Gran Turismo 4 + Gt Driving Force Pro = Amazing!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
I didn't get to play too much of it quite yet, just took a look at all the options, menus, manufacturers in the career mode, and ran a few races in the arcade mode. The game is friggin amazing. I didn't think they could, but Polyphony actually have bettered the graphics from GT3 quite a bit... the city based tracks have a LOT more detail, and the textures in general are much more detailed and cleaner, even in the dirt along the sides of the tracks. It really looks much better and seems to run smoother as well but I'm not 100% sure if it's running a faster frame rate or what.

Gameplay wise, the physics seem much more realistic, with a lot more rolling and pitching of the car in hard maneuvers (except on the pro race cars which are much more stiff and dont roll nearly as much). I dont like the way the game handles collisions now, when you hit something hard the screen gets all blurry for a second and is really annoying, but I guess that's way better than what they were rumored to be doing, which was to seriously limit your speed for a brief period after a hard collision... a sad way to replace actual car damage.

Lastly... this wheel... man this thing is friggin amazing. It is by far the best video game accesory I've ever laid my hands on, including joysticks, light guns, fishing rod controllers, and the first iteration of Logitechs on GT driving force wheel. This newer one just feels much more solid, the shifter is sweet, the wheel actually spins around a full 2.5 turns, vs. like 2/3 of a full turn that most wheels do. And the force feedback on this wheel is amazing... the motors are much stronger than the first GT wheel, and it really reacts perfectly with whatever is going on in the game... it's very close to actually driving a real car.

Anyways... there are still some dissapointing things about the game... the computer AI is still retarded... it drives like all it sees is the road, not any of the other cars (mostly it seems blind to the players car), and will happily bump and slam into from all sides.

Anyways... if you like racing, cars, or any other GT game this game is definately worth picking up, and if you have the extra cash I'd strongly recommend the Driving Force Pro wheel as well... after this I dont think i could ever just play with a dual shock again.
Awesome, I didn't think they could improve GT's graphics anymore. Too bad I sold my PS2 3 years ago, oh well I'll play the PSP game when it comes out.
I used to have Gran Turismo 3 which I found fun, but I too sold my PS2. Hopefully GT on the PSP will be good, should be. My brothers got a PS2 and a steering wheel, maybe i should bug him till he gets GT4 :lol: (ahh the PSP I can't wait especially for GTA, gonna be great). :D
Just pre ordered gran turismo 4 mobile, its slated for march 29 release! 5 days after launch. Though I suspect there will be delays......
I played a bit of Forza at E3 and sorry to say it did not seem as good GT... it was a work in progress at that time, of course (this was May '04) so maybe it has been improved.... I didn't think the physics or controls were near as good as they are in GT at the time though. Of course, the graphics were pretty damn sweet, and if I remember, there were more cars on track at one time than GT's eternal limit of six. From what I played of it though (maybe 30 mins?) I wouldn't rate Forza any better than Sega GT or Project Gotham 2.

For anyone who is interested in the Driving Force Pro wheel, you can actually get it online at much cheaper than I bought it for... was looking around and places like Newegg have it listed for less than $110 + free shipping like 2 day express shipping.... Also if you buy it with a copy of GT4 you get a $20 rebate from Logitech... so you could possibly spend as little as $80 for the wheel, and it's a steal for that price.

Also, a lot of people are saying the wheel is compatible with PC too, so for anyone who plays any racing games on PC... (look up Live for Speed on google... damn good online PC racing game, get the free demo! works GREAT with the GT wheel!).

I wouldn't count on Mar 29th for the PSP GT4, unless maybe for the japanese one, I dont see it possible for US release on 3/29 though... how could it be? There have not even been screenshots, previews, anything of this game, and Polyphony always releases all kinds of press materials to magazines and websites FAR in advance of releasing a game.... if PSP GT were just around the corner there'd be more info on it out there.
so is the wheel quite unresponsive, liek a real car

before i staretd driving i used to use console steering wheekls all the time, but now i can drive i have a real problem because the steerign is twitchy and nothing like real life
i'm donwloading the demo now..been looking for a good pc racing game for a while haha

tried it just now, it's pretty cool, and the force feedback is awesome! i'm playing w/ my xbox controller although i wish i had a real wheel ;) anyway, really nice simulator this is
Well thats the date at lik sang if it doesn't come out I'll just cancel the pre order :D

EDIT: Just checked Gamespot same deal. I think its just been kept under wraps. Great this game should last me till sonys next portable :lol:
Junker - glad to hear you like Live for Speed :) I used to play online ALL the time... I'm a stickler for licensed cars though which was the only thing that bothered me. If I can pry myself away from GT4 someday I'll give it another go with this wheel.

matt - well I would say, the wheel feels VERY realistic. The way the wheel reacts, the force feedback, works great at giving you a real sense of the car pulling or pushing and really lets you feel the cars limits, and helps you to play better than just a dual shock controller, IMO. On the flipside, in some ways it makes the game harder.... I still have not adapted to the full 900 degrees rotation, I'm used to the first gen Driving force which you never had to take your hands off the wheel to turn... with the Pro you do sometimes have to do hand-over-hand like in a real car...

I need to construct some kind of setup for the new wheel.. I"m currently just playing with it in my lap so it's not very stable... I found it to be much more accurate to play with when clamped to the table, but unfortunately the seating position to play like this was VERY akward. If you have a table of the right height or some other kind of stand you can clamp it to where it will be very stable, I think you would enjoy 10x more than I do even now.

Finty - I've been to every E3 for the last 5 years. I've worked for two different video game stores, and in between I had a friend who used to run an online video game magazine who would get me in. After my last video game store job (Gamestop), I have been on the E3 auto-register list... every year they send me an email with an authorization code, and I just email them the auth code and they mail me a pass.... even though I stopped working at gamestop over a year and a half ago. I'm already registered for this years E3 as well... but the catch is that, if any of my info changes, I can no longer auto register like this, and will be assed out. So this may be my last year, as me and my wife are planning on moving this year. Anyways we probably moving out of state so either way I wouldn't be going any more.
it's not all fun... it's an exhausting experience, especially if you go more than one day... and it's not like it's the best way to preview new stuff... it's crowded and hot as hell and LOUD and you can't hear what you're playing half the time, and of course there is a wait to try any of the good stuff. Last year I waited an hour in line to get into the PSP area to find there was nothing playable anyways, just some graphics demos and video of games playing. I then waited nearly two hours to play some multiplayer GT4... one 5 minute race... fun. Not to mention the thing is split up into two main halls that are seperated by what seems like miles of walk thru this eternally long hallway. And they lay down this incredibly thick carpet which makes you feel like you're walking on a 5" thick layer of sponge, which is a workout just walking on... you ever taken a long walk in sand? same kinda thing.

Put it this way, I dont think I'll shed any tears come next year when I don't get to go anymore... I'll be just as happy to read about it online and in mags, you get just about the same amount of info minus all the downsides, all from the comfort of my own couch or chair. At least I get to go this last year and (hopefully) get a glimpse at all three new systems....
Well Granny turismo 4 mobile as I like to call it ;) has been changed now to May 27th release that for US at Lik-sang. I wonder if this one is accurate.
It doesn't surprise me that GT4's graphics are a big improvement on 3's seeing as its graphics were terrible, I became a PS2 user this christmas and have been rather shocked by the low quality of some of the PS2's earlier titles, I understand that they are 1st generation and were released 4 years ago now, but I didn't expect them to be that bad...hardly a big step up from the dreamcast at all.

you're kidding, right?

GT3's graphics not a bit step up from the Dreamcast??? You MUST be kidding!!!!
LOL thats like saying the Master systems graphics was as good as the Mega drives.

Play Sega GT on the Xbox or any Dreamcast driving game and than check the difference. If GT3 looks worse, Please seek medical attention to get those eyes checked.
indeed... I was actually kinda baffled by that... while it is no mystery that the Xbox can outdo the PS2 graphically, I did also feel that of the Xbox racing games I've played (Sega GT, Project Gotham) they didn't look as good as GT did. Need for Speed underground looked pretty good on Xbox though.

GT3 looks great even today. To be honest, it looked good enough, IMO, that the fact that GT4 improved on it as much as it has, actually came as a bit of a surprise.
What can I say? I didn't want to buy a PS2 till GT3 came along. I've played many console and PC driving games and none seem to have the same grahpcis quality. I'm suprised that Polophony was able to squeeze out so much from the PS2 and GT4 looks better? Holy crap!

Yeah if polophony jumped on the xbox it would like slightly better no doubt. Well we'll strike up this GT discussion again when GT4 mobile comes out :) and than when GT5 comes out on PS3. Man that should look pretty close to photo realistic grahpics :)

BTW how come you have 3 sega nomads you lucky bastard :P