what they really can do with it !

Ditto, this one comes up so often we should have it pinned :)
It'll take someone a long time to do a decent OCS/ECS emulation. But it would be possible. I think A1200 would be out of the question.

Strangely, if you were to emulate an Amiga with a graphics card and soundcard- you could use the GP's graphics/sound hardware directly (through some software for slot in cards like PicassoUAE and AHI sound drivers) , without having to emulate the amiga custom chips.

So you could spend all your processor time emulating the 68000 at a higher speed. This would be usefull for Graphics card compatable games like: foundation, the graphics card hack of AB3d 2, nemac 4 , trapped(quake/doom clone, with texture mapped enemies) shadow of the third moon,gloom deluxe, myst and many others....You'd would need to write GP32 drivers for workbench though, and you still couln't play AGA games unless they were graphic card compatable....

Also there was an A500 port of UFO. Iv'e got it at home, although the one of the disks is corrupt.
even if castaway is working great :) ...i'm sure that many people ( like me) are waiting for an amiga emul :huh: ( wich is very different of st (E) (F) )just for one reason...demos :D :) ...all the stuff done on a500 in matter of demos overblast (? <_< ) everything...hardwired :o , alpha, omega :o , front 242 :o , a new life for all great name such as kefrens :blink: , sanity :blink: , silents :blink: , crionics :blink: , etc..... i'm sure that a1200 is impossible :( ( please make me lie) too much thing have to be emulate....a500 is rather possible in certains condition...think about paula, gary, 68000 :) or 68020 ;) or 68040 :o or 68040 :blink: , blitter, an so fact a big m****ing huge hard work to do but i'm sure that it will be reward ( me in the first place) :rolleyes: greatly....

any ancient amiga scener here ??
my english is so bad, that i'm learning serbo-croatian :lol:
I've followed the demo scene since my ST days, 242 was one of the first PD disks I put into my 1200 when I bought it. I Kefrens, TBL, Haujobb and mellow chips were my favourite demo groups. I still get a lot of demo stuff from 'back 2 the roots'.
Was looking through this, and it reminded me that my first post on these boards was the original thread (i think) on this subject, and ended up MASSIVE!

Those were the days :D
you're totally right axeman

Those were THE days....:wub:

will we see those cool relics of the past on
our lovely and powerfull handheld....

finger cross you all....

if the is someone in the sky :rolleyes: ...please make it happen.... :)