Psp Ooverclocking?


Mar 12, 2004
The World Of The Mighty Boosh
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hmm i was just wondering if any tests have been done to check if oc'n to 333 is actually that safe.
i know its stable and also apparantly the psp is underclocked to 222 and 333 is its true normal speed.

maybe its just the way psp emus mzh digits go from white to yellpoow and then to red at 333mzh which makes me think its dangerous lol

so does anyone have anythng on this?
Nothing to add except I've been playing with 333mhz from when it was available and no side effects yet.
- Processor: MIPS R4000
- Processor Clock Speed: 1-333MHz
- Processor (2nd): MIPS R4000
- Processor Clock Speed (2nd): 1-333MHz
Well... This proves that it is natively 333mhz, so no harm should come from clocking it at its actual speed.

However, does this thing have two processors?? :o :huh: :unsure:
nah, but some weird architecture.
and at 333mhz it's not really overclocking like our friend shinneri pointed out. now i'm sure some people have experimented with real overclocking of the psp...i wonder if it'll sorta be like the GP32 overclocks..but those are massive overclocks.
I know you can't really compare them, but remember how worried everyone was when people started overclocking? Now some of us can regularly hit 220mhz + and it doesn't bother us.

I wouldn't worry.
haha, i don't overclock my pc anymore. not much need when all i'm doing is web browsing and few small things right now.