Recommend me some emus/ games for 3 days away....


Still Fresh
Apr 9, 2003
OK taking my new backlit GP32 away for three days working away.

Recommend me some emulators/ games to drop onto it to keep me amused :)

(this is my second GP32 so I've tried a fair few already)....

Is that the 'best' Speccy emulator, Eldon? ;)

EDIT: LOL just seen the author :lol:
castaway with- Stunt Car Racer, Sentinel, Dungeon Master, Bubble Bobble, Sentinel IK +, and Buggy Boy

gp2600 with pitfall and beam rider (and why not put in ET to witness what has been called the worst game of all time??!! see just why atari buried millions of carts in the desert!! lol)

gpvgb with tetris DX, super mario bros dx, ghosts n goblins, game and watch gallery 2 (all fun for wasting a few minutes with, but the emu doesn't seem to support saves so I wouldn't bother with zelda, ffa etc until it works!)

speccyal k with matchday 1 and 2, manic miner, jet set willy, knight lore, atic atac, head over heels (although it might also work with castaway but I haven't checked..), target renegade, chuckie egg, finders keepers, jack the nipper 2, jet pac, scuba dive, splat, turbo esprit, thrust, cyclone, tll, wheelie, zub, bruce lee (doesn't seem to work with frodo :-( )

frodo 64 with way of the exploding fist, dropzone, last ninja, paradriod, park patrol, rambo, beach head 1 and 2, impossible mission, kane,

sms32 with action fighter, choplifter, ultima 4, sonic 1 and 2, world class leaderboard, baku baku animal, sonic spinball

gpengine with adventure island, bomberman 94, columns, devil crush, dragon spirit, galaga 88, parodius, shinobi, volified

xcade with donkey kong, donkey kong jr, pheonix and space invaders

fmsx with goonies, metal gear 1 and 2, ping pong, hypersports, yie ar kung fu and penguin adventure

scumm with monkey island 1 or 2...

hope that helps. there's a few for you to start off with, however it all depends on what sort of games you like!

A little more on that mention of E.T being a horrid game....

Taken from the book "The Ultimate History Of Videogames" by Steven L. Kent (bloody fantastic book too by the way)

I asked Steve "When do we have to produce this?"
He said for Christmas of 1982.
This was in July when he called me, the end of July.
I said, "Steve, the lead time to produce a game is atleast 6 months between semiconductor deliveries and programming and all that. It's impossible."
He said, "Well you have to do it because I promised Spielberg we'd have it on retail shelves for Christmas."
We had literally six weeks to produce a brand new game, manufacture it, package it, and market it. It was a disaster. I mean, the programmers hated it. Nobody liked the game.
The he [Ross] ordered us to produce five million of these games.
I told him, "Steve, that's crazy. We never make five million of a product until we have some market testing."
He said, "Well, It's going to be a big hit because of Spielberg and E.T."
So we made five million and practically all of them came back.

--Ray Kassar

None of the VCS programmers wanted anything to do with E.T because it came with an unrealistic deadline and high expectations. In the end, Kassar turned to Howard Scott Warshaw, a young programmer whose other games, Yar's Revenge and Raiders Of The Lost Ark, were both million sellers. Kassar was so anxious about this project that he forgot his normally aristocratic pretensions and called Warshaw himself.

It was late July when they first called me up to do it, after my boss, other programmers, and everybody else told them to forget it. Ray called me up personally. Because of some other interacations I had had with Ray before, I think he just had a feeling that I would do it.
So he called me up from Monterey and said "Howard, we need E.T." This was like July 23, and he said "We need E.T. by September 1. Can you do it?"
I said "Yeah, provided we reach the right agreement."

--Howard Scott Warshaw, former VCS programmer, creator of Atari's E.T.

E.T. became famous throughout the video-game industry for it's dull play and dissapointing story. The game involved leading Spielberg's cute extraterrestrial away from various dangers as he tried to assemble an intergalactic device to phone home. The game's graphic's were primitive, even by Atari 2600 standards, and E.T. spent most of the time falling into holes

And then further on...

Atari was stuck with enormous inventories of worthless game cartridges. With no hope of selling them, Atari dumped millions of cartridges into landfill in the New Mexico desert. When reports came out that people had discovered the landfill, Atari sent steamrollers to crush the cartridges, then poured cement over the rubble.
By the end of 1983, Atari had racked up $536 million in losses. Warner Communications sold the company the following year.

And you'll have to buy the book to find out the rest :)
Although, as a side note in the book......

This was not the first time Atari destroyed unwanted cartridges. The practice had gone on for years. According to several sources, the concrete slab under Atari's Borregas Street warehouse is filled with crushed cartridges.
yeah that new snes emu is recommended, i've got it working with

puzzle bubble
sensi soccer
nba jam te
super smash tv

the msx, pc engine and st emu's get a lot of play. the speccy stuff is a bit fiddly as many of the games relied on a "full" keyboard...........
nobody's mentioned LJGP32 for some reason. It's pretty damn good for a NES emulator, the only faults really are the poor mapper support (I think it's mappers 1-10 or something including all the MMC's?) and the sound is a bit glitchy (it skips), otherwise it's fine. The framerate is good and only games like Punch Out slow it down. The mapper support is good for most games that people play - it's only when you get into bootlegs, the Codemasters carts like Dizzy, maybe things like Castlevania 3...the wierder/more intense stuff, that it screws up. It runs the Mario's fine, at any rate.
where the hell do i get pcengine games?

well, there are a few web pages kicking about that have some games. However, I think you're best bet (along with any kind of roms these days) is to look on usenet. alt.binaries.emulutors.tg16 I think is the group, there is usually a flood every couple of weeks.... although you can only download games you own!! ;)

if you can't get binary newsgroups try searching for pc engine, tg16 or turbo grafx 16...

"The Ultimate History Of Videogames" by Steven L. Kent (bloody fantastic book too by the way)

you're right about that! it is an amazing insight into video games... read it and you'll understand why Nintendo have always had a strong grip on licensing (they didn't want the NES to end up like the atari with the sort of crap like ET and pacman!!) you should download ET, really, to witness just how bad it is! And I think it takes up about.. ooh, 8k!! However, it's a pity Yars Revenge doesn't work on the 2600 emu (haven't checked the GBC version of it, but I've got the original cart at home anyway...)
nobody's mentioned LJGP32 for some reason. It's pretty damn good for a NES emulator,
Yep, Little John is great :)
You can play Earthbound Zero (I even finished it on LJGP :)

Oh, and don't forget the following games for SMS (well, if you like RPGs):
Defenders of Oasis for GameGear
Golvellius for SMS
Golden Axe Warrior (a Zelda 1 clone :)) for SMS
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Shhh, read the stickied forum etiquette post. Not supposed to give out things like that - its not worth the risk the forum people getting shut down for somethign that can be found on google after a little look around.
I personally dont see anything wrong with providing a normal link (not a direct download or anything) or at least a site name. But rules are rules and you must follow them. If there werent any rules there would be total anarchy :ph34r:
I personally dont see anything wrong with providing a normal link (not a direct download or anything) or at least a site name. But rules are rules and you must follow them. If there werent any rules there would be total anarchy :ph34r:
personally i think any rom site requests should be answered via PM, thus preserving the credibility of the forum
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couldn't you type a rom site like this so it isn't found on google: double-u double-u double-u dot t*h*e*s*i*t*e dot com :P But anyways, rulez are rulez...