I Got My Blu!!!.....+


Thew away PSP for a DS! WOOT
Apr 12, 2004
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Man, i havent started a thread in ages... anyways, i'm happy to announce that i've received my blu package for my translation.... but turns out it's a blu + :o . well, other than that, i got this wuruburu speaker looking thing hat i have no idea what it is... (except for the fact that it's some kind of webtoy) i got a copy of wbw, tomak, a gp link, and a limited edition asr carrying case (darn, i asked for the game, not the case... o well, it does look cool) well, thanks for all your support, folks.

p.s. can somebody name all the programs that has been rewritten for the blu+?

EDIT: the korean website is now selling smcs of different size containing asr the game... dang, mebbe i should ask them for a free copy ^_^
AFAIK, DrMD has a BLU+ option ... erm, Doom has been fixed ... that new snake game ... quite a few actually.
Nice to know that you've been awarded by GP for your fantastic work :)
I pray that you'll soon got ASR ;p why not ask them a new translate deal for this second masterpiece??? ;p
can't wait to play WBW :)
don't forget to give us your impression about it asap :P

Wishing you'll enjoy it :)
cool... How does WBW play?
it's an action oriented and i think it's a fun game. it does get pretty hard too... gah, i died too many times

When will the english version of wbw be for sale?
i'm still waiting for generalnmx to finish editing. i've sent about 30% of the edited version so i'm guessing a month or two

I pray that you'll soon got ASR ;p why not ask them a new translate deal for this second masterpiece???
i might ask ^_^

Are WBW and ASR from the same developers?
no, asr is a much bigger game than wbw (asr is 32mb). a&b soft is a two man team and i think sonori who made asr had more people than that.
Lethe posted on Feb 6 2005 at 11:12 PM said:
no, asr is a much bigger game than wbw (asr is 32mb). a&b soft is a two man team and i think sonori who made asr had more people than that.
A two man team :lol:
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aapje89 posted on Feb 7 2005 at 08:27 AM said:
Lethe posted on Feb 6 2005 at 11:12 PM said:
no, asr is a much bigger game than wbw (asr is 32mb). a&b soft is a two man team and i think sonori who made asr had more people than that.
A two man team :lol:

Respect B)

thanks Lethe for all these news :)
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yeah nice to see you lethe... you got a... hat as well?

i dunno much about the BLU+ stuff... erm... doom, frodo, castaway... vertical, bolcataxian... they've all been BLU+ updated I think...

can't think of any others off the top of my head.

edit: oh, i think you missed a w from the start of 'what' forget about my hat question... *blush*
yeah nice to see you lethe... you got a... hat as well?

i dunno much about the BLU+ stuff... erm... doom, frodo, castaway... vertical, bolcataxian... they've all been BLU+ updated I think...

can't think of any others off the top of my head.

edit: oh, i think you missed a w from the start of 'what' forget about my hat question... *blush*

well, it was actually meant to be "that"
a&b soft is a two man team and i think sonori who made asr had more people than that.


Sonnori Team

but then again...


Gamepark Team
Enslaved posted on Feb 10 2005 at 05:45 AM said:
Blah posted on Feb 10 2005 at 12:41 AM said:

Gamepark Team

Hmm... Who would have thought they would be cooking and eating instead of making games and listening to customers.

anyone who'd bought a gamepark product in the last 2 years... :P
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