Gta: San Andreas


H.R. Gigers wet dream
Feb 18, 2004
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If anyones played this you'll probabky have found the arcade machines, although most of them are pretty bolocks there is one good one: Duality.

I am aware that the source code is not available (duh...) but its a fairly simple game that shouldn't take too long to create (I could create the graphics if needed).

I mentioned this a while back however I didn't get much feedback (bummer)


I actually though it was a remake of some real game... And it would be ideal for the GP32

EDIT: Actually c0ncept was one of the few who replied :P
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Its a space game with some cool inertia effects, the game is REALLY very difficult to describe. but check the older thread as ringo made a pretty good attempt at it. I would add, that there are also small black and white balls. The white ones add energy to your weapon but drain your fuel while the black ones operate in reverse and add fuel but drain weapon energy.

[edit] I don't know any of the devvers but if anyone would like to mention it maybe one of them will have played it and could take it up.

As I said before I wouldn't mind making the graphics for it.
now I get it... I thought at first you meant you found a GTA : SA style game in Arcades and wanted a port of the Arcade version (Which doesnt exist I dont think :P )

now after reading It 3 more times can see you mean the arcade machines in SA :P