Gp Book V1.0


Dont get me wrong please ... I am really happy there is a new text reader for GP32. I just tried to point out a few things that took my attention when I ran it for the first time.

Czech characters "screw up" whole text ... it doesnt have anything in common with character set, but probably with text format as file with them is shown on 5 lines totally overwritten by itself ... pure mess if you ask me :)

I'd be glad to help you with adding/creating better font or anything, just let me know.
I used it the first time, its great
now, when I try to go back and use it, I get a bios error??
I delted the .cfg file, and still get a bios error
maybe batteries, I have a pair on charging now, but I can still play Quake 166...
hmm, maybe your program has a problem with saving settings, cause thats the last thing I did
also, should I exit via menu or via poweroff? I did the later, think thats a problem?
I would really like to get this to a always working state

Just replaced the bad shots with a better one and also added my favorite color scheme. I think white on green is best for eyes, try it :)

PiNa1971: OK, I just did not like your advertising much at that time.
Yes, when a file contains unsupported characters, it makes mess. In one of the previous versions, it was possible to open ONLY txt files, but THB raised the fact, that opening C, CPP and other files would come in handy too.
Octavious: Oh, thats strange. We have been testing it and that sort of thing never happened. If you switched your GP32 off when GP Book was saving settings, that could be the cause. But I will look into it as soon as possible anyway, hope there is no such bug in there...
WF: No offence m8 :)

I am sorry, you took it as advertisement, just wanted to share big news.

If there is a way I can create font for your reader, please let me know, I will do that as I'd like to use it...
PiNa1971: No harm done :)
When I was creating the font I already counted with future support of diacritics, so there should be no problem adding it. And you are right about the capital letters. I wanted to create a font different from the normal one but this has probably gotter too far in the "funny land", it is also apparent when you look on the thin numbers ;)
well, it works now, I just have to be suer I always exit via menu
no, I didnt exit during, a save, but now my whole damn GP is going crazy, Im gonna reformat and start clean with this an Quake, what more does one need?

Octavious: I am sorry that GP Book gave you trouble :(
I have tested it again and again and no problem for me, I guess it must be the firmware. THB has probably already contacted you, but what firmware do you use? I am using the one that comes with the BLU+, that is the european one.

If you had it on SMC along with Quake, it's most likely your SMC got corrupted during saving in quake - its known issue, discussed in other thread.

Retransfer of GP Book will probably help.
DRK: PDF is a pretty complex file format, various compression methods are used there and even if you ported some already completed source, it would not be possible to keep the formatting with pictures. I can imagine it would be possible to show at least the text in them, but why not use normal text files then??
Does anybody know how to make an animated gif with the four screenshots that you posted? :ph34r:

I'm going to post it on GP32World, but I don't know how to create animated gifs... :(
i'd also like to know how to make animated gifs... all the software i've tried you have to pay for.

and to keep this on topic: does it have a 'bookmark' function?
Very nice program for reading basic text files.

For this to be useful as a full-fledged e-book reader though, I would humbly make two suggestions:

- Auto-scroll (variable speed)
- Ability to read text files stored in a ZIP file.

Just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work! :)
Morwynd: Thanks for feedback :)
1) as it is made, it would only be possible to make auto-scroll that would jump from line to line, no smooth scrolling, is that still worth it? ;)
2) I admit I have no idea about how to access files inside a ZIP, will look around for some code to check. But anyway, are the text files you are going to read really that big to need zipping?