Wanna Know What Are The Good Psp Accessories?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Nice article covering a huge assortment of the accessories that will be available at the time of the PSP launch, click here.

Just in time for the launch in just 25 hours for most of us in the US :P

So who's gonna line up at midnite to get theirs? Apparently there WILL be some left over for customers who didn't reserve theirs... so let the bumrush begin!
Dodgy they didn't review the cases just said what the companies gave them. I need to know which hard case will let me throw my PSP in my back pack with no scratches or damage!!
i would love to pick up mine tonight! two things stopping me:

1) massive exam tomorrow to study for..long into the night
2) i'm with the people who reserved with the 2nd shipment, so who knows? they said thursday DAY. in any case, tomorrow will be a rough and verry cool day. :D