I Flashed My Blu Already, Onyone Else?


Lactobacillus P
Apr 28, 2003
The Netherlands
I got my blu yesterday and I did flash my blu with Aquafish´s multifirmware already, just like my other one (I got that one in april 2003). I find pacrom the easiest to use, don´t care too much about the original ´european firmware´. The PC link in pacrom works a lot better than the one that was on the blu´s european firmware.

Anyone else already flashed their blu with their firmware of choice?
Yep. Mr Spiv's Multi FW2. I like Windups :D

.. still scared the shit out of me for 15 seconds or so :lol:
Flashing my brand new blu (after 1 day of experience with the original european firmware) made my heart jump a few skips aswell for like 15 secs. :P I put some fresh alkaline battries in it to do the absolutely safest flash procedure.

Then I put my super-rechargables back in!

I was having some second thoughts about overwriting the blu´s original firmware but mr Spiv´s / Aquafish´s firmware is indeed better than the original!


Try out watching divx´es on the blu, it´s amazing!