Finnaly Got A Psp


Aug 24, 2003
Ok first off id like to mention that i at first was more interested in the DS...... i much more prefer the psp... will still get a DS soon tho heh

The first thing i thor when i got my psp and unpacked it was wow....look at the screen!! lol its huge!! and the little analog stick thing is very nice too, all i have done at the moment is test its Video playback from the Memory Stick, and wow thats amazing too!! i used a program called 3GP_Converter025 that lets you convert files for use with the psp, i tested the highest quality cos i had a 512 mb card to fill up heh.

The setting i used where 29.97 FPS 1500kbps Video and 128kbps audio and the quality was amazing, absolutly perfect, you are able to change the video size on your screen too, at the moment 3GP_Converter025 only uses 320 by 240 but i have heard there is another converter that lets you pick your resolution.

The format of the videos are MP4 and they also have to have a special name for the psp to even read them, but 3GP_Converter025 dus this for you.

I have also played mp3's on it which is REALLY good too, the speakers are quite loud and clear.

i have also set up a connection to my wireless router with NO problems, was done in about 3 steps lol

it also has the ability to update itself useing the wi-fi to a router and then internet.

there are currently no updates so i wasent able to see what its like and how fast it was.

it dus not take long to charge ether, and the battery lastes about 6hr's when playing videos lol i wached Irobot and a few animes on it b 4 it went dead lol

i have n games to test at the moment as i ran outa cash buying the psp hahaha but i got some now and have just orderd Ridge Racers and cant wait to test it out.

i really thing its going to be hard for the DS to match the psp, and i kno its all to do with the games and not the little features but psp will mostlikely have a good hombrew comunity, (not saying that the DS will not) and hopefully some good emulators will be coming out for these consoles.

i cant wait to get games for my psp and also get a DS to compare them.

(i wrote thig cos im bored and waiting for my psp to charge lol)
Man I can't wait to get mine, I'm in the stages of negotiating the sale of my DS (selling it at cost price 'cause I want a PSP so bad).

Anyone want to give me their PSP? Huh? Anyone?
finty101 posted on Feb 9 2005 at 10:28 PM said:
Anyone want to give me their PSP? Huh? Anyone?

I think ill keep mine :P too goot to give away lol and too good to sell.

hope ya get one soon then u will know how good they are lol
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OMG. Have you seen coded arms?

/me picks his jaw up off the ground

Oh no, I'm starting to sound like a fanboy.
Axeman posted on Feb 9 2005 at 11:16 PM said:
Does all look rather pretty though doesn't it! :)
heh hell yeah!! very cool pretty handheld!!

hope the games are just as nice lol

as for coded arms it definatly is as nice!!
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I think the DS is in serious trouble. I have a DS and I am not too impressed. Mario is good but those screens are just too damn small and low res. I will probably just use it for my old GBA games mostly. The PSP will rock. I will have too many handhelds.
i'm a nintendo fanboy at heart... but the PSP not only looks dams sexy, it has the features to match...

battery life seems to be not the problem people thought it might be....

the screen is better....

plus... the PSP is apparentyl gonna have internet play from launch in the USA....


nintendo have fucked-up big style... there's a guy on a forum I know who reckons the PSP will outsell DS 5 to 1... (he runs aa gaming sttore, so it's his business to know...)

i love nintendo... and i reckon i'll buy one of their handhelsds in the next 3 years... plus probably their next-gen console... but i don't think hey'll last the next 10 years in the hardware market... sorry. :(
Yeah I play my PSP daily. While I played my GBA once a year :P . Just preordered NFSU Rivals. Should last me a few days I hope. Finished Ridge Racers in 3 days because I played it for like 30 hours in those 3 days :lol:
Just a quick question... is £260 a good price for a PSP value pack and ridge racer with 256 mb memory card?
its all subjective really, compared to somewhere like thats a sweet deal. But if you consider the US launch is now just six weeks away, you'll most likely be able to get a far better price then.

depends how much you want it really!
toxibunny posted on Feb 10 2005 at 05:37 AM said:
plus... the PSP is apparentyl gonna have internet play from launch in the USA....

Thats true, it will have internet play, i have only see about 5 games so fat that will have online play on the USA release, and also cos the psp had the update thing, people have found where it looks for updates and have found a kinda Beta FW (if it is a FW lol)

They said it looks like it will have Internet browsing.... dont kno if this is true, but they also said after the stolen update there psp was renderd usless not long after "flashing", the psp just stopped working properly.

i so hope its true lol, cos the psp will also have a cool looking keyboard.

This would make it sooo cool and easy to surf the web.
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hmm ... I probably will buy it but waiting for an 'official' announcement about the 'delay' in europe...
its perhaps a little sad to say but i'm getting genuinely excited about the US launch of the PSP. not since the N64 have i been looking at release lists and genuinely looking forward to march.

if my plan goes to urm... plan then with the release of the PSP in the US the japanese price will drop towards the rrp. i will then import the console from japan and the games from the US.
that sounds wise. prices aren't too bad on ebay now either. a standard pack costs roughly $250, but the world shipping costs are a little too high. hopefully prices continue to fall..
Ebay prices have indeed gotten pretty good, build quality has also gotten much better in recent batches (comparing mine from the very first batch, to three others that friends of mine have all purchased very recently) and for anyone in the UK who doesnt' have to worry about region locking for anything... the Japanese units are a really good deal.

Congrats kiethmcfc on getting one a bit early :D I've already had one, sold it, and am just about to order another one. The thing was amazing and I played it every day every chance I got, took it with me everywhere.

Do yourself a favor... GET a DS and DON"T compare it with the PSP... the two are very different machines and if you do like many have and just look at the graphics, you'll wonder why you 'wasted your money' on the DS. But I"m not trying to say the DS is inferior... I have two DS's as well (one for my wife) and have no plans on getting rid of them... you just KNOW there will be some great Nintendo games out for them and if you can afford both I definatley think both are worth having. Just don't even look at it as any kind of competition... they are really too different with totally different missions in mind, I think, and really can't be compared.
bast525 posted on Feb 12 2005 at 03:55 PM said:
Ebay prices have indeed gotten pretty good, build quality has also gotten much better in recent batches (comparing mine from the very first batch, to three others that friends of mine have all purchased very recently) and for anyone in the UK who doesnt' have to worry about region locking for anything... the Japanese units are a really good deal.

Congrats kiethmcfc on getting one a bit early :D I've already had one, sold it, and am just about to order another one. The thing was amazing and I played it every day every chance I got, took it with me everywhere.

Do yourself a favor... GET a DS and DON"T compare it with the PSP... the two are very different machines and if you do like many have and just look at the graphics, you'll wonder why you 'wasted your money' on the DS. But I"m not trying to say the DS is inferior... I have two DS's as well (one for my wife) and have no plans on getting rid of them... you just KNOW there will be some great Nintendo games out for them and if you can afford both I definatley think both are worth having. Just don't even look at it as any kind of competition... they are really too different with totally different missions in mind, I think, and really can't be compared.

:) Thanks for the most mature ds + psp post I've ever seen.
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