
I've tried playing this, however I can't find a handheld NES emulator that will play this correctly 100%. Anyone know of a handheld NES emulator that does? GP2X or GP32 prefered but willing to consider anything :-)

I thought it worked fine on the GP32 - I certainly played it for quite a while. What problems are you having with it?

It definitely doesn't work properly on any of the GP2X emulators though... :-(
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How are you planning to port it to GP2X? :blink:

Well that's quite simple really. Since it will be made up from my code + (two of my friends as it is a joint project) I will know how everything works quite easily. So it makes sense that it would be possible to port one of my own games.
It will have to be optimised for the GP2X And I would have to use one of the OGL libs that are being worked on.
Models will have to be simplified, etc. But I would say it is possible...

NOTE: Last post I'm making here about my space game project! Further info if needed can be obtained through a PM to me. ;) I don't went this thread to be derailed off topic! :)

Thumbs up!!! Make it real!

NOTE: This is my last post about your space game project ...(so far)! :lol:
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