Mame Port News


Aug 22, 2004

After MultiPac emulator for last ADIC compo, i started my port of MAME 0.34.

I have tested to run Ok (but very slow): Ghosts & Goblins and PacMan.

I have not ported sound core nor controls yet, but it look very promissing.

I don't know how to attach an image in this forum, then please if you like to see an image of Ghosts & Goblins in action with Geepee32 0.40, go to


After MultiPac emulator for last ADIC compo, i started my port of MAME 0.34.

I have tested to run Ok (but very slow): Ghosts & Goblins and PacMan.

I have not ported sound core nor controls yet, but it look very promissing.

I don't know how to attach an image in this forum, then please if you like to see an image of Ghosts & Goblins in action with Geepee32 0.40, go to


Will there be any updates of Multipac? That worked at a good speed WITH sound.
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Next version of multipac and its source code will be released after the adic compo results.


Cool that is great. By the way were you able to get the gamma setting for that so that black is not grey like now? That would be cool, I like this emu alot. MAME will be good but everyone (someone else is porting it too) says it will be slow and have no sound. I like playing games that are playable with sound like Multipac. Thanks for the great work on it :)
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Awesome, keep up the good work.
Thanks for the greatness that is multipac, by the way.

MAME is a huge project, and a potential goldmine of really good mini-releases.
If someone lays the framework then others can optimize certain drivers (remove unneeded ones) and make single game releases with a nice presentation, something similar to IMRtech & others' releases on the Dreamcast. Info of another potential port of MAME is really a great piece of news! Good Luck with that!

fantastic news! I haven't got round to trying much from the adic compo, but this sounds REALLY cool. It's always good to see new devver's for the gp32 as well (If your not new please don't take offence, I just don't keep up with the current devvers very well!!)
Sounds excellent!

I was wondering if you are porting a newer release of MAME or a very older one. I remember MAME working quite well on my Pentium 100 in 1997. Maybe one of those older releases is the version to aim for.

At any rate, I am very looking forward to your MAME!
what games work on multipac???

PacMan, MS Pacman and all of the clones/bootlegs/hacks that were around in the day.

It runs real nice with sound right now. The sound is a bit off but not too bad, and the background gamma is a bit too high (grey) for BLUs but it is still better than anything we have now for Pac-emulation. If those things were fixed it would be the best.
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MAME is a huge project, and a potential goldmine of really good mini-releases.
If someone lays the framework then others can optimize certain drivers (remove unneeded ones) and make single game releases with a nice presentation, something similar to IMRtech & others' releases on the Dreamcast.  Info of another potential port of MAME is really a great piece of news!  Good Luck with that!


MAME is a huge project. Due to the overly bloated source code of mame it is usually too slow on a machine less than 400 Mhz. There have been previous attempts at bringing MAME to smaller handhelds with a good speed and sound, but these attempts have driven even the most experienced coders to the brink of madness :D

I guess the best hope would be to start over from the beginning with optimised ASM routeens and clean code with small platforms in mind rather than getting from the PC. This project or "MiniMame" could start with a few simpler drivers like Pac-Man and work from there.
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theres an unoptimized as of yet mame port coming along on the zodiac, there a compatibility and speed table here

zodiac MAME results

so this may show what may be the speed of things on the gp32

interesting times ahead! :D
I'm porting MAME 0.34, that i remember to run quite well on 486 machines and Pentium 100...

I have simplified a lot the source code and now it is 10 Mb (the complete source code is 15 Mb). Also I have pending a lot of code to remove...

In this beta the speed is about 50% in Ghosts'n Goblins, but i think there is something bad in the speed limiter (Pacman is very slow also). I have tested it with 133 mhz. Also i have nothing optimized yet (the video output is very ugly made now and it is very optimizable, i have not implemented dirty buffer yet also).

Then I think there is a lot of work to do yet.

When everything would be ported and playable i will release a test of the emulator with some games, but i think the project will be end in a month or so (if everything is progressing rasonable fast and if i don't find an huge problem in the future).

But there is a lot to do yet... Fingers crossing...

Antiriad: If you do some artwork it will be appreciated, please send it to me ( or visit #gp32dev in IRC-Hispano), but MAME will have a lot problems with the GP32 limited memory size and probably i will have to sacrifice the quality and size of the artwork...
