Omar Nawaz Is Not A Scammer.


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
Visit site
I was going to pay Omar £90 for a GP32. I sent him £40, and the plan was for him to send it me at Christmas and then I would send him the rest.

Sadly due to a postal strike (which I researched and is real) the GP32 was lost in the post. Me and Omar waited for insurance money to no avail. So after a few months of getting money from other things he's paid me back with an added £20 for the loss of time!

I'm pretty damned happy.


I just wanted to clear this up so that an innocent man's name wasn't destroyed on these boards.
I agree... he is. He's just covering his arse because you made him look like a twat on these boards (the extra £20 was mentioned in the other thread wasn't it?)

Isn't £90 for a second hand GP32 a bit steep? They're not much more than £100 new.
carlgeorge posted on Mar 11 2005 at 05:29 PM said:
I agree... he is. He's just covering his arse because you made him look like a twat on these boards (the extra £20 was mentioned in the other thread wasn't it?)

Isn't £90 for a second hand GP32 a bit steep? They're not much more than £100 new.
it was a 166Mhz BLU from GBAX with two SMC's and a power adapter.
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He is NOT a Scammer FFS... I got a 166mhz BLU off him with 128MB SMC for £70 and he even paid for Next Day Special Delivery postage... I would definatly use him again if he was selling something I needed

Overall 9/10 I give him :)
It turns out he isnt a scamer but he is a wanker and a liar it took him 2 months to send my item and when it arrived this morning after being sent yesterday it wasnt bubble rapped or even covered it was rapped in clingfilm lol fucking clingfilm and the plug was broke. I would advise everyone to stay away from this guy he is a waste of time and a proven liar ;)
Steve-O posted on Mar 11 2005 at 06:14 PM said:
He is NOT a Scammer FFS... I got a 166mhz BLU off him with 128MB SMC for £70 and he even paid for Next Day Special Delivery postage... I would definatly use him again if he was selling something I needed

Overall 9/10 I give him :)
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I have only this to add:

:lol: Wanker ... I love that word! British slang cracks me up :lol:
Apeiron posted on Mar 11 2005 at 10:04 PM said:
Wanker is so unoffensive...everyone does it.
I was thinking about that the other day, I think it's supposed to be ripping the fact that you don't have a girlfriend to do it for you.
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Heh, here we just call someone a dick to insult them.

Words can be funny sometimes ... :lol:
Jarska333 posted on Mar 11 2005 at 10:57 PM said:
I thin Weebl & Bob have copyrights on it... :D

Well, Bob, anyways. :unsure:

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My honest opinion is that he intends well but isn't always up to speed on things. I'd happily trade with him, he's fine.

(Where's my SNES?? :D)
Didn't he sell a non-existant BLU though? I mean is it not weird that Steve-o bought another 166Mhz BLU off him just before kknd_cf?
finty101 posted on Mar 12 2005 at 09:00 AM said:
Didn't he sell a non-existant BLU though? I mean is it not weird that Steve-o bought another 166Mhz BLU off him just before kknd_cf?
he sold two, look through his thread posts.
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