What Game Did You Play Last?

For the GP32, the last game I played was Pinball Dreams, although the last ROM I played was Gameboy Tetris.

For the PS2 it would be Gradius V and Burnout 3.

I was just playing Ninja Spirit on GPengine. I was on the last level(I think) where you're falling down a big area with ninjas "floating" up at you, hit one and instant death. Tried it 35 times... ack. Then I went to hit continue and hit quit by mistake... grrr... wish GPengine had savestates! :P
Pulstar posted on Mar 13 2005 at 10:49 AM said:
I was just playing Ninja Spirit on GPengine. I was on the last level(I think) where you're falling down a big area with ninjas "floating" up at you, hit one and instant death. Tried it 35 times... ack. Then I went to hit continue and hit quit by mistake... grrr... wish GPengine had savestates! :P
Yes you were indeed on the last level, get through the ninjas to meet the final boss, very tought though!

Last rom i played on gp32 was Starforce on MAME (great shooter from my childhood)

PS2: Gradius v

XBox: Oddworld Strangers Wrath
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Azure, let me do the moderating, please. A bit of extra discussion isn't a problem - and spaceboygp32x hasn't said anything about it :)

Although if you must know, I'm currently playing through Secret of Mana on the GP :)

lizard808uk posted on Mar 13 2005 at 10:22 AM said:
Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution on my GC

on GP32, Phantasy Star 4 - now finished, and looking for other turn based RPGs on Megadrive.
Good luck with that :) I think PS4 is pretty much the best one out there. I think PS3 or perhaps 2 are available on MD, they're worth a try. Else resort to the SNES which is packed with them.
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Last thing I played on my GP was Pirates Gold.

Last thing I played on my PS2 was Gradius V... the last thing I played before my PS2 completely died :(

I've got to get that thing fixed, so I can continue FFX... And Tekken 5 would be a good reason too.
firefly1201 posted on Mar 13 2005 at 11:54 AM said:
On PC: Darwinia B)
On GP32: Lacuna
GP32 ROM: Seiken Densetsu 3
PS2: Burnout 3

yup - Burn out 3 is one of my faves at the mo - I dont know anyone who doesnt like it - seems to hold value for all types of players - think its the combination of really fast driving and shoot em up style crashing!!!

Lacuna seems to pop up a lot - ill have to get it put on the GP

as of this morning - Last game I played was Daedalian Opus a GB Rom on Fgb32

an overlooked classic puzzler! gets crap reviews but I like it!


sPaCe :ph34r:
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spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 13 2005 at 01:33 PM said:
Last game I played was Daedalian Opus a GB Rom on Fgb32

an overlooked classic puzzler! gets crap reviews but I like it!

Arg, this game has driven me nuts! I used to need around 10 to 15 minutes per level, I just placed those tiles randomly, well, thats just not my type of puzzle game...

@Azure: :P
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The last thing I played on my gp32 was Bolkxian. Its an excellent commercial quality shump! :D If you havent tried it, you should... :)

The last thing I played was animal crossing on my Gamecube.. Even though theres no point to it, it is strangely addctive.. :blink: :)
onionfrog posted on Mar 13 2005 at 02:20 PM said:
The last thing I played was animal crossing on my Gamecube.. Even though theres no point to it, it is strangely addctive.. :blink: :)
I know it's a weird little game but a compulsive one.

As for the GP I think it must have been Bombjack on MAME, otherwise it was some other random game on MAME as I try them all out.

I was playing Super Mario World on my SNES then I glitched out and fell through solid ground so I cryed and stopped playing
Same thing happened to me with Super Mario Sunshine last week, minus the crying. :P
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Good luck with that smile.gif I think PS4 is pretty much the best one out there. I think PS3 or perhaps 2 are available on MD, they're worth a try. Else resort to the SNES which is packed with them.

yeh, I'm going back to roots and playing the original Phantasy Star on SMS. Hopefully (fingers crossed) the new DrMD will play Sword of Vermillion etc..

The problem with Opensnes is that RPGs can be so hit and miss. I mean I really liked Chrono Trigger until I got to the prehistoric bit but the switching of transparencies got really annoying. Same with SD3 - the God Beasts didnt cut it on the GP (although it was a lot of fun up to that point).

I remember someone saying that Live-a-Live was a sure bet so will give that one a go. Also is there an English Translation for Tenchi No Uta - I hear that is a highly rated game...
Gp32 : Mr Do - Excellent game that plays perfect on gpmame

Console - A lot of Pro Evo 4 but am about to have a go at GT4

PC - Football Manager 2005 and Total Annihilation (with all the great RTS games I have played this is still one fo the best)
JaseDaMase posted on Mar 13 2005 at 04:54 PM said:
Gp32 : Mr Do - Excellent game that plays perfect on gpmame

Console - A lot of Pro Evo 4 but am about to have a go at GT4

PC - Football Manager 2005 and Total Annihilation (with all the great RTS games I have played this is still one fo the best)

Which software house type thing made Mr Do?

Mame on GP32 is great but most games run like cold custard at 144Mhz.

Perhaps Mr Do will be OK
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look posted on Mar 13 2005 at 07:05 PM said:
JaseDaMase posted on Mar 13 2005 at 04:54 PM said:
Gp32 : Mr Do - Excellent game that plays perfect on gpmame

Console - A lot of Pro Evo 4 but am about to have a go at GT4

PC - Football Manager 2005 and Total Annihilation (with all the great RTS games I have played this is still one fo the best)

Which software house type thing made Mr Do?

Mame on GP32 is great but most games run like cold custard at 144Mhz.

Perhaps Mr Do will be OK

its in mame classics

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look posted on Mar 13 2005 at 07:05 PM said:
Mame on GP32 is great but most games run like cold custard at 144Mhz.

how is reesy doing putting his z80 engine thingie into Mame???

that should bring the clockspeed down a bit!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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